An Idea I had, though I know it's a bit early for a ride of this movie, was for Brave. It would go in where Snow White was formally, and a mural of Merida and her mother would be featured in the queue, of the scene at the start of the film, when the King gives her the bow. The seats would be the ships of the Four Clans, like Peter Pan, and have the different clan symbols as seen in the movie. The next scene we receive is a quick glimpse of Merida shooting arrows, and the three lords an their sons looking angrily at her. Next we see Elinor arguing with her daughter of marriage, next to the fireplace. A quote from the movie, Merida saying she wants her freedom and Elinor asking if she is willing to pay the price her freedom will cost. These two scenes would take place in the same room, where the scene of the Evil Queen and Snow White by the well formally was. Skip along to the witch's cauldron, where she hands Merida a cake promsing it will change her fate. Next we see Merida's mother realizing she has become a bear, and a quick cut-out of the fishing scene. As you move along to the next room, a cut-out of the triplets as bears handing Merida a key can be seen. Where the witch on the mountain formally was, it will be Mor'du being crushed by the rock, and the final scene will be Elinor hugging Merida under the tapestry, and the rest of the family happily hugging.
I'd love to hear your opinion on this.
An Idea I had, though I know it's a bit early for a ride of this movie, was for Brave. It would go in where Snow White was formally, and a mural of Merida and her mother would be featured in the queue, of the scene at the start of the film, when the King gives her the bow. The seats would be the ships of the Four Clans, like Peter Pan, and have the different clan symbols as seen in the movie. The next scene we receive is a quick glimpse of Merida shooting arrows, and the three lords an their sons looking angrily at her. Next we see Elinor arguing with her daughter of marriage, next to the fireplace. A quote from the movie, Merida saying she wants her freedom and Elinor asking if she is willing to pay the price her freedom will cost. These two scenes would take place in the same room, where the scene of the Evil Queen and Snow White by the well formally was. Skip along to the witch's cauldron, where she hands Merida a cake promsing it will change her fate. Next we see Merida's mother realizing she has become a bear, and a quick cut-out of the fishing scene. As you move along to the next room, a cut-out of the triplets as bears handing Merida a key can be seen. Where the witch on the mountain formally was, it will be Mor'du being crushed by the rock, and the final scene will be Elinor hugging Merida under the tapestry, and the rest of the family happily hugging.