BK Coaster


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Okay, I know all about the Reign of Fire coaster that is suppose to go in Beastlie Kingdom when it is built. But the thing is is that with the Dueling Dragons a few miles away, another dragon-theme coaster is going to seem rather cheap for the general populace that doesnt know about the Dragon Tower concept that was 'moved' to IOA. Here's what I was thinking (and Im surprised the animal hasnt been mentioned before)...

The Griffin-You know, the lion-eagle beast of Roman mythology. Body of a lion, wings and head of an eagle. It would fit PERFECT.

An inverted coaster, that would only have to be themed for the queque and exit. A forest and maybe a mountain-type structure with small animatronics. And the best part is is that it could be a B&M. Actually, it would be best to use one of thier designs, because just the name draws a crowd. That and B&M knows how to quiet a coaster down, which is what I imagine the ride should be, quiet... save the screams of enthuiastic riders.

What do you think?


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Montu is the guardian god of Thebes in Egypt. That ride is completely themed to an ancient eyptian temple in ruins. For the Griffin I'm thinking more of a Roman mosgue-type building. Give me some time and Ill post logo concept art and you can see that you will definantly be able to tell the difference.

The only similarity is the bird-head (which isnt even Montu, that picture is of the god of wind, his name escapes me...)


Well-Known Member
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Sorry if I sounded a bit on that rebuttal, but I did a lot of research on Montu for a school project thing a while back and I found out what Montu was. A lot of people dont know, and I just like to spread knowledge... (even in an inadvertant, condescending tone).


New Member
Originally posted by Kicker
Sorry if I sounded a bit on that rebuttal, but I did a lot of research on Montu for a school project thing a while back and I found out what Montu was. A lot of people dont know, and I just like to spread knowledge... (even in an inadvertant, condescending tone).
No it was cool, I'm a big roller coaster/Disney fan too and i get really when someone says something about a roller coaster or Disney that i KNOW is wrong, so dont worry about it.
Sounds cool, I too had thought of a Griffin themed caster, however I envisioned it along with Dragon and Unicorn coasters as well. I called it the Golden Griffin, but I envisioned it as a flying coaster, however I think a inverted coaster would have some cool possibilities such as the griffin holding onto your car.


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Yeah, thats the idea I was going for. You are caught in the claws of a Griffin wing through the air. And I wanted the trains to have a head on the first car, a tail on the last car, and actually wings protruding outward on car four or five. And its an idea that hasnt been thought of before... which is strange considering the possibilities with the idea.


Well-Known Member
There are tons of monsters to theme Beastly Kingdom after. You've got the Hydra, the Chimera, the Minotaur (which was supposed to be in the Quest for the Unicorn section).

I don't know if the public really cares about theme parks copying each other. Has Countdown to Extinction/Dinosaur recieved a lto of backlash because they're based on dinosaurs? NO! Dinosaurs and all creatures have been around for centuries in mythology.

Coasters are always being named after Dragons and other various mythological creatures. Yes, they've never been properly themed until now (with IOA), but I don't see Dueling Dragons as any big step. its just a coaster with a castle queue area. I think if they actually themed it with enormous dragon heads coming at you,, THAT would be an excellent dragon ride. From the storylines I've heard, Audio-Animatronics would play a big part of the ride, and thats what I want to hear!!!

I wouldn't mind if they based it off the Hydra, the Greek mythological dragon with 25 heads that would grow 2 with each slice of one. The griffin is a fine creature to base a story off of. Cerebus, the three-headed guarder of Hades is also a good example. How bout Medusa or the Cyclops? The Kraken? There are so many ideas out there!!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Coasters are better when they are themed all the way through, not just the queue area. Duelling dragons is just in a castle. I prefer disney style ones which have their themes all the wat through.


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All right Tenchu, Ill give you that.

I was thinking have go over a river with animatronic animals or something. The theming would be along the lines of BT, only outside. You could catch somethings, but you can still enjoy the wild ride. Dueling Dragons doesnt really NEED to be theme because of the dueling thing. Hulk, could use it... but its kinda difficult to theme a Griffin unless its small things.


New Member
Originally posted by Sketch105
How bout Medusa or the Cyclops? The Kraken? There are so many ideas out there!!:sohappy:

There is already a roller coaster themed after Kraken, its in Seaworld Orlando and is called...well Kraken.


New Member
Originally posted by Kicker
All right Tenchu, Ill give you that.

I was thinking have go over a river with animatronic animals or something. The theming would be along the lines of BT, only outside. You could catch somethings, but you can still enjoy the wild ride. Dueling Dragons doesnt really NEED to be theme because of the dueling thing. Hulk, could use it... but its kinda difficult to theme a Griffin unless its small things.

Hulk actually does have themeing. It's just sparse and easy to miss. underneath the ride, there are a few tanks that are damaged in some way (gun twisted in a knot, sides bashed in) that what the hulk did to them. Most of them are after you go over the brakes.


New Member
Originally posted by woofboy111

Hulk actually does have themeing. It's just sparse and easy to miss. underneath the ride, there are a few tanks that are damaged in some way (gun twisted in a knot, sides bashed in) that what the hulk did to them. Most of them are after you go over the brakes.

And the launch is theming itself, you are being launched out of the gamma-ray booster thing.


New Member
No, both of those are not THEMING. Those are Decorations. THEMING is when the entire ride emmerses you into another world. Taking you by a few knick-knacks is not theming.


Active Member
Originally posted by Chad
...THEMING is when the entire ride emmerses you into another world...
As in "telling a story"
Of course, that's tricky to do at 30-70 miles per hour.


New Member
Not as hard as you might think...Let the first part be outside, then, when the track winds to the rear, where you can't reall see it, put it ina building..Have A 'Mock City' built on the walls of the building, nothing to elaborate, and have explosions going off on the street below..Many ideas could spring board off the 'Building in the back' idea, while you are indeed going at a high speed, simple little things are very effective..


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Original Poster
I actually like the building idea. I think it would be need to have the inside be entirely sky blue with some cloud effects, that way it would be like you are 500 ft iver the ground rather then 50. Hmmm, there are some possibilities with an indoor Griffin.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.


New Member
How bout this....
You leave the station and start to go up the lift, the theming of the area would be mountains..And fog would create the iullusion of clouds. It would all be indoors, and the first part of the ride would be gentle, soaring around mountain peaks, dipping and diving...running into AA Grffins that are either flying or perched on cliffs....You'd hit a break station, and would look ahead and see omnious dark clouds..suddenly, the next part of the ride would be filled with lightingin striking cliffs, wind, and maybe even a bit of rain. The ride itself would also get a bit more intense, flipping and rolling, corkscrews and such as you try to stay flying...

How does that sound?

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