Benefits of Pt. Orleans over Pop Century


New Member
I've been reading the various posts for value v.s. moderate resorts, and would like to know what the benefits are to upgrading. My sister and I--both in our mid-fifties--are going to WDW in September; leaving husbands and adult kids at home. I checked into the Disney packages, and with the same features, it will cost almost $400 more for us to stay at the Pt. Orleans than the Pop Century. To us, that's a lot of money; the price of one airline ticket. So what benefits would we be paying an extra $400 to get?


Active Member
I used to have a post that I'd just cut and paste, but since my old computer crashed, I'll have to do it off the top of my head.

The major differences between Moderates and Values:

Moderate rooms are 314 sq. ft. (except CBR's, which are 340 sq. ft.)
Value rooms are 260 sq. ft. The 54 sq. ft. difference is about the size of 2 double beds.

Moderate rooms have refrigerators, standard.
Value rooms have no fridge, and to rent one is $12/night.

Moderate rooms have 2 sinks (except CSR's rooms have 1).
Value rooms have 1 sink.

Moderate rooms have ceiling fans.
Value rooms don't have them.

Moderate resorts' bus stops are covered (think protection from rain and hot sun).
Value resorts' bus stops are uncovered.

Moderate resorts have multiple internal bus stops (except POFQ), meaning that no room is a far walk from the bus.
Values have only one bus stop/area.

Moderate resorts have pool towels at the main pool.
Value resorts don't (consistently) offer pool towels.

Moderate resorts have a table-service restaurant (except for POFQ) as well as a food court.
Value resorts have only a food court.

Moderate resorts offer some type of recreational activity (boat rental, bike rental, etc.).
Value resorts don't offer any of that.

Moderate resorts have a maximum room charge limit of $1,000.
Value resorts have a maximum room charge limit of $500.

I think I hit everything, but please let me know if I missed something.
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Active Member
If I could swing it I would spend the extra and stay at PO, the French Quarter, not Riverside. The short walk back to your room at the end of the night will feel like a God-send. That alone will feel like enough of a reason when you're walking that walk.

The ambiance between the grades of resorts is huge. The FQ has a relaxing atmosphere where you can enjoy flowers and music and take a relaxing boat ride to Downtown Disney. POP is fast-paced and noisy. In fact, I don't think I was able to get to sleep before midnight once during our stay at POP as there seemed to be an endless supply of children with heavy feet running past our room.

I think it comes down to what type of experience you are looking for. If you want a complete experience which includes a resort-like feel choose POFQ. If you need a place to rest your head on your Disney vacation choose POP.
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Well-Known Member
Now this is where people may hammer me for this comment, and I apoligize if I offend anyone....I found there were less people in a motor scooter at FQ than Pop, at Pop we felt like we were always waiting on the next bus b/c the scooters take up so much room and every bus there was always at least one or two. I have nothing against motor scooters, and I understand people need them, it just seemed that at Pop and the value resorts there were more than any of the mod's we ever stayed at.

YES!!!! This is something else I didn't say so I wouldn't offend anyone. But over the course of the 5 nights I stayed at the pop century, EVERY SINGLE TIME I stepped foot on a bus, we had to go through the whole procedure of the scooters. NOT ONE TIME did this happen at the two moderate resorts or the deluxe resort I've stayed at...not once.

I understand that people need them for various reasons, but how is it that every single bus ride when staying at the pop century had a scooter? And more than once, there were TWO scooters. And of course there are many many many other people in their party that get on first also.
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Active Member
musketeer and corey,
I'm not doubting your experiences, but I can't agree with your overall conclusions that Value resorts attract more ECV users than Moderate or Value resorts. It was just the luck of the draw that that happened to you during your vacation times, but it's not part of a consistent trend or anything like that.
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Well-Known Member
Having stayed at all levels of resorts I'd say either save the money and go with Pop, or pony up more and go deluxe. I'd say out of the values pop is the best way to go. You are going in Sept. so you shouldn't have as many will still be there, just perhaps not as many ;)

I have said this before, we saw the worst bus fight ever Christmas Day morning(I think it was '06) at CSR. There are no designated lines at CSR and two fathers got into a fist fight over which family was getting on the MK bus first (It was really early...6:30-7 AM)..neither family got on the bus. I think the lines are a great way to keep things orderly and calm.

