brer rabbit movie anyone? dvd


New Member
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has anyone seen the universal :brick: version new dvd of brer rabbit the rabbit story in splash mountain is it worth watching can my kids relate to the ride with the movie , thanks ps some people may relate better to this as song of the south maybe, if that helps


Active Member
The great thing about Splash Mountain is that you don't need to watch the movie to understand the story. The ride is the story. As for the movie, I have seen the sequence that splash mountain is based on; it's not even ten minutes long and it's very little of a Disney masterpiece. Song of the South's main appeal is the fact that we can't have it...
I didn't know that Universal had done a version of the story.

I would imagine it is not live action/animation mixed, but I wonder if the "Uncle Remus" character is in it.

Depending on how it goes...Disney may re-release Song of the South.

They probably won't, but I can dream, can't I?



New Member
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ok were getting offmy ? did anyone see this dvd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,now song of the south being withheld "am i not suposed to ask why its being witheld" i dont even want to guess i might put my foot in my mouth can someone explain in a fair justice way to all of us?


Account Suspended
RAY M N.J. said:
ok were getting offmy ? did anyone see this dvd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,now song of the south being withheld "am i not suposed to ask why its being witheld" i dont even want to guess i might put my foot in my mouth can someone explain in a fair justice way to all of us?

Q. Has Song of the South really been banned?

A. No. This is one of the long-standing myths surrounding this movie. It has been said that the NAACP banned the movie, but that simply isn't true. The NAACP did show their disapproval of the portrayal of African-Americans in the film even when Song of the South was being produced, however there hasn't been any official "banning" going on anywhere. As far as we know, Disney has taken it upon themselves to withhold this movie from the public. Supposedly, the NAACP has no current position on the film.

Q. Why can't I find this movie anywhere?

A. You cannot find this movie anywhere because after Song of the South's last theatrical release in 1986, Disney decided not to re-release it again, most likely because of the movie's "racial" stigma (although there are no documented complaints stemming from the movie's 1986 theatrical release.) The movie has been released on video and laserdisc in various foreign countries, but never in the United States. As of December 2001, Song of the South was withdrawn worldwide.

Q. What is so "racial" about this movie?

A. The general objections lie in the depiction of African-Americans within the live action sequences of the film, such as stereotyping. Some also mistakenly believe the movie depicts slavery, and consequently believe that Disney tried to "sugarcoat" slavery. In the 1940's, the NAACP charged the film with giving the impression of "an idyllic master-slave relationship."

Q. Will this movie ever be re-released?

A. Yes, eventually. We just don't know when. Various rumors have cropped up over the years hinting at this movie's release, the most recent one claiming it will be released on DVD in November 2006. Former head of Disney Feature Animation Thomas Schumacher declared that Song of the South had been placed on permanent moratorium, yet ________ Cook, Chairman of Walt Disney Studios, recently expressed confidence that the movie would be released. So, only time will tell.

In any event, Song of the South will become public domain in 2039, and you can bet Disney will release it before they lose the copyrights and the opportunity to make a profit.


Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
From what I have heard the question of the release of Song of the South was posed to Iger at a recent stockholders meeting. He basically stated that the movie wasn't ready for release. I am assuming that he was referring to image quality so there might need to me more work done on the restoration of the film.


Well-Known Member
Didn't Iger state at the shareholders meeting that he'd recently screened Song of the South and that he had reservations, or some such, and that the film would not be released in the foreseeable future? :cry:

Ah, here's a chunk of the info from the article I read: "...CEO Robert Iger debunked those rumors, claiming that he screened the movie recently and holds concerns about its depictions, even considering the context in which it was made. Citing "a sensitivity that exists in today's culture", he confirmed that a decision to not re-release the film ensures that a home video release will not be occurring in the foreseeable future."

I, personally, would like to see an official release one of the days, but I don't hold out much hope. I think the company is too scared of negative backlash.

Edit: And Master Yoda beat me to it while I was typing. :)

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
RAY M N.J. said:
has anyone seen the universal :brick: version new dvd of brer rabbit the rabbit story in splash mountain is it worth watching can my kids relate to the ride with the movie , thanks ps some people may relate better to this as song of the south maybe, if that helps
Do you have a link to this DVD? I have searched the IMDB and can't find a Universal DVD about Brer Rabbit.


New Member
Original Poster
this is what i thought, as for song of the south, all i can say is , were all equal may God bless you all, i mean that sincerely your friend ray
now did anybody see this darn dvd:)


New Member
Connor002 said:
The great thing about Splash Mountain is that you don't need to watch the movie to understand the story. The ride is the story. As for the movie, I have seen the sequence that splash mountain is based on; it's not even ten minutes long and it's very little of a Disney masterpiece. Song of the South's main appeal is the fact that we can't have it...

While I agree with your premise of a main part of the appeal is the movie being unavailable, I think the movie is better than you are giving it credit for. No, I don't think it is a "Disney Masterpiece" by any means. However, I do think it is a good movie and would like to add it to my Disney collection. I think the animated segments featuring Brer Rabbit etc. are very well done and I personally like them. I understand why Disney is not going to release it in the near future, I just disagree with them on this. Just my opinion.


Active Member
Bravesfn1 said:
While I agree with your premise of a main part of the appeal is the movie being unavailable, I think the movie is better than you are giving it credit for. No, I don't think it is a "Disney Masterpiece" by any means. However, I do think it is a good movie and would like to add it to my Disney collection. I think the animated segments featuring Brer Rabbit etc. are very well done and I personally like them. I understand why Disney is not going to release it in the near future, I just disagree with them on this. Just my opinion.

Get a copy at Ebay....


Well-Known Member
The bootlegs are good, considering most of them seem to be created from the laserdiscs. But it would be nice to see the film get a little love and a special edition of some variety or other. Unfortunately unless you have a LD player (hugs mine), a bootleg DVD is going to be the only option available if you want to see the film. I should probably torrent my LD one day...


Active Member
Bravesfn1 said:
Yeah, I could do that, but are the boot leg copies of a good quality? Even if they are, I would prefer an official Disney release sometime in the distant future.

Obviously not as good as DVD.. but not bad.. it is watchable.. I give the quality I got a 7 out of 10...


Well-Known Member
It's hard to nail a definite quality on the bootleg DVDs. It all depends on who did the transfer, how they did it, and what the source media was. I've seen some that are made from horrendous VHS tapes and some that are identical to the laserdisc. There's no guarantee what you'll get, sight unseen.


Well-Known Member
I got a sick feeling in my stomach as soon as i saw this preview. I guess i'm going to go with the bootleg copy and order it off ebay. Sure its foreign, but why miss not seeing a classic movie because stupid politically correct b.s.:cool:


Well-Known Member
The laserdisc born DVDs aren't really that bad. If they're generated from the Japanese discs then there are only subtitles during the songs. That's the only deviation from a purely US version. However, sometimes you can find DVDs burned off the very rare Hong Kong discs. Those had no subtitles at all. One or the other, though, it's still nice to have a copy of the film. It's one of my favorites.

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