Ditto -- us, too. Mini-boxes of Cereal, and packages of Pop Tarts or granola bars, are lightweight and easy to pack (we manage to fit them in our luggage even though we travel carryon-only). I bring some picnicware bowls and spoons as well, and we just buy milk at the resort -- and then use the extra room in our luggage for souvenirs on the return trip.
Ditto to the ditto to the ditto
We pack a collapsible cooler in our check on luggage and put cream cheese and coffee creamer in it, and any other non-liquid cold items. It stays really cold under the plane. We also pack granola bars, boxed cereal, snacks to take down to the pool (gold fish, cheez-its, twizzlers, etc.), snacks we can pack in our backpacks for the park, nighttime snacks (i.e., plastic bottles of wine for mom and dad
). I also always pack a pool bag to take down to the pool that I can put the snacks and all of the pool gear in
The nice thing is that all of this stuff takes up a considerable amount of space in the suitcase, which then leaves us room for all of our purchases for the way home when the food has been consumed.
The only thing I buy there for the room is milk. I usually go down to the quick service and ask for bowls and silverware to take back up to the room. There have never turned me down. Oh! I know this is off topic, but I pack liquid laundry detergent, too. We like to do our laundry there during the down time so I don't have to do it all when we get home. For whatever reason, some of the hotels only sell the powder detergent, but their washing machines are designed for liquid detergent
So, now I pack that, too.