Trip Report BoardWalkin’ Around the World- COMPLETED


It’s been a minute since I’ve had a trip, but I have so enjoyed keeping up with things in your reports!

Now, I am SO excited to share that, like many others here, I’ll be visiting the mouse THIS week! And away we go!

When: May 30-June 4, 2023

Where: BoardWalk Inn

Who: Me and my dad, R. We are very excited for this father-daughter trip!



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It was SO close to our BG so we just sat and relaxed.

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GotG Review: The hype is real. I LOVED it. I get bad motion sickness in vehicles so I was worried about this ride, but it didn’t bother me at all. Dad, on the other hand, who never gets motion sickness, had issues. He had to regroup for a bit on a bench afterwards. 😳
First, I so copied you over a year ago and bought those Teva's. Best investment ever. I love them so much there are times I have to make myself not wear them. It already makes me sad just thinking about the day they will wear out.

Second. Um We have to know what song they played on GOTG! :oops::hilarious: right @Darstarr


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First, I so copied you over a year ago and bought those Teva's. Best investment ever. I love them so much there are times I have to make myself not wear them. It already makes me sad just thinking about the day they will wear out.

Second. Um We have to know what song they played on GOTG! :oops::hilarious: right @Darstarr

HA! It was One Way Or Another this time! I am glad you love the Tevas! They are my favorite Disney shoe, especially if there is rain in the forecast. I have had mine for a couple years now and they are still going strong!


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Day 2 Continued…
After our bench break for Dad to recover from GotG, we decided that part of his issue was probably that he rode on an empty stomach because it was lunch time! We stopped and got some bottled drinks and then entered the Showcase.

Due to the timing of a later FEA LL, we started in Canada (sorry).

We loved the beef tips at F&G last time, so it was a must. It was great! I don’t like mushrooms at ALL, but I scarfed them down in this dish.


Northern Bloom (Canada): Beef Tenderloin Tips, Mushroom Bordelaise Sauce and Whipped Potatoes with Garden Vegetables

Dad wanted to check out the new (to him) circle-vision film so we did that as well. Big fans of Levy and O’Hara, but I felt it didn’t quite meet its potential.


On through the UK…


We are both still disappointed that the Mary Poppins IP has yet to make its way into this area.

Next we stopped in France and I tried this. I had very high expectations.


Fleur de Lys (France): Beignet Caramélisé, Fourré Crème Vanille, Glacé au Caramel Fleur de Sel: Caramelized Beignet filled with Vanilla Cream and glazed with Caramel Fleur de Sel

It was not great. It seemed like it had been sitting out for quite a while. Dad finished it for me, along with a beer from this booth (Kronenbourg Blanc 1664 Draft Beer).

We continued to make our way around the world…


Live entertainment in Morocco!


This awesome sound/water garden in Japan! The sign said that they were originally used to scare away animals from fields.


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I have always loved the Voices of Liberty. We walked right up in the middle of their performance so we got to enjoy a bit! It has always been amazing to me. It was great today as usual!


We didn’t stay for the theater show. Instead, we walked over here!


I had started the day with a 1:40 ADR for Via Napoli but cancelled it earlier because we were worried we wouldn’t make it in time. What time did we walk-up? 1:45! Thankfully they still took us as a walk-up and we were seated within 5 minutes.

Disappointed to have no statues out the window, @Tuvalu.


But, we did get Mickey!


Dad got the Tortellini and I got a Margherita Pizza (supposed to be personal size, but it was quite large!) Both were fantastic and good portions. As Dad said, “This is enough pasta for the whole family”. 😂



We noticed on this trip that the cultural representatives are back. I was SO happy to see this return post-pandemic!

I got a picture with Lady and the Tramp on the way out.


And then as we walked towards FEA for our LL, we admired the trains in Germany. I love the little details.




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FEA is one that we often skip but since we had LL today and it was available, I grabbed it.


It had been down some this AM so the LL was a little backed up. Soon though, we were visiting with Olaf himself!


Oh yeah, the sisters were there too.


I nearly lost my ears on the hill. 😂


After Frozen, we decided it was time to make our way back to the Boardwalk for a bit. I had been stacking LL’s all afternoon for our evening plan to go to MK. At this point I had HM, BTMRR, and JC booked all in a row starting at 5:30. We found that stacking them like this was a very good way to use Genie+.

On the way out, I admired the lack of giant barges. 😍


And, took some pictures with the Ball.



(Please disregard my post-Guardians and Test Track hair 😂)

Back to Canada to go to the IG, and we came across more live entertainment! LOVE IT! This group reminded us oddly of country music.


Then finally, I got to meet Daisy. She enjoyed seeing herself on my shirt.




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We were pleased to see that daily housekeeping has officially returned. It was lovely coming back each day to the beds made and things tidy.


After a rest and costume change, we were on our way to MK! Dad decided he wanted to ride the monorail over so into Epcot for a second time we went.




I was still quite excited about the way it worked out with these LL’s. 😅


I thought these planters looked literally like GIANT flowerpots.


(Although by definition, I guess that is what a planter is. 😂)

On to the monorail we go!



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Day 2 Continued…
We entered MK and walked right up to the Adventure Friends Cavalcade (the best one, IMO).

I am so glad they have kept these going post-pandemic. It is great to see a little “parade” without standing out in the heat for half an hour.




Just look at her! I thought I’d miss the 50th embellishments but it is just perfect without them. 😍


(It was a bit crowded on Main Street USA).


We made our way straight back to the mansion because it was already within the window for our LL.




We walked right up to this point, despite a long stand-by queue.


…I offer you this chilling challenge, to find a WAY OUT!

Of course, there’s always my way…

Phew. We found a way. Into a surprisingly empty Frontierland!


