Premium Member
I'm sorry, judging by your response I seem to have hurt your feelings. Would a Dole whip make up for it? By the way, the Earth being round isn't a "conclusion that is trusted by most to be true". It's a proven fact, backed up by actual data. :king:
Hey genius.. we knew the world was round for centuries before anyone proved it by going around it or seeing it from space.
And just about every bit of knowledge about the solar system and beyond is accepted because of conclusive supporting data - not actual measurements.
For instance, we've never been to Jupiter, but we have 'facts' about what it's made of. And we've never actually seen a planet in the remote universes, but we know they exist because we can measure the variation in a star's visible energy from our perspective when the planet passes in front of it.
A cop doesn't measure how fast you are going by measuring how far you went over a period of time (the definition of velocity) - he knows your speed by measuring the Doppler effect of energy waves bouncing off your car. And that speed is accepted as 'fact' without actually measuring and calculating your velocity.
This is how science is actually done and smart people publish what you just blindly believe as 'facts' but you don't seem to comprehend how we decide what are facts or not and what should be considered believable or not.