Bluey (on Disney+)


Well-Known Member
Yes, I get that, but none of that matters in the slightest. I'm saying they need to pony up now. As far as the unknown point, that's still on Disney for not recognizing what it could be. I'll stand by saying it was pretty obvious it was going to be big before Disney put it on D+. It also would not have been expensive to just get the rights for both and then you're set. As I said, they spend butt tons of cash on crap all the time. They spent the money for the streaming rights so they saw something in it.

I wouldn't say it's unknown. I've seen where they've said movies and specials and another season isn't ruled out in the future. With all that said, I see no reason that parents will stop slapping their kids in front of the tv to watch bluey any time soon. I foresee it being at the top of the D+ charts for the next 5 to 10yrs if not longer. You don't need a big ride, but at least have a show with a meet and greet. The merchandise will make it worthwhile all by itself.
This is my opinion too. This show was dynamite from the get-go. Absent some astronomical price-tag, I can't see a good reason why Disney wouldn't have grabbed the theme park rights as well. Iger et al. are paid ungodly sums of money to make decisions about the future, without knowing for sure what's going to happen. I'd say they definitely dropped the ball on this one.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Anyways we don't know if the creator is even willing to sell the theme park rights to Disney at this point. We don't know if its just too prohibitively expensive either even if they were for sale. Say for example if the creator is asking for $50B for the theme park rights, is that worth it? Probably not, so again its easy to just say they should pony up the money when you don't know how much that would be.
Yes we don't know the cost. And yea, if it's 50bil then of course it's not worth it. But I highly doubt that it would be more than an Avatar, or star wars. And sure, it could very well be, but I just really doubt it.
Well I hope you've made a fortune from all these things you seem to think are obvious, ie its easy to say this now 5 years after the fact. ;)
I'm guessing you don't have a 3 to 7yr old? Because if you did, it was pretty obvious. This wasn't some Nostradamus prediction. I believe it was out around a year before Disney got the broadcast rights. It had a pretty decent following by the time it came to Disney. Nothing is a guarantee, but there was enough information there to tell them bluey was going to be a hit. They just blew it.
And while yes I think it'll continue to be a streaming hit, if nothing new comes out for years that demand will wane.
But being a streaming hit is what matters most to Disney and it's parks decisions. There are always going to be 3 to 6yr olds that the parents need something for them to watch. Also, don't forget get that a whole lot of adults love the show as well. My oldest daughter watched everything they've released just because she loved it. When the time comes, guess who's kids are going to be watching it as well? There's plenty of reasons, outside of it might cost 50bil, that it wouldn't be a good thing to do to get it now.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
The series seems pretty personal; most of the episodes are written by the creator, Bluey and Bingo are based on his kids, and he seems to have a specific view of what he wants out of it.

I don't know how the rights are actually distributed and if it's something he has real control over, but I wouldn't be too shocked if whoever does hold them didn't view selling to Disney as worth it. Sometimes creators are protective. We already had a similar thing with J.K. Rowling; she didn't like their pitch and not letting her have creative control, so she decided against it.

They've already got world wide recognition, are raking in money, and have got a live show, a full scale replica of the family's house, and some kind of interactive hide and seek attraction going on, and that's just what I know about. Why bother including Disney?

(Setting aside the whole issue of them even being up for grabs or not.)
The creator of the greatest comic strip of all time is notoriously anti-licensing, costing him untold millions.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Yes we don't know the cost. And yea, if it's 50bil then of course it's not worth it. But I highly doubt that it would be more than an Avatar, or star wars. And sure, it could very well be, but I just really doubt it.
Well until we know the cost, how about we just assume that its not something cheap at this point, like under the price of Avatar's rights at the time or even under the $4B they paid for LFL. As I'm sure if the rights were still for sale and in a price range Disney is willing to pay they would have by now.

I'm guessing you don't have a 3 to 7yr old? Because if you did, it was pretty obvious. This wasn't some Nostradamus prediction. I believe it was out around a year before Disney got the broadcast rights. It had a pretty decent following by the time it came to Disney. Nothing is a guarantee, but there was enough information there to tell them bluey was going to be a hit. They just blew it.
Tell me you don't know the history of Bluey without telling me you don't know the history of Bluey.

Bluey debuted on November 2018 in Australia, and Disney acquired the broadcasting rights by June of 2019. So it was less than a year by the time Disney got the broadcast rights, it hadn't even finished its first season yet. It debuted on Disney Jr in September 2019, and January 2020 on D+. So it was even less than a year before Disney was even broadcasting it on Disney Jr, again it hadn't even finished its first full season yet.

