Best MK Parade Viewing Location


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I was looking at some MK parade photos on this site and noticed that most of them were taken on the balcony area of the Train Station. I know that is Prime Real Estate for parade viewing. I've never been able to secure a spot up there for a parade as it is always packed. For those of you who have fortunate enough to secure that coveted spot, how early do you have to get there? Also.... In your opinion, where are the best parade veiwing locations in any of the parks? Where is you favorite spot to see the parades?


New Member
Although the train station balcony is a great spot, I've never been able to get there early enough either! However, in June we ended sitting on the wall outside of the Pecos Bill Cafe for the SpectroMagic Parade. We got our spot about 1/2 hour before the parade started. But keep in mind that the SpectroMagic route goes from the front of the park to the back so we were at the tail end of the parade. Which means it was about a 45 minute wait until the parade reached us. But we were right in the middle of the action and had lots of interaction with the characters.


Well-Known Member
I sat on the street in front of the Partners statue in the MK hub area facing Tomorrowland with the castle on my left and MSUSA on my right. It was a perfect location because you could see the floats coming from the castle and then watch them go all the way down MSUSA. On the right side of the central hub (towards Tomorrowland by the popcorn stand) is perfect viewing area for SpectroMagic, as is the previously mentioned spot. We watched Spectro from the second spot and then stayed there for Wishes right after and found it be amazing. I've always wanted to watch the parades and Wishes from the train station but never even try becase I know it will be packed and then I will lose a good seat somewhere else.

Any spot is really a good one at MGM. As far as at AK, I have yet to see that one (I will this next trip no matter what). Epcot's best viewing spot.... :cry: . Sorry I forgot, they took away the best parade ever with the greatest music. Long live Tapestry of Dreams/Nations. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Guess I've just been lucky - I staked out a place right next to the rail above the train station about an hour and a half before the parade, and clung to my spot like lichen on a rock! I brought a soda and a snack with me, along with postcards to address, and that helped pass the time before the parade got started. It was worth the wait - the view was amazing. However, I will admit that I was only able to pull this off because I was alone - had I had the husband and kids with me, they would NEVER have been able to sit and wait patiently for the parade - well, maybe the kids would have, but my husband? Never! :lol:


Active Member
I mostly sit on Main street infront of or across the street from the Watch store. I get there at least an hour to and hour and a half before the parade. I saw the day time parade once in Liberty Square just before they floats turn to goto main street. On the same side as the Liberty Belle River boat across from a Popcorn cart and Wheel Chair viewing. And this last time I got on the Train Station Platform for Specro and was there almost 2 hours! Good spot for the parade bad spot to watch Wished. The lights come on and do not go off for Wishes. I saw Wishes from the little area by Tomorrowland where you use to board the Swan boats. A better Wishes spot, your close to the castle it feels like you are in the fireworks.


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Great location ideas! One day, I will manage to get THE location at the Train Station. I just want to do it once. Great photo ops!!!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I sit at teh train station blacony for two hours until parade. I usually get everything done when I need to by that time anyway. For the night parade I always seem to find myself by the castle or in frontierland..


New Member
I think the best location to watch a parade is at the VERY end of the route. You're close to the action and not high up on a balcony. It's great.


Well-Known Member
From the top of Splash Mountain...

...or any other attraction I get to ride while everyone else is watching. :)


Pixie Duster

New Member
VillainFan said:
I think the best location to watch a parade is at the VERY end of the route. You're close to the action and not high up on a balcony. It's great.

Exactly. Also Town Square usually doe snot fill up until 2:50, and usually then it is just one side of the street. The hub around the flag pole usually has like 5 people on it. It seems most guests just do monkey see, money do, and do not think to walk across the street from the train station and watch the parade there.


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Atta83 said:
No parade anymore, just Illuminations.
No parade in Epcot??? Wow! I thought I heard somewhere that they wanted a parade in each park. Who knows, I may have misunderstood or dreamed it up. Anyway, it is sad that don't have one in Epcot. THey have the BEST setup for it.


Well-Known Member
I can only give for the MK parades but we hav found sitting in the center up by town square is perfect. For the daytime parade if you can get get a curb seat in the center looking down Main Street towards the castle is perfect. For Spectro we sat on the other sid of the same center curb but facing the train station. As soon as the parade was over we headed for our bus. We have sat in other location but this was perfect. You can still get a great shot up Main Street but can interact with the characters. For Spectro Snow White stopped and played with our daughter for a good chunk of time. My daughter had little Disney characters on the tray of her stroller and Snow White lined them all up. Then right after that Gepeto (spelling?) stopped and took my daughter's pacifier right out of her mouth, all though she had a look of terror that she would not get it back we had wished he pocketed it and kept on going. We hated that stupid thing (luckily it went away within two weeks of our return home).

Sorry for the babble... :)

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