How much time will you and your sister be spending in the room? I'd personally rather have that extra $400 to splurge on doing something fun with out the kids...a special meal, a special tour? With only two of uses the sink while the other is in the shower and vise versa.

No matter where we stay I always bring along an extra pack of hangers. We never seem to have enough drawer space, although we seemed to have more drawers at Pop than at the deluxe resorts..not sure why.

We went in March/April and stayed at Pop(week before Easter). We had a great time, no EVC problems, no wild kids. We selected this resort because we knew on this trip we would be at the parks A LOT! We are going back July 17 for 8 days. We are staying at Yacht Club. We know we will want mid day breaks to swim and chill out. We know we will want to have some down time due to high heat and big crowds. So we selected a resort that gave us a good pool area (ok awesome pool area) and was close to some of our favorite things. You will need to decide how much room time you will have vs. what else you could do with that $400! Good luck and let us know what you decide!
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Here's what I do when I stay at POR.

I pay extra for the water view. I book on the phone and ask for the following:

A front room in a mansion facing the river.
A mansion that is closest to the bridge that's closest to the main building.

I asked for all that the last time I stayed there and got exactly that and more! The room was in the VERY front of the mansion facing the river and it was a corner room. That meant TWO windows!! My family was so happy! And the bridge was a very close walk. The day we checked in, we took our time and took the boats to DD multiple times. It was great! At night, we enjoyed watching the horse drawn carriages go by. Beautiful. The next day, we ate at the food court, and then used the buses at the front of the hotel to get to the park of our choice. No problems, no major waits, and it was covered. I also must say that the staff is very friendly.

My family is staying at POR right now, and are having fun.(I had to work.:() They got a nice surprise yesterday. They had booked the standard room, but when they got there, the standards were all filled up, so they were UPGRADED FOR FREE to Water View! Now that's service! They are very happy with their room that faces both the courtyard with a fountain and the river.(they got our favorite, one of the mansions.)

I highly recommend the POR if you are willing to spend the extra money!!
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Well-Known Member
One thing that hasn't been mentioned is the moderate resorts have hot tubs and the values do not. This may not seem like a big deal but on a long trip with long days it really helps.

The moderates also have the refrigerators. I actually called yesterday for a client and the current rate at the All-Stars is $10 a night, I have to assume POP is the same.

Personally I love the All-Stars and the lack of hot tubs is the only thing that keeps me from staying there every time. I like the values' themeing better, but if you are looking for a quiet stay PO is the better choice.

The table service restaurant is nice, and Boatwright's is great, but I eat some many meals all over property this isn't that big a deal for me.

I've always felt the value rooms were plenty big enough for two people.

Really it come down to what you are looking for on your vacation. For a quiet stay at the resort with short trips to the parks pick PO. If you plan on hitting the parks hard 12+ hours a day, don't mind a more family oriented resort, and want to spend money on signature dining and shopping than POP is for you.
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Active Member
Separate lines for each destination, you have to stand in line, it's not covered.

The "it's not covered" part is the only bit that bothers me about value resorts. There is actually covered sitting behind the bus lines, why couldn't they have put those above the lines?? When it's hot, sunny, and humid, waiting for a bus at POP is horrible. When it rains, even worse. :shrug:
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Well-Known Member
The "it's not covered" part is the only bit that bothers me about value resorts. There is actually covered sitting behind the bus lines, why couldn't they have put those above the lines?? When it's hot, sunny, and humid, waiting for a bus at POP is horrible. When it rains, even worse. :shrug:

I didn't understand that either. They built shelter, why in the world it couldn't be above the lines is beyond me.

You stand there in hot florida sun in the middle of the summer, and right behind you is shaded area with seats. But you can't use it. And being a family man, I'd even tell my wife and kids to go sit there out of the sun, and I'll endure the line, but then of course I'd be violating the rules of etiquette, so I don't.