Which means that it was very shortly after it debuted in 2018 is when Disney actually began talking to the owners of Bluey about broadcasting it. So yes it wasn't yet a known property yet, only having been seen in Australia at that point. So yes it was a missed opportunity, but if it hadn't blown up as it has you'd be sitting here cursing Iger or whomever on the wasted money they spent on a silly blue dog. So again hindsight is always 20/20, but let's not somehow pretend you'd make the right call every time if put into the same position at the time with an unknown property less than 6 months old.

Also you don't know my family, so don't guess. I won't even tell you how many Bluey birthday parties I've been to in the last couple years.

But being a streaming hit is what matters most to Disney and it's parks decisions. There are always going to be 3 to 6yr olds that the parents need something for them to watch. Also, don't forget get that a whole lot of adults love the show as well. My oldest daughter watched everything they've released just because she loved it. When the time comes, guess who's kids are going to be watching it as well? There's plenty of reasons, outside of it might cost 50bil, that it wouldn't be a good thing to do to get it now.
Once again you're making assumptions that A. Disney isn't actively trying to get the rights, B. That they are even for sale at this point, and C. That they are within a price range Disney is willing to pay and not prohibitively expensive. As I said its easy to just say pony up the money when you don't know all the details while posting on a internet forum.

So lets just agree that if the rights were available and something in Disney's price range they'd have the theme park rights right now.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Well until we know the cost, how about we just assume that its not something cheap at this point, like under the price of Avatar's rights at the time or even under the $4B they paid for LFL. As I'm sure if the rights were still for sale and in a price range Disney is willing to pay they would have by now.
Tell me you're shilling for Disney without telling me you're shilling for Disney. I know enough about Bluey to know that there was plenty of evidence that the odds of the show being a big hit were pretty high. That's what good executives do, they anticipate. And at the time it would have been a bargain investment. We're talking about a company that took a flyer on a billion dollar star cruiser idea that was doa.
Bluey debuted on November 2018 in Australia, and Disney acquired the broadcasting rights by June of 2019. So it was less than a year by the time Disney got the broadcast rights, it hadn't even finished its first season yet. It debuted on Disney Jr in September 2019, and January 2020 on D+. So it was even less than a year before Disney was even broadcasting it on Disney Jr, again it hadn't even finished its first full season yet.
Yea I don't know everything about blueys history. I do know it was being watched by people in the states before it came to Disney in the states. I know plenty of people watching on YouTube before it was at Disney.
Once again you're making assumptions that A. Disney isn't actively trying to get the rights, B. That they are even for sale at this point, and C. That they are within a price range Disney is willing to pay and not prohibitively expensive. As I said its easy to just say pony up the money when you don't know all the details while posting on a internet forum
Wait, so you're not making assumptions? Of course it's assumptions, you even said while posting on a discussion forum, assumptions are implied. I know we've had this conversation before. Yea I think it's easy to say just pony up. I'm not the one who came out and said the driving force behind what comes to the parks is D+ engagement. Your most popular D+ content isn't in the parks. That's a miss, that's really not debatable.

Disney is a huge corporation that seems to spend tons of cash on a lot of trash. Bluey has been their top performer on D+ for a long time now. I'm just not going to give them a pass or make excuses for them. Disney might very well think Bluey isn't worth the investment. But that runs contrary to what we've been told. And I would agree with everything you say if Disney had said they wanted too much money and a whole land dedicated to it. But there's been zero indication from Disney that was the case. So if I assume, it's because that's the conclusion I make based off the information we have. It's no different then the monsters inc muppets fiasco. If they didn't have an actual placement set, come out and say that and avoid the poop storm altogether.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Tell me you're shilling for Disney without telling me you're shilling for Disney. I know enough about Bluey to know that there was plenty of evidence that the odds of the show being a big hit were pretty high. That's what good executives do, they anticipate. And at the time it would have been a bargain investment. We're talking about a company that took a flyer on a billion dollar star cruiser idea that was doa.
And if it didn't work out you'd be yelling to high heavens that Iger was the biggest bonehead for spending money on an unproven silly Australian blue dog. It was a gamble either way, and it didn't work out this time. And I've said now a couple times it was a missed opportunity.

Yea I don't know everything about blueys history. I do know it was being watched by people in the states before it came to Disney in the states. I know plenty of people watching on YouTube before it was at Disney.
It was still a virtually unknown property at the time which is the point.

Wait, so you're not making assumptions? Of course it's assumptions, you even said while posting on a discussion forum, assumptions are implied. I know we've had this conversation before. Yea I think it's easy to say just pony up. I'm not the one who came out and said the driving force behind what comes to the parks is D+ engagement. Your most popular D+ content isn't in the parks. That's a miss, that's really not debatable.

