1.Sure, bed bugs can infest end or low end resorts, but I would like to think reputable places actively try to protect guests and their reputation. Whether that's a big name brand or a tiny B&B. I don't think any resort benefits from allowing infestations to spread.
2. Always a good idea to show/express appreciation to your hotel staff!
3. I would think, to really fully look for them in a mattress requires - more or less - completely pulling the bedding apart. I dunno, I'll maybe poke around an peek under a corner and a tag, but I'm not really interested in completely undoing the bedding.
That said, I DO take the precaution of not putting luggage on the floor.
One BIG thing I wish was that EVERY hotel did a better job of providing more luggage racks. There's never enough.
I don't want to hide my clothing in drawers, just a pull-down wall shelf or something of the like in the closet - so I can unzip and live out of my bag.
For that matter, what's with all the bedbug friendly carpeting? I'd love to see some tile!