Very frustrating.
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Mouse Man

New Member
Honestly, if you are truly on a budget and want to get the biggest bang for the buck then stay at the POP Century. Now if you can afford the moderates like my favorite the Dixie Landings then you are in for a treat. The resort is just beautiful, laidback and very relaxing. Lots of pools to go to and of course hot tubs (One of my favorite ways to relax after a long day in the park), food court, resteraunt, bar and yes piano Bob, gift shop and last a game room. The bus service is great and you also have a boat that you can take back and forthe to Down Town Disney. You will have a great time at any of the resorts you choose to stay at. Honestly WDW and their resorts are truly what you make of it. You just need to clear your adult mind, act like a kid again and go and play.
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Well-Known Member
As you can tell, any mention of POP vs any other moderate/value resort always brings out the POP lovers. I have stayed at POP, it is a fine resort. In fact, I found it to be very pleasant. I would not stay there again on purpose, however. I happen to like All Star Sports, smaller grounds and the exact same size rooms as POP, no matter what anyone says. I had issues with long lines at the POP bus stop leaving the parks on one night (we were there 4) BUT that has happened to me at all the resorts. So to say their (POP) bus service is far superior is a stretch. It is nice to have a dedicated bus that does not stop everywhere else. All star sports shares a bus but at sports you are first on and first off, so it is a plus.

Bottom line, go where you want and know that there is really no bad choice, it WDW!
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Well-Known Member
The question is PoP vs POR Being the age of 50 I think you would enjoy Riverside much better. It has a slower pace. A more relaxed atmosphere. The themeing is wonderful. You will appreciate the quiet laid back feeling. I love POP, but its a more kid friendly resort. Its more for families with kids. I mean if you enjoy Big Wheel races then by all means....go for it! I have been there three times and have had very little problems other then bus service. The lines for the values are always the longest....for whatever reason.

The extra money is always worth it. I dont think you will be the type to do 12 hr park marathons everyday. If you will spend time at the resort go with Riverside. Plus there is nothing quite like seeing Bob the piano guy. One of Disneys hidden little gems......You will thank me later. The boat ride to DD is very relaxing. An attraction itself. If you are kid-less POR is the one I would choose.....IMHO
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Well-Known Member
Plain and simple, without the bussing bs, POR. just much more adult oriented and relaxing. I dont know about you, but if im leaving my kids home, and i have, its not going to be a value resort, im trying to get away and relax, not be annoyed by someone elses kids, you will get enough of that in the parks. Its going to happen, but you have a choice to minimize the kid effect. And BTW, i love my kids, but we all need vacations. Have a great time!
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Active Member
I am in the camp of, "what do you want out of resort stay?" I've stated this before, it's been my experience that the Moderates have a more laid back atmosphere where as the Values have much more energy. One thing I didn't see was how long you were staying. I am going to assume that at the difference in price you quoted it is at least a week, if this is the case then it's really not a whole lot more in what I would consider value for the dollar. As much as I like Pop Century if it was just me and my wife the extra cost would be worth it to me for what we would be getting in return, a much more relaxing time for the two of us. For example, all four of us were just at the Carribean Beach a few weeks ago, yes during spring break week. We intentionally booked there because we knew we would be spending more time at the resort this time then at the park. As crowded as the parks were when we returned back to the hotel it was a much more relaxing atmosphere. We never really had to wait long in the food court, the main pool was a little crowded, but the quiet pool was never so crowded that we could find enough chairs for us to all sit together. We never once had to wait long for a bus and never once had to stand on a bus, I know this was because we were going to and from the parks at odd times like leaving Hollywood Studios before the last Fantasmic show :eek:. I know you stated that the extra cost was quite a bit of money for you, but if you are really honest with yourself about want YOU AND YOUR SISTER want, you will not be disappoint with either choice.
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Well-Known Member
If I ever were to stay at a value would be Pop so I think you picked the best value.
With that said, I think it depends on how much you would be in your room, too. We are park nuts and stay there until the wee hours. But we also like to lolygag in the am and hang around the resort and relax as a result of staying out late. So, having a room with more space is a must for us and the mods have more room. Last time we were there we stayed at ASMu but in a family suite. Now that our family is expanding, we will definately need the room of a mod, although the suite was awesome. (However, the suite ends up costing more than staying at a mod) The pools are great at mods---love the slides/themes, buses tend (and I say tend---I have never had a problem at a mod and Pop was the better of the values), the grounds are more lush, there are more things to do and there are on site restaurants.
Weigh what works for your family.:)
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