It was starting to really look like a storm so we were trying to decide what to do before our BTMRR LL opened up.


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We didn’t want to leave the area, so we headed towards the MPB!

But first, we checked on the progress of TBA… another rather unfortunate acronym by Disney 😂


We also paused to obtain our Tron BG for the EEH.


Got it!

I am very excited for this ride! And, hopefully a restaurant too!



Funny story, we almost didn’t make it to the train. The entrance appeared to be roped off and us and another party were both perplexed. There were signs saying to enter there, but nowhere to enter. We nearly gave up, thinking that it was closed for the weather, but just as we were leaving we saw a lady go further under the “bridge” and make it through the rope. There was an entrance, but it was tight and in between two columns. I thought we’d get up the stairs and be sent away by a CM, but everything was fine. We are just dumb. 😂



I liked this perspective.

After one round around, it was time for BTMRR. Thankfully no rain, yet!


It started raining soon after we got off. We decided to grab some dinner at Pecos Bills. No pictures because we were starving but we both got burgers that were dry but got the job done. I also got this strawberry slush. It was good!


After I had scanned for BTMRR earlier, I grabbed us another LL for PotC that was for now. We headed there next and walked right on! It was raining good now so we were thankful for some cover.




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It was time for our next LL for JC so on we went! We had a FANTASTIC skipper, but I didn’t write down her name. She was great and told some jokes that were new to us. This was another ride I thought we might get a ME for due to the weather, but nope! I guess no lightning in the area.


I grabbed another LL for Buzz that opened right now also, so we went there next. No pictures because I was quite mad that after my intense bragging in line, I scored horribly. Only a planetary pilot. AND Dad beat me. There was definitely something wrong with my shooter. 😂

There was a little bit of time left before HEA so we did two rounds on the PeopleMover.


No orange cones to be found!

We went to find a spot for HEA and walked up just as they were filling the street in the hub. We got a great spot and waited it out in the rain. (Don’t worry, I put the umbrella down before the show! It was excellent for helping maintain a good radius around us prior though.)



I have MISSED this show. Enchantment just was not the same. I was so excited to finally see it again! 🤍




After many started to head out and find their happily ever after on the buses, we went to search for ours in Tomorrowland at the Laugh Floor, which I had another LL for but didn’t really need.


While in Tomorrowland…




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At this point, it was getting close to the start of EEH. We had the BG for Tron and didn’t want to wander far because we had no idea if we’d be called soon or not. We wanted to do Space too, but currently the wait was too long for our liking. We decided to sit for a minute and have a coke.


He is happy, just also tired and wet because it was STILL raining.

After a little break, we did something we haven’t done in YEARS.



My sister got me this raincoat so I was showing her it was being put to use.


To save all of you I’ll say, this was miserable in the rain. 0/10. 😂

With the rain and our tiredness, we decided to just hang out at Tron until our BG time. I have no idea if this is typical, but on this evening the EEH BG’s started with 208 I think? We were 231. We waited under the canopy for about 40 minutes.





We got called and got to go and WOW! I had heard many complaints that it was too short, but we both thought it was great. We were the very front and it was SO fun! No ride picture unfortunately.

We had less than a half hour left of park time but that was enough for one more ride!



This was hilariously rough after just doing Tron, but we had a great time!

We took a bus back to Boardwalk and ended the evening quickly. It was a great day, with 10+ LL’s and BG’s for both Guardians and Tron!

Up next… Day 3: MK and HS!


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Here are some ride photos that we got from the day. I forgot to include them earlier.

This photo originally was missing. I filled out a report with PhotoPass though and they found it a few days later!


I most certainly did NOT nail it.


Can you tell I am mad about my bad score? 😂


Were we riding against our will? The world will never know.



Premium Member
We thought after hours began at 10 that night and imagined our BG 206 would be called soon after. So after HEA we hung around Tomorrowland waiting and waiting….

Then we discovered after hours began at 11pm, and that TRON clears out the BGs of day guests before calling after hours groups (202 and higher). We were called at 10:50-ish, got in line at 11 and were off before 11:30. The preshow was not running (which you probably did not realize) so throughput could go faster. (Too bad, the preshow has a great special effect.)

Sorry we missed each other!


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We thought after hours began at 10 that night and imagined our BG 206 would be called soon after. So after HEA we hung around Tomorrowland waiting and waiting….

Then we discovered after hours began at 11pm, and that TRON clears out the BGs of day guests before calling after hours groups (202 and higher). We were called at 10:50-ish, got in line at 11 and were off before 11:30. The preshow was not running (which you probably did not realize) so throughput could go faster. (Too bad, the preshow has a great special effect.)

Sorry we missed each other!
Ah okay! I knew it was in the early 200’s for EEH. That is good to know you were called a little before EEH began. We were wondering if that would be the case for anyone.

Is the pre show where we stood in the small room and some things happened and then the wall turned transparent and we could see the coaster? (For lack of a better description 😂) If so, then it was happening when we went through!

I hate we missed each other too! We had to be so close all evening!
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Premium Member
Ah okay! I knew it was in the early 200’s for EEH. That is good to know you were called a little before EEH began. We were wondering if that would be the case for anyone.
Glad the preshow was working for you! It wasn’t working for us on Friday morning either, so we missed out on 2 of our 3 rides.


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We were close to you during HEA
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We then went to people mover and rode at 9:55 pm

Then Tron after that

Pretty close to your walk pattern


We also weren’t far from you for HEA. We also headed to Tomorrowland afterwards to say hi to @amjt660 . We were likely directly across from you when you entered monsters inc!
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Wow! I cannot believe how close we all were! That is wild. I wish I had been paying better attention, although as you both know from being there, it was quite a battle to make it into Tomorrowland after the show 😅

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