Disney is a huge corporation that seems to spend tons of cash on a lot of trash. Bluey has been their top performer on D+ for a long time now. I'm just not going to give them a pass or make excuses for them. Disney might very well think Bluey isn't worth the investment. But that runs contrary to what we've been told. And I would agree with everything you say if Disney had said they wanted too much money and a whole land dedicated to it. But there's been zero indication from Disney that was the case. So if I assume, it's because that's the conclusion I make based off the information we have. It's no different then the monsters inc muppets fiasco. If they didn't have an actual placement set, come out and say that and avoid the poop storm altogether.
And yet you're one of the people complaining that Disney is spending too much on D+ content. So I find just a bit ironic that you're being the most vocal now, I don't really see anyone else posting about it, for Disney to spend unknown amounts of money on something from D+.

We're now just talking past each other. I've already said it was missed opportunity. And I've already agreed they should buy the rights if they are affordable and available. If neither of those were clear well I just clarified it. So I'm not sure what more you want out of this conversation other than trying to shout me down so you can bash on Disney some more.


Well-Known Member
And if it didn't work out you'd be yelling to high heavens that Iger was the biggest bonehead for spending money on an unproven silly Australian blue dog. It was a gamble either way, and it didn't work out this time. And I've said now a couple times it was a missed opportunity.
If you're right, you get praised; if you're wrong, you get criticized. That's the job. That's why Iger gets the big bucks.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Sure. Although, in this instance they would be spending on the parks. That's typically less of a complaint here.
You've been here awhile, there are complaints about everything, even for the Parks. And if it came out that Disney spent money on theme park rights for a property that failed you can be sure there would be hundreds of pages of complaints about waste of money while X didn't get funded, etc. So they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. And people wonder why there are rumors of not many from the outside want to be the CEO of Disney.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
And yet you're one of the people complaining that Disney is spending too much on D+ content. So I find just a bit ironic that you're being the most vocal now, I don't really see anyone else posting about it, for Disney to spend unknown amounts of money on something from D+.
I do think they've spend too much on D+ content. But there is context that needs to be added. I've said they spend too much, I won't deny it. But if you see what I've written it's things like the Acolyte. Nearly 200mil for a concept that wasn't very successful on the print side of things with unproven show runners. That's a risk, not bluey. I don't have problems spending money where warranted. Never have I said Disney spent too much for star wars, marvel or Pixar... They were all solid investments even not being early on. I complain how lucasfilm has been run, not that they spent 4bil. If they make a decision that is what should be a smart move, and doesn't pan out, that's fine.

The problem I have with your statement is, the theme park rights have nothing to do with D+ streaming cost. Would I have been mad and cursing Iger if they spent the money and bluey failed? Maybe. It comes down to context again. If Iger spent star wars money on it, yea, bad move. But we can reasonably assume that it wasn't that high of a number, even now. And if it was that high, yea, don't do it. But if it was, there's a VERY high likelihood that information comes out at this point.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
I do think they've spend too much on D+ content. But there is context that needs to be added. I've said they spend too much, I won't deny it. But if you see what I've written it's things like the Acolyte. Nearly 200mil for a concept that wasn't very successful on the print side of things with unproven show runners. That's a risk, not bluey. I don't have problems spending money where warranted. Never have I said Disney spent too much for star wars, marvel or Pixar... They were all solid investments even not being early on. I complain how lucasfilm has been run, not that they spent 4bil. If they make a decision that is what should be a smart move, and doesn't pan out, that's fine.

The problem I have with your statement is, the theme park rights have nothing to do with D+ streaming cost. Would I have been mad and cursing Iger if they spent the money and bluey failed? Maybe. It comes down to context again. If Iger spent star wars money on it, yea, bad move. But we can reasonably assume that it wasn't that high of a number, even now. And if it was that high, yea, don't do it. But if it was, there's a VERY high likelihood that information comes out at this point.
I don't know what the theme park rights price tag was in 2018, and I don't know what it is now, and neither do you. But I can safely assume if they are available now and within a reasonable price range Disney would 150% purchase them. Saying anything else is just playing semantics at this point.

So lets just agree to disagree on the rest and move on.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Sure. Although, in this instance they would be spending on the parks. That's typically less of a complaint here.
That's very true. Even the biggest of doom and gloomers don't really complain about spending on the parks. Do they complain about the final product? Absolutely. As it should be if the product is sub par. Never once did I complain about the money spent on galaxys edge. Do I think the land is fairly mediocre? Yes. But not because of what they spent, but how they spent. I'd approve a star wars land every time though. If done right, it's one of the smartest moves that could be made.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
But I can safely assume if they are available now and within a reasonable price range Disney would 150% purchase them.
Well what do you know, they were working on it.

I find it funny how Iger says D+ viewership determines what ends up in the parks. Yet they passed on the theme park rights? I know it's not a "Disney" property, but neither was star wars, Avatar, muppets, wizard of oz, twilight zone... It just seems very odd, and a huge missed opportunity.
Well it appears they came to an agreement after all and are bringing Bluey into the Parks in 2025.


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