being 5 months pregnant in disney world


ok so i just wanted some suggestions from anyone out there that has been in this situation. i just found out that i am pregnant and will be going to disney in november. this is my first so i am clueless about everything!!! at that point i will be about 5 months, im due march 22. does anyone have any suggestions? i already have everything planned out with all of our reservations so i wont be changing any of that. any rides i shouldnt do? any other ideas for things? thanks!

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
You should be pretty comfortable in your 5th month - past the nausea of morning sickness but before you're too large for comfort. If it was me, I'd avoid all coasters or rides with fast drops or spins, but check with your dr for the best advice. Bring comfortable shoes because sometimes feet sweel in pregnancy, especially if you're walking alot. Maybe take in an adult show such as La Nouba which would be hard to attend with a baby the next time you're in Disney (won't THAT be exciting!). And plan some quiet and romantic meals with the hubby.
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Technically if you're 100% healthy, and the baby is 100% healthy, you could probably go on anything that wasn't jerky. However, since there's no way to prove that, I would suggest staying away from: Dinosaur, Primevil Whirl, Mission Space, RRC and Thunder Mt.

Splash, Soarin', Test Track should all be fine. It's up to you for EE, ToT and Space Mt. (I haven't been on it since it's been re-done, so I don't know if it's a lot smoother. (I'd say no for the old one.))

Just thoughts from someone who has gone with 5-months pregnant roomie and 4 months pregnant cousin. :)
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Well-Known Member
I was there when I was about 3 and a half. I agree with everyone stay away from the coasters, you can get confirmation from your doctor but I know mine said to skip them that year...I also suggest you take naps during the day, its a lot of walking on anyone, add to that fact you are now carrying around someone else, you will need it. I took a lot of time to enjoy the things that I had never done or noticed before. Enjoy it!
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New Member
You aren't supposed to do any big drops so Splash as well as TOT and the other coasters are out and it recommends that on the warnings sign. As long as you follow those signs, as well as anything else your doctor recommends, then you should be fine. The signs are there for a reason. Just have comfortable shoes, clothes and plenty of water.

The little drop on Pirates is okay though I was uncomfortable during the drop itself. Kilimanjaro Safaris is also okay to ride although the bumpiness was too much for me as well, but it may depend on where you sit for that.

I have been there at 3 and 6 months pregnant and both trips were great! I loved having access to all of the awesome things to eat. You lucked out by going in November since it won't be so hot! It is so much fun because you can also start shopping for your little one in WDW especially while DH rides some of the coasters!

Enjoy your last trip as just the two of you! Having a baby makes it so different but in a good way, too! Congratulations!
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You aren't supposed to do any big drops so Splash as well as TOT and the other coasters are out and it recommends that on the warnings sign. As long as you follow those signs, as well as anything else your doctor recommends, then you should be fine. The signs are there for a reason. Just have comfortable shoes, clothes and plenty of water.

It's not so much "you aren't supposed to" as it's what you feel comfortable with. All their signs are recommendations - it's up to you as to what you want to risk. My cousin did Splash and ToT at 4 months, but didn't do anything jerky, especially the Safari while we were there. But the doctors words to her were, "Make a decision you can live with." AKA, if anything you choose to do affects the baby, be prepared to deal with that. Thought that was pretty good advice. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
First off, Congrats!!! :sohappy: I was a little over 3 months preggo the first time I ever went to Disney during the heat of the summer!!! My only suggestion really is listen to your body! Stay hydrated and do what you feel like you can!!! Good thing is you are traveling during a cooler month so heat shouldn't be too bad!!! We arrive 12/3!!! Can't wait! Just think next trip you go on you will have a little one in tow!!! :xmas:
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New Member
It is good that you are going past the first trimester. I went March 09 at 6weeks prego,and had a good time but was so sick! Just pray you dont have morning sickness that goes into your 5th month I did :( As far as the ride all the rides should be marked not to ride if pregnant. So I would just pay attention to them...There will always be plenty of Disney trips, but only one chance for this pregnancy.:) Congratulations! Its very exciting and I pray a safe delivery into the world for your little one.
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Original Poster
thanks for the responses everyone! it is actually a trip of 9 of us in my family so no alone time with the hubby! but thats ok this trip will just be more memorable because we will all be there. and trust me we plan on buying lots of stuff while were down there. i just hope the airplane can hold it all! my sister already told me she is buying out everything when we go so it should be fun! i heard some different things about soarin? my niece read that you cant do it because of the bar that comes down and the strap that comes up under your legs? anyone know?
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Active Member
thanks for the responses everyone! it is actually a trip of 9 of us in my family so no alone time with the hubby! but thats ok this trip will just be more memorable because we will all be there. and trust me we plan on buying lots of stuff while were down there. i just hope the airplane can hold it all! my sister already told me she is buying out everything when we go so it should be fun! i heard some different things about soarin? my niece read that you cant do it because of the bar that comes down and the strap that comes up under your legs? anyone know?

Soarin does not have a warning saying that pregnant women should not ride. There is no bar....just a seat belt...and the strap that goes between your legs is only for kids. You should be fine riding it, unless you are sensitive to motion and get queasy.
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I went when I was around 7 months. I wasn't huge just yet. I had no problem sitting/fitting on soarin'. But I had some strange feelings while on it. Nothing bad, but I opted not to ride it again. I was further along then you will be though.

