Blizzard Beach - Frozen Over!


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Does anybody know the operational times for Blizzard Beach?

I've travelled from the UK twice since it opened and it's always closed for refurbishments so I've never actually been! I love Typhoon Lagoon as a day-break from the hustle and bustle of the park and would love another park such as this to be available.

I'm coming this year between Oct 26th - Nov 9th and I've got a nasty little feeling it's gonna be closed again...



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So apart from any potential refurbs, Blizzard Beach should be open all year? (Withstanding holidays like Christamas, Thanksgiving etc...)


New Member
Nope - BB goes down every year for about a month - as does Typhoon lagoon - it's a seasonal thing and each year BB is usually first and is usually in november... but this isn't set in stone and could change at any time... but I don't ever remember either of the waterparks being closed in october so maybe if you go early in your trip it'll be open...


Well-Known Member
JCrane said:
So apart from any potential refurbs, Blizzard Beach should be open all year? (Withstanding holidays like Christamas, Thanksgiving etc...)
The water parks are open all year including holidays. They each only close (one at a time) for a month of rehab towards the end of the year.


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I'm really worried now!! I guess you don't miss what you never had so if Blizzard Beach is closed again then I'll be able to live with it but I shall be so disappointed if Typhoon Lagoon is closed in November! I love it there and think my gf will too...

Oh well, I guess it's a case of fingers crossed between now and then!

Pray for me guys!!


New Member
Have a funny feeling you might be unlucky again!

We usually holiday at WDW the same time as you and always miss BB cos it's closed.

However in 2005 we flew in on 21 Oct, went to BB on 22nd and it closed 23rd!

IMHO it's better than TL too!


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Thanks Helen,

Like I said, I guess if I've never done Blizzard Beach I can't miss it. Just unfortunate to have to miss out for the 3rd time!!

I'm taking my girlfreind who, despite valid attempts, isn't really a Disney nut like me! She loves theme parks and things like that so I'm really hoping that once she sees everything that Disney and Orlando has to offer she'll fall in love with it in the same way! Because of this, I just wanted to make it a very action-packed two weeks squeezing in everything I could...including Blizzard Beach! To be honest, I think she'll really enjoy Typhoon Lagoon so as long as that's open I should be ok...

I guess that'll teach me for trying to be clever and going out of season!

Ha Ha


Well-Known Member
it opened on christmas day 2005 after a refurb, but from that day typhoon lagoon was closed. it also closes if the weather is not suitable for skiing conditions (as they say on the tannoy at BB).

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