Feel free to hand out $20 bills next time you are at WDW if you feel they are underpaid, just leave my money out of it and I have no issue with it. But don't try and drag me along with the ideal that I should pay more to go to WDW because they need to pay their people more based on nothing more than personal and subjective feelings. If market factors demand they pay them more and I in turn have to pay more then I am fine with it.
I don't have a college degree, I never felt the need for one. I have no issue with degrees but it never was something I wanted to get. I grew up middle class, went in the Marine Corps right after high school. Worked a number of jobs after that. Started with my present company in 1999 and worked my way up thru the system, I knew no one in the company when I started and really did not know the industry very well. Only thing that has carried me is a strong work ethic and a great attitude. It still carries me to this day so IMO attitu matters more than almost anything. It's not as simple as "if I think I can I will" but is is as simple as "if I think I can't then I won't", that has always been true.
I have been as broke as anyone on this board I would bet, I understand that part of the issue only too well. I also understand that was what help drive me to do better, to get myself out of that lifestyle. It was my responsibility to do so, not my companies or my governments. Nothing wrong with getting a helping hand up when you are down, I certainly have had people help me. But if no hand is there then you have to decide to either stay on you butt or pull yourself up. IMO too many people stay on their butt looking for that hand from the government or their company and when it does not appear they start placing blame.
But keep in mine I am a right wing nut from Texas so.......
Have you been paying attention?
Record levels of debt per person & the cost of living vs minimum wage is laughable. Our economy is not stable at all.
The market has been demanding people get paid more. But too many businesses & people, like yourself, believe its not their problem. And the problem with that logic is that whether you like it or not, it is your problem.
Do you understand that if businesses don't pay employees a livable wage, they will have to seek help elsewhere... Government assistance. And who is paying for that? Taxpayers... Me... You.
So whether you spend an extra $50 on your Disney vacation or pay more in taxes... You will pay for it.
I'm glad things worked out for you. But the late 90s and today's economy & society are so different.
Many jobs were shipped overseas or have been replaced with technology.
People with degrees are a dime a dozen.... Today, if its a job that pays well, most likely it requires a degree. Do you believe that if you tried to get your same entry level today without a degree, that would be able to like you did 1999?
Even jobs just answering phones can require business degrees now a days.
I said earlier I currently have no degree yet but am in school. I do okay for myself with my high dipolma but if I had my degree, I could be getting paid double at another company or working for state, doing the exact same work.
Even the ability to move up has diminished with people working longer and retiring later. My mother didn't get her first promotion until she hit 16 years with her job. She has since been promoted two more times since then.
It didn't take you that long but it can for other people to move up the ladder.
Please don't believe that people want to rely on government aid. Most people are ashamed to admit they are on government assistance.
You see so many people working multiple jobs because they want to get out of their current situation. Its so hard to get an job making $30,000 without a degree. And its expensive to get a degree.
You can blame laziness but making it today is much harder than ever before.
We can agree to disagree tho... But imo anyone who works hard and puts in their 40 hours or more just like me, deserves to earn a living wage. I'd rather live in a world where we all have something than a world where some have and some don't.