Then obviously, the ball has been dropped and the powers that be don't care. Case in point...we were there in mid-May. Rode Splash on Tuesday. right after the first drop outside, where the cart is on the left, there were 3 or 4 empty water/soda bottles. We rode it again on Friday...I purposely checked again...STILL THERE. As a matter of fact, the label on the Sprite bottle was beginning to fade from being in the hot sun for so long. So if that's the case, how long were they actually there? As we were getting out of the log, I mentioned it to a CM. My DD was in the CP a few years ago and said that CM's always walk the attractions before opening...are they blind, don't care or it's just not getting addressed? It was always those little details that set Disney parks WAY above everyone else. Now, in many ways, that's no longer the case.