Big Dilemma - Please Help!!


Hi everybody

I have been getting some quotes for my planned trip next jan/feb. I have the following prices and cant decide what to do, please help!

All-Stars for 3 weeks = £859 (roughly $1300)
Animal Kingdom Lodge 2 weeks = £1300 (roughly $1950)

What do I do? 3 weeks in the All-Stars or 2 weeks in AKL? Is it worth knocking a week off your trip time to stay in a better hotel?

I have just got my bonus at work, which is about £1300, so I can afford either of the above options, but not 3 weeks at AKL.

Thanks for the advice;



Original Poster
OK, I just realised this is the wrong forum, sorry. Is it possible to move a thread if you realise you have put it in the wrong place?
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New Member
I say stay the extra week. The hotel is for sleeping. I understand staying in a nice room but when I'm at WDW, I spend very little time in my room.

Just my .02
:wave: ACE

P.S. Plus you save money to spend on souvenirs and anything else you want.
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Well-Known Member
SteveUK, why not go for 2 -1/2 weeks Sports, and maybe try to splurge a little w/2-3 nights at AKL. What a treat! I agree that you won't spend much time in your room, but you would really enjoy the Animal Kingdom Lodge experience.
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Hey Steve,

I would go with AK Lodge for 2 weeks. Since you are going to be in WDW for so long, you will have time to spend at the lodge relaxing. It is a wonderful resort, a perfect place to rest after a long day at the parks.

Or you could always go with a moderate and spend 2 1/2 weeks.

Either way, it sounds like a "win, win" situation. Have FUN!!!:)
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Active Member
I vote for staying at the All-Stars. We have stayed there on our last three visits and have really enjoyed them. True, the rooms are smaller, and you did not say how many are in your party, but our family of 3 has never had a problem. Of course, we are only there to bathe and sleep. When the parks are open, we are there from open to close. But if I had a chance to stay three weeks or two week, the three weeks would easily win. After all, I'm going to WDW for the parks, not just a hotel room.
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New Member
If you are staying that long, you will have plenty of time to visit the parks and will have a lot of time to spend at the hotel, so for me, a combination of hotels would be the thing to do. I love touring hotels and I know I would get bored of the AS if I stay there for three weeks.

Have a great trip! :)
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I would have to agree with Maria. I would strongly sugest not staying at the All Stars for three weeks! All Stars is great for a short trip on a budget but not for a long stay. I met a family from Scottland on the Mears bus 2 years ago who stayed at All Stars for over 2 weeks and said they wouldn't stay there again for such a long trip. They felt that the food was very expensive and they were iching for more recreation at the hotel. There are no hot tubs, health clubs, water slides, tennis courts, kids camp or extras at the All Stars. No frills with Disney magic though. I can't see traveling all the way from the Uk to stay at the All Stars. Have you tried the Dolphin or Swan or any of the Epcot resorts? There was another thread from a fellow brit and he got a great rate at the Swan. Concidering the amount of time that your spending in Disney I would definately stay in one of the Epcot resorts. Walking distance to Epcot & MGM and everything you need for a great vacation all a short walk away.
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Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I have to agree with some of the others. You should do a split stay between the All Stars and AKL. This way you aren't in the All Stars the whole time but you are able to stay for that extended period of time.

I will also move this thread for you in to the WDW Trip Planning Forum.
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Well-Known Member
I think splitting it between the two would be better. You can get a change of scenery and amenties. Either way I'm sure it will be fun. Have a great time.:sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
If you can swing it, I would say 3 weeks at Dixie Landings (Port Orleans Riverside). I really did like the All Star Resorts (we did Sports). I found it to be loud and the rooms are small. The loud was more my reason than the size. If you can't do 3 weeks maybe 2 1/2. I think you are still going to have a nice long trip and will still be happy.

Just my opinion but after staying at the All Star Sports, we would rather go less often and stay at a nicer place.
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New Member
Three weeks is a LONG time to spend at WDW. I agree with the others but I'll go one step beyond. See Universal and the many other wonderful attractions in the Orlando, FL area. I really enjoy WDW but three weeks in one dose would make me :hurl: !
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Well-Known Member
From everything I've heard about the Animal Kingdom Lodge; I would suggest staying there at least 4 nites just to experience it.
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Jessie Johnson

New Member
I have never stayed at a Disney resort so I can't really comment but coming from the UK we have found that although we love disney we want to visit the other attractions as well so staying offsite with a car is the most practical option. We usually have a villa at either Vistana Villages or Vistana Resort both are convienient for shopping and all the attractions as well as somewhere to relax,and if you have children a villa is ideal. If your adamant about staying at disney though I'd go all out for Animal Kingdom, but hire a car so you can see the other attractions easily. Whatever you decide have a great trip.
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Well-Known Member
Here's a thought...

..Stay at the All Star Resort for one week...Animal Kingdom Lodge for one week...then send ME any Money that you have leftover so I can go for a week!:animwink:

I need a Disney Fix!:brick:
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Well-Known Member
First you need to decide how much time you'll be in the room, even with 3 weeks, if you have a pass that allows you to go to the parks everyday how much time will you really be in that room? we mostly sleep/shower/dress and thats it. you didn't say how many are in your party or how many rooms you'll be needing,but we stayed at all star Movies for 2 weeks w/5 kids and had a blast. We ran out of time before we ran out of things to see or do. so I could see coming from UK where its expensive just getting to wdw that you'd do a big trip. So I don't think 3 weeks is all that much. Esp. if you are going to go to Universal or Islands of Adventure. If you were going to split, which can be done fairly easy but it does take a bit of time to get repacked and then resettled so for us its more hassle than its worth, still if you do split then maybe go offsite and do the other Orlando attractions (SW, IoA, US). Still, my vote goes for All Stars 3 weeks of fun and sun in Florida :)
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I would take 2 weeks in AKL for the following reasons:

1. Two weeks is enough time to comfortably do WDW, even if you spend 3 or 4 days in the other parks (Universal, Sea World). This is especially so at that time of year since the crowds are much smaller and you will not spend time in the water parks.

2. Three weeks is too long to spend in the All-Stars. The rooms are smaller and there is not a lot to do at the resort in terms of food and activities.

3. You will be spending more time in your resort at that time of year. Remember, there are fewer options (no water parks) and the parks close earlier. You'll want to be in a resort, not a hotel.
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New Member
Hotel hopping is a great way to add some 'adventure' to a long trip. We try to book more than one hotel location for trips longer than 4 days, especially if it's a monorail resort and then an Epcot area resort. If you feel more comfortable with just one resort, think about how close to your preferred park you will be.
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