Premium Member
Two things:Unpopular opinion: close Typhoon Lagoon, invest into a better Blizzard Beach, build a hotel next to Blizzard Beach in theme with Winter Summer Land or whatever it is, then use the land of TL to build something people want to go to. Most visitors to WDW have a water park near their home. While it may not be to the same theme as BB or TL, water slides are water slides. Build something different people will want to go to.
They don’t build themed hotels anymore…only timeshares without theming
They don’t spend capital to entice people to come anymore…which was fundamental to their business model from 1970-2004
Now it’s “here’s what we got…come if you want to pay what we say it’s worth in the market”
In a world of over reaching cynicism…that might be one on the top of my list