Best live show


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mightyduck

Hey! That's not in the parks...that's by a separate company and requires separate admission....Silly! He's cheating!.... I'll get a ruling on this vote... ;)

I'm really bad about going to the live shows....
Hunchback was good. Haven't seen most of the others.... :(
Hey! The topic was best live show, not best live show in the parks. You're lucky I didn't say "Cats" or something! :p

You can buy the tickets for the show from other Disney locations around the park and they use the Disney ticketing system… SillySpook said Blast! And you didn't give her a hard time about that one. La Nuba was created specifically for the Walt Disney World Resort so it's more a part of the place than Blast! Is/was :p


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MrPromey

Hey! The topic was best live show, not best live show in the parks. You're lucky I didn't say "Cats" or something! :p

You can buy the tickets for the show from other Disney locations around the park and they use the Disney ticketing system… SillySpook said Blast! And you didn't give her a hard time about that one. La Nuba was created specifically for the Walt Disney World Resort so it's more a part of the place than Blast! Is/was :p

You would have voted for Cats? Yikes.


And Silly can do what she's her thread...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mightyduck

You would have voted for Cats? Yikes.


And Silly can do what she's her thread...

I didn't say I would have, I said I could have becaue there was no mention that it had to be at WDW... She set precedent by voting for something other than a Disney production, so :p :p :p



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MrPromey

I didn't say I would have, I said I could have becaue there was no mention that it had to be at WDW... She set precedent by voting for something other than a Disney production, so :p :p :p


Well, it's up to Silly, but I disqualify it if she's not here. ;)

So, your vote is for Hunchback, then?:p


Account Suspended
As much as I like the Lion King, I hope they won't put more Lion King shows in. They have Festival of the Lion King, Circle of Life and Legend of the Lion King. The songs just get stuck in my head and I'm singing HAKUNA MATATA all over the place.


New Member
I guess it "ain't no passing craze" with you :D

I like that song though! And aren't they getting rid of "Legend of the Lion King" anyway in the next few years?


Account Suspended
Accourding to WDW Magic and Screamscape, Disney is planning a 3-D show called MICKEY'S PHILARMAGIC that is planned for Hong-Kong Disneyland in 2005. They will probly close Lion King in 2002 and open the 3-D show in 2003.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mightyduck

She's just saying that so your feelings aren't hurt, Mr P....;)

:confused: Nobody else ever cares if my feelings are hurt, why should she? The important thing is that it still counts!!!! :p


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mightyduck

Well, that's rude.

And I cared about your feelings until that post...


No you didn't. If you did, you wouldn't have been so aggressively trying to veto me! :D


New Member
Will you two knock it off!?! :mad: I hate when you guys fight.:(

BTW, my favorite show is the Hunchback of Notre Dame.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tink
Will you two knock it off!?! :mad: I hate when you guys fight.:(

BTW, my favorite show is the Hunchback of Notre Dame.


Well, Tink, if MightyDuck had her way, I'd be agreeing with you but since SillySpook said my choice was valid, I still say LANUBA!

Security Boy

New Member
Best Show

I auctually can't remember a live show I liked well enough to remember at Disney. I am GLAD that Doug is NO MORE :D

I am going to cheat and say Disney's Electricle Parade, and if you have ever seen 'spectro', you appreciate this parade even more!:sohappy:

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