Biggest ripoff at WDW?


Active Member
OK - I'm guessing you don't have a little girl. You see, any little girl will NOT get jealous :). They will whimper, look at Daddy with tears in their eyes, and explain very clearly why Daddy doesn't love them... unless THEY get to go to BBB :).

This was Marketing BRILLIANCE on Disney's part - there isn't a Daddy on Earth that could survive the tears of his little daughter :).

I guess I should consider myself lucky then that my nine-year old daughter has expressed on several occasions how idiotic she thinks it is for little girls to come to WDW, their parents pay all that money for the BBB experience and then have to walk around like that for the remainder of the day in the 100-degree Florida heat.

I have a smart girl, if you ask me! :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
The overpriced souveniers made in China. When I'm at Disney in the USA, I want made in the USA.

What's funny is the crap they sell at China, in WS.

Most of it is cheap Chinese crap that retailers (and dollar stores, even) carry all over America. Like, literally the same exact products. I was with someone who is a buyer for those stores here, and when we got home they showed me the catalogs of all that stuff. The bamboo placemats, all that junk.

That said, we are a country that really doesn't seem to believe in making anything anymore, as if you look at your surroundings (your clothing, jewelry, desk, chair, computer you are reading this on, the light, likely the light bulb, etc.) is all made in other countries. I'm pretty sure we still make a few cars here (according to the news man we pay a lot to keep them in business, LOL), but for the most part even items which are assembled in the US are actually all made up of parts from...overseas.

It says a lot that it's far, far cheaper to make products, ship them over here on boats (which take months), and all that it entails than just have a factory here. Thing is, if it was, people would want $20-30/hr to stand at an assembly line, when they can pay $2/day there. Welcome to the New World Economy. ;)


Well-Known Member
YOU ARE SO SO RIGHT!!!! I have a business of designing and building and hand painting childrens furniture and have done this for 28 years. This past year 2010-2011 was the very worst I have had in all those years. Not even barely making it. My website has slowed down and it's not the product or the quality. We are know well all over the US. Used to travel and sell it at better known higher end shows, Jr leagues etc.EVEN though I have never been high end. We worked 19 hour days and still do paint it all by ME and my hubby builds it all. NO employees, they cannot do as well as we do and we have to redo so why hire. I want quality not quantity.. I have had more people say.. If I buy more than one thing can I get it cheaper. Its all in the cheaper dollar store prices the china made goods. My site on the Internet is the only thing like it and all the other sites that have all the same China stuff want my stuff on their sites. NO WAY. Their's is china and why wouldn't it be if all the children's furniture sites all look the same but not ours. Same thing. I am so tired of trying to tell customers why their order did not ship right out. COS its all hand made and American made.. It takes weeks to finish a product and there are others ahead of them. Sorry to drag on but this is what the world or US has come to cheap same old same old junk.. I only buy a mug glass type from them as a souvie nothing more. It shows in the shops they all have specials to keep it selling. We need to go back to buy American buy handmade not foreign made and not shipped in box cars. Same goes for Disney.. In 2007 there was so much to buy that was different and quality made or better made than now. So this trip will be an no buy as well. Just the Disney ceramic mugs 2 of them please??


Well-Known Member
We never feel ripped off. I think WDW is fairly priced for what it is.

I don't know if I would call it a ripoff, but I do feel annoyed at the ticket prices when we go during non-peak weeks.

In the summer and around the holidays, MK can be open as much as 40 hours a week more than during the winter months. Paying the same ticket price for a park that closes at 6:00pm vs midnight or later every night frustrating as there is little to do once the parks close that early.

Additionally, some character meals, particularly Chef Mickey's, is in my opinion, way, way overpriced. Almost $200 dollars for a family of five to eat food no better in quality than your average IHOP or similar breakfast restaurant. I can't classify it as a rip-off because based on supply and demand its a huge success for the CR as its nearly impossible to get an ADR.


Well-Known Member
I am SOOOOO glad my daughter never really wanted to do this so I never had to go up against that unstoppable force. :lol:

To me the biggest ripoff is the food. Most of it is so over priced and over rated its not even funny. Things likethe beef tacos at Mexico, $10 for 3 tacos (about 3in long) with nothing really on them and about 12 chips, it looked like a kids meal.

This has been my biggest complaint. In all honesty the quality of the food has gotten better but the prices are out of control. For a while now I've been taking sandwitches for lunch. I have been noticing alot more of this lately. Perhaps people are getting tired of the prices. This is what happened at Disneyland Paris. People would not buy anything because of the prices and eventually they lowered the prices. The problem at Disney World is that before you could go to Kissimmee and eat decent food at a decent price, but now all those places are raising their prices, so that isn't helping.

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