Traveling on the plane you should try to stretch your legs every so often, your dr. can explain this too. Also, your feet may really swell on the plane. Make sure to where loose, comfy shoes and keep hydrated. I think this was my biggest area of discomfort.

Also, do take it easy. I felt fine while there and kept up a pretty active routine. When I got back I suffered a bit from over exertion. Take advantage of the shows, especially any in World Showcase. It's been eight years now since I've seen the American Adventure :).

Have a great time!
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Active Member
I went last January when I was six months pregnant with my second. We also had our 2 1/2 year old daughter along with us.

My biggest advice would be to take it slow, at a pace you are comfortable. My husband often joked that we were the slowest people in the park, as many people passed us by in motorized scooters. We made sure to take breaks during the day at the pool, which was easy for us since we spent most time at MK and we stayed at WL. Also, having a table service meal every night helped. And as always, drink water!

Disney clearly has signs at each ride with recommendations for who should sit out the ride. I followed all of the suggestions except one, and I should have listened. It had been a few years since we were on the safari and I didn't remember how VERY bumpy it could be. Half way through the ride I found myself holding my belly and wishing it was over. Baby and I were fine, but I wouldn't ride it while pregnant again. That's just my opinion on my experience.

Have a great time!
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Technically if you're 100% healthy, and the baby is 100% healthy, you could probably go on anything that wasn't jerky.
Splash, Soarin', Test Track should all be fine. It's up to you for EE, ToT and Space Mt. (I haven't been on it since it's been re-done, so I don't know if it's a lot smoother. (I'd say no for the old one.))
. :)

I appreciate this opinion, but to add my own:-

As a new parent and a paediatric gastroenterologist, with a strong neonatal background, I would 100% advise you to not even consider splash mountain, Everest, tower of terror and space mountain.

A good guide is if there is a heigh restriction for you, it is not right for your baby. The truth is it probably would be fine, but if g-d forbid something happened, you would never live with yourself. That is a very weird point in a pregnancy - it is a real person, a real baby, but still not a viable person if born early.

I like the advice about enjoying the adult stuff. I wish someone would have told me to enjoy lazy breakfasts, romantic meals, movies, shows, you name it - you will not be doing these things for a while - or at least not doing them with the same mind set ever again!

This is a whole side of WDW that you will not be able to enjoy again - when you return it will be as a parent and your eyes will be open to another wonderful side of a disney vacation in a way you never imagined, but this opportunity will not come again.

Have a great time and good luck

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I just visited the world this past May at 7.5 months along. Was just starting to get to the "I'm feeling really huge stage". Hubby and I just took it easy. We didn't have any plans with the exception of a few dinner ressies. I stayed away from all the big rides (Space, Splash, Thunder Mtn, Everest, ToT etc) but really enjoyed many other things that we had never taken the time to explore before. As for Soarin', I had no issues what so ever with the ride. Still fit fairly comfortably. Walking did become an issue sometimes, tiring is more like it. I just made sure to park myself on a bench when I needed to. I had to remind myself that we would be returning to the World again, so whatever we didn't do this time, I would always get to do again. Hubby and I also enjoyed the time alone from dd (19 months at the time).
So take your time and indulge in the sights, sounds, food and experience. Congratulations and all the best with your pregnancy!!
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Mrs. Jobson

Active Member
I am so happy for you. How exciting. I am also pregnant with our first child. We went to Disney just last month. I was not very far along but we had a great time. I agree with everyone else just slow down and take your time. Drink lots of water and take rests either by the pool or in your room. My feet hurt me terribly. Make sure that you wear comfortable shoes as you will need them. I also carried a spare in my bag and switched them when my feet started to ache.

I have to disagree with some of you on the rides. TOT and Splash, even Test Track was not safe and did not even attempt. Also, for the Kilimanjaro thing. No! As a former Safari Driver under no circumstance did we say it was ok for expectant mothers to ride. It says so on the warning signs and is there for a reason. A very good reason. I did ride Soarin though and was just fine. I enjoyed it a lot. You know, now that I think about it, I really didn't mind sitting out of riding something when others did. It gave me a chance to people watch and just relax.

Just have a great time. Buy that baby everything you can from the gift shops and enjoy the food. I hope you all have a great time and an easy pregnancy. If the nausea becomes too much don't be afraid to ask your dr. about meds. I had to and have worked very well for me. I was loosing too much weight.

Best of Luck!:wave:
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Original Poster
thanks everyone for your notes! i was thinking, whats your opinion on toy story mania? think i can do it? im gonna be 3 months tomorrow, so when we go down ill be about 6 months.
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Well-Known Member
You have to see what you can handle. If you do, say, Pirates, and the drop bothers you, you know you have to stay off everything else.

You aren't supposed to do any big drops so Splash as well as TOT and the other coasters are out and it recommends that on the warnings sign. As long as you follow those signs, as well as anything else your doctor recommends, then you should be fine. The signs are there for a reason. Just have comfortable shoes, clothes and plenty of water.

The signs are there for legal liability. Thats all. Don't delude yourself into thinking its some sort of 'service' that Disney is offering.

thanks everyone for your notes! i was thinking, whats your opinion on toy story mania? think i can do it? im gonna be 3 months tomorrow, so when we go down ill be about 6 months.

TSM? No problem.
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Well-Known Member
Biggest thing is to make sure you stay hydrated. Second I would add the safari ride at AK as something NOT to do. My wife went on it when she was about 5 months pregnant and it was way too boucy/jerky for her to feel comfortable. Congrats and have a great time!
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