Best time to visit WDW??


New Member
Hiya my bf and I are planning a 2 week trip to stay at WDW and were wondering if anyone had any advice on when the best time is to go.....preferably the cheapest as we are both uni students A.K.A skint most of the time but working hard to raise the funds!

We were going to go in Sept but it's going to be a little tight financially and we don't really wanna go and be worrying about money all the time so we thought maybe Jan 07? Not sure if this is a good time or not?? Any advice would be much appreciated!

Thanks :)


Active Member
isitingood said:
My bad you did say beginning but the crowds are still way smaller in Jan and Feb

Even though the crowds are smaller in Jan/Feb, December has far more to see and do during the holiday period. I have been going in the beginning of December for more than 10 years now and the crowds are low, but when you start getting around the 17th-18th you will see the crowds start to increase, but that all depends on the day of the week when christmas actually falls. For instance this year it falls on a Monday, so most people will start coming in around 21st-22nd.

Incidentally, the kids don't get out of school until it is closer to xmas, this year probably the 22nd and most schools don't generally get two full weeks for xmas it is more like a week to a week and a half depending on the days of the week xmas and new year's fall.
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Active Member
I have visited Disney twice during the early part of December (December 4-10th and December 5 - 12th) and really enjoyed it. The parks were not crowded, except on the weekend, and the Christmas decorations and shows were in full swing already. The weather was pleasant, and cool, especially at night. I would certainly consider going at that time of year again.
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Well-Known Member
Put up another vote for January. We went in Jan '05 and it was sunny and 80 degrees (though, as it was mentioned, weather can be hit or miss). The crowds were very managable (1/2 hour max waits, peak time of day). It is value season too. We liked it so much, we're headed back this coming Jan for our honeymoon :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
Our family loves going the second week of November. The weather is beautiful...not too hot, just right. Its never crowded until the week of Thanksgiving so we go before then to avoid big crowds. I was there a year ago today and will never go back in my own opinion, the heat is overbearing and the crowds are very heavy. I like to walk around the World and not have to keep walkin around people everywhere I go. And allll the brazilian groups go in July...they are everywhere. So I'll be sticking with November as the best time to go
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Active Member
Disclaimer: I think WDW is great anytime...

Of the WDW we've taken...
JULY/AUGUST - It's fairly crowded, and the heat causes some serious inconveniences. On a positive side, everything's open, and the waterparks become a true destination.

MARCH/APRIL - It's busy off and on (Spring Break), and the weather can vary wildly. Also, some rehabs can tend to build up. However, if you win the gamble on the weather, you could end up pretty happy with the crowd:weather ratio.

DECEMBER/JANUARY - It's busier than busy. You cannot believe the amount of people. But, it also has nearly everything open and running, and the parks are just vibrant. Also, the little holiday touches are very unique, and you can't forget them.

NOVEMBER - It's very balanced. The parks are practically dead until Thanksgiving, and after that they pick up to a decent frenzy, though nowhere near that of the DECEMBER/JANUARY levels. It can be iffy if swimming is a major factor, but the weather is fairly predictable.

In the end, we loved the advantages NOVEMBER gave us. We had days in the park with no waits, and we had days in the parks where everything seemed bustling. Depending on the timing, you can also get glimpses of the holiday preparation. We're currently leaning towards a return trip in NOVEMBER, but, unfortunately, it will probably be in 2007.
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Well-Known Member
shmmrname said:
DECEMBER/JANUARY - It's busier than busy. You cannot believe the amount of people. But, it also has nearly everything open and running, and the parks are just vibrant. Also, the little holiday touches are very unique, and you can't forget them.

I don't think you can really lump December and January together. In fact, you get both ends of the spectrum in December alone. Yes, the busiest of all busiest times at WDW is from Christmas to New Years, but after New Years and into January, the crowds fall off. The further you get into January, the lower the crowd levels. People have also reported that the first week or two in December is very low. (Both early December and all of January are Value season, which attests to the relative lack of crowds)
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New Member
shoppingnut said:
Even though the crowds are smaller in Jan/Feb, December has far more to see and do during the holiday period. I have been going in the beginning of December for more than 10 years now and the crowds are low, but when you start getting around the 17th-18th you will see the crowds start to increase, but that all depends on the day of the week when christmas actually falls. For instance this year it falls on a Monday, so most people will start coming in around 21st-22nd.

Incidentally, the kids don't get out of school until it is closer to xmas, this year probably the 22nd and most schools don't generally get two full weeks for xmas it is more like a week to a week and a half depending on the days of the week xmas and new year's fall.
I dissagree my kid always gets two full weeks and this year it will be two and a half. I do agree there is more to see in early Dec. but if you have already seen the decorations like me then you don't need to see them again.
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New Member
I have been going in the beging of May, and I must say the parks were some what empty, I think the longest line was for sorin...but thats always worth the wait if you dont have a fastpass, I think May is the best time to go because it's still cool out, not to hot and just about all the Kids in Florida are still in school... so that take a big chunk of people not being at the parks....
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New Member
We're going sometime in December, also for the people that go every year during that time does it seem like the word is spreading to get there earlier in December? Is it begining to get more crowded towards the begining or less? Our first and last trip was in July 2003, I'm not sure how that is considered but it was basically how we pictured Disney World.
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Well-Known Member
We used to go in early December when I was a kid. The decorations are up and it's an experience that every WDW lover should experience at least once. My only worry about going in early December is if there is a bad hurricane season, people push their vacations back and it can get busy (I know it happened the year of Ivan and the others).
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New Member
Original Poster
Thanks guys all your comments have been really helpful.....any ideas on who to book with?? We're looking at Travel City at the moment as they are looking the cheapest, any ideas? Thanks xx:p
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