Best Resort with Baby?


Active Member
We're planning on going to WDW with our 8 month old. She goes to bed at 6:30pm, we don't. What are the most baby friendly resorts?
I'm kind of looking at Coronado Springs and putting a pack-n-play in the vanity area and closing the wooden separating walls. Anyone have any other ideas?


Active Member
I don't know when you are planning on going but if the new Animation Resort is open I would suggest that. They have more room and made for larger families which would give you a separate area for you baby to sleep in. I would also say to be a little bit flexible with the bedtime if your baby doesn't get too cranky. My kids' schedule went out the window when they were little and we went to Disney. We just took a good stroller and they slept in it when they were tired and we were still at one of the parks. We didn't have any problems.
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Well-Known Member
We went 3 years ago with our 8 month old and 2 teens. We stayed at Pop and it was great! The previous post was right about schedules going out the window. We just put her in her stroller and she slept alot in there.
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Well-Known Member
I just would NOT recommend a value. The space is small enough as is, then when you throw in a pack & play you have even less. We did just fine with 1 year old at POFQ. Deluxes will give you WAY more space and most will have a balcony so while baby is sleeping you can have some relaxing time too
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Well-Known Member
I just would NOT recommend a value. The space is small enough as is, then when you throw in a pack & play you have even less. We did just fine with 1 year old at POFQ. Deluxes will give you WAY more space and most will have a balcony so while baby is sleeping you can have some relaxing time too

We were great in a value. There was enough space with a pack n' play. It was a bit crowded with 5 of us but, if there's only 3 of you it would be FINE! Of course the way I see it you are just there to sleep but, WHATEVER!
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Well-Known Member
I don’t know what your financial situation is like but if you can afford it I recommend a monorail resort.

My Wife and I took our niece and her 10 month old son on a WDW trip while her husband was in Afghanistan and found it so much easier to get the carriage on and off of the monorail compared to the buses.
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Well-Known Member
I know your original post was in reference to resorts only, so my response is a bit off topic. But I hope that you won't be cutting your time out of your room short due to your baby's sleeping schedule. As adults, with a sleeping baby in the stroller, you guys can still enjoy the parks with the baby swap option, where one can get on a ride and the other stays with the baby, and then rides second. Only a parent knows what works best for their own family needs, but when going to WDW when my children were small, this worked well and we didn't feel like we "missed out" on anything. If they get cranky or just don't sleep well in the stroller, retreating to the quiet comfort of your resort is always an option. Good luck and enjoy your trip!
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Well-Known Member
DH & I stayed in a 1 bedroom villa at The Boardwalk a few years ago. It's one of the places I'm considering staying when we take our daughter (now 5.5 months). We're planning on going in November. It's nice because the bedroom is separate. So we can put her in her pack & play to sleep, and then go hang in the living room and watch tv. It also has a full kitchen, which for me is a really nice thing to have with a baby. Just the full fridge alone is worthwhile. We also had a really large balcony, and we sat out there a lot. I'm thinking with a baby, this will be the perfect room to stay in again.
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we stayed at a value resort when we went 3 years ago with our 11month old baby. I'm not saying that we had tonnes of room but you know it was adequate for what we needed. At the end of the day it was just somewhere to lay our heads. The only disadvantage I could find was that the baby was sleeping in the same room as us, which meant that if you decided on an early night and just wanted to chill out watching tv in your room then you were disturbing the baby. This yr we have the 3+ yrs old and a 20 month old with us and we are staying at FQ purely for the free dining. I do not see that this will be any different as they are just one room aswell. I think if you want another room for the baby you will end up paying for it! In my opinion (which is all it is) you need to decide if you can relax on babies routine for your holidays, for us the heat is so out of the ordinary for us that the kids like to sleep in their pushchair anyway! whatever you decide have a great time! :wave:
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Active Member
What about the cabins at Fort Wilderness Campground? You could put the baby in the bedroom and then still have an entire living room w/kitchen to yourself. You would also have access to a boat to take you the the MK.
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We've taken our babies multiple times before their first birthdays so I can understand your concern. I will say that the privacy curtains they have in the value and moderates were a life saver. Our babies couldn't fall asleep if they SAW us in the room, so we would set up the pack n play by the bathroom sink and close the curtain. We could then watch tv in the bedroom area (on mute :lol:). When we knew they were asleep for the night, we could then open the curtain and get ourselves ready for bed. Even with somewhat light sleepers, they are so tired from the day at the parks that us brushing our teeth wouldn't wake them up. Hope you have similar luck!
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Active Member
We stayed at the Fort Wilderness cabins when we had a toddler.. room to raom and seperate rooms for quiet.. plus he LOVED the boat rides to MK from there..:)
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Well-Known Member
As others have said, the best resorts for babies are the monorail resorts, bar none for no other reason than you don't have to fold down your stroller ever if you go to MK or EPCOT. When my son was very little we used to stay at the GF and it was much easier than staying at the WL or BC for that simple reason alone. Next up would be any of the ECPOT resorts, then the WL, with all the rest of the resorts after that.
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Well-Known Member
I agree about sleeping in the a point. We took our DD last year a week short of 12 mths. She took all her naps in the stroller, ehich was great. The first night, we pushed it to the limit keeping her out way past bedtime.....and paid dearly! Once we got back in the room, she woke up and screamed for an hour before she cried herself to sleep. She woke up at the normal time in the morning, and was cranky the next day from the experience. The rest of the trip, we never stayed out more than an hour, hour and a half at the most past bedtime, and she was wonderful! So my advice is push it, but not too much!!

We stayed at CBR. It was our first time there, and we loved the beach area, and so did our DD. It was a nice break from the parks. She slept in the pack n play next to our bed, but she has a noise machine in her room, so the TV being on and quiet chitchat didnt rouse her at all, and there were 4 of us!

Have fun!
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Well-Known Member
DH & I stayed in a 1 bedroom villa at The Boardwalk a few years ago. It's one of the places I'm considering staying when we take our daughter (now 5.5 months). We're planning on going in November. It's nice because the bedroom is separate. So we can put her in her pack & play to sleep, and then go hang in the living room and watch tv. It also has a full kitchen, which for me is a really nice thing to have with a baby. Just the full fridge alone is worthwhile. We also had a really large balcony, and we sat out there a lot. I'm thinking with a baby, this will be the perfect room to stay in again.

i tend to agree with the one bedroom option- if only because that's what we chose for our first trip. he will be a week past 12 months.

i think a great deal of the decision making process really depends on the habits of your baby (leave it to captain obvious, i know :rolleyes:). like others have said, some babies are more accustomed to more/ less noise, some have far different sleeping arrangements, ect.

as far as the idea of a value goes, there is less room, but if it's not something you're worried about, it's likely not an issue. not to mention that there can be a bit more outside noise from kids playing outside in some spots at values.

the monrail access in my mind is really nice- at least not dealing with busses as much that is.

having said all that, we are staying at kidani lol (semtimental reasons). so, busses it is for us! :lol:

in reference to the baby's schedule, we're not planning to push too much, although i'm sure there will be many days he will sleep in the stroller for a bit. i guess we'll find out how that works out :lookaroun.

have fun!!!
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New Member
We did a test run with our little one (1 year old) to see how she would do in a hotel room. It was a FAILURE. We really don't have the money to go beyond a value resort so I was left searching some alternative methods. We need two rooms for our large group going (5 adults and the baby). Though we love to stay on property it was not in the budget. I searched and searched until I found the right condo about 7 min drive from Epcot. It has four bedrooms (baby gets her own). The owner supplies the crib, stroller (yah... no lugging ours down), baby gate, and high chair for when we are there.

The other thing. Look at the baby stations in the parks. Use those for nap times if needed or just some quiet time for baby.
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Well-Known Member
It is truly interesting to me that other people's kids sleep in a stroller. My 22 month old daughter has slept in one for one time. I can't wait to take her next May to Disney and hope that she will sleep in a bed by then.

I hope you have a great time with your little one and let us know what room works best.
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