Beach Club Birthday Bash!!!! Oct. 10 – 15, 2011 (Picture Infused!!!)

This will be my first "in-depth" trip report. Not my total first, because I've done a slight photo report for a Disney Magic cruise ( Here!!!! ). And "in-depth" because it might not be as detailed as some of the other reports here. But we'll see . ;)

Also a point to note..... We're Local!!!! We also have annual passes. So there will not be tons of adventure packed into every second of our trip. This is just our little StayCation of sorts. But I hope you enjoy reading through our little experience anyhow. And the 'We' are me (Scott - 31), my DW Mollie (a lady never tells.... A.k.A a smart husband never tells), and our DD Samantha(1).

We'll be checking in on Oct. 10, and checking out on Oct. 14. When did we book??? You'd have to ask the wife. How much did it cost??? Nunya.... as in nunya business. Plus, you'd also have to ask the wife (I like to keep my cringe moments at a minimum). We did score a nice little discount from her Cousin who’s a long time CM though. Every little bit helps.

This is our first stay at the Beach Club. We have had quick visits to the resort, in the past.... the chocolate carousel during the Holidays, and trying to conquer the Kitchen Sink at Beaches and Cream. So this will be the first time to really see what the resort has to offer. This is also a combination celebration trip for our DD’s birthday (the 5th) and my wife’s birthday (the 25th)

So what do the locals look forward to when taking a Disney vacation??? Well, my wife absolutely can't wait to check out the 'Forbidden Pool' (and yes, some CM's refer to it as that). And on that pool note, I have to make a point to say 'Hello' to the pool manager, Christina. I actually work with her Aunt. We will also be doing a few characters meals that we haven't experienced before. And since I'm into photography, I'll be looking forward to doing some photo outings, especially at night. Other than that, we’ll just go with the flow, and have a stress-free week.


Well-Known Member
She is so cute,I could eat her little tiny cheeks!!!! I love your pics they are amazing,I love taking pictures but I'm not very good at it at all.Looking at ur pics though makes me wish that everyone could see them because when u look at crappy pics you dont get the full magical effect.Your pics though I feel like really show what its like n the magic it brings, absoloutely breathtaking!!!I don't know if it's to do with the fact that the beach club is my dream resort or that Epcot is my fave park,perhaps a combination of the 2 who knows but great report and even better pics,thank you:wave:


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Day 4: The Extended Stay Program

IMG_0707-2 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

As I stated before, things were pretty easy going from here on out. After dinner, we hopped on the bus and headed for Downtown Disney. We browsed through a few of the shops, and surprisingly didn’t buy much. I think we bought an ornament, and maybe a pin. But on that pin note, I was a little disappointed that they stopped selling the resort related pins that looked like cameras. Each time we stay at a Disney resort, I like to get some little memento (even if just a postcard) that is directly related to where we stayed. Back in July, while we staying at Port Orleans French Quarter, I happened to come across the pins I just mentioned. There was one for each resort, with a pull out “photo” that depicted a character doing something that was associated with that given resort. For the Port Orleans pin (yes, it was just ‘Port Orleans’; not completely specific to French Quarter or Riverside), it showed Tinkerbell flying near a rooftop (that roof was for a building in the Riverside part, though). You could only get the pins at the specific resort, but the pin place at Downtown Disney had all of them. But after searching high and low, I couldn’t find these pins anywhere. At least I got that one from back in July though. Because for the past few years, I’ve been on the hunt for any Disney pin that was photography related. I don’t do a serious eBay search or anything. I just keep my eye out for ones I find in the parks. So I guess it wasn’t mean to be. L

IMG_0725 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

If you’ve never eaten here, you MUST stop in the next time you’re at Downtown Disney…..
IMG_0731 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

A mannequin in Tren-D….
IMG_0737 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0748 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

Meet Our Maker by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0755 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

I was a little on the fence about whether I wanted to go out and take pictures tonight. Hollywood Studios was having EMH’s, and I’ve never taken my tripod there to get good night shots. But I just wasn’t feelin’ it for some reason. So settling down with the family was in order. I tell ya, photography gets less fun when you feel like you HAVE to go out and shoot (because the opportunity is there), compared to when you have your creative juices flowing. And mine just weren’t flowing this night.

IMG_0763 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr


Well-Known Member
I finally got to read your TR and I love your pictures!!! I mean...holy moly are they good!! Your DD is absolutely adorable! Thanks for the read!


Well-Known Member
Day 3: It's A Small World

IMG_0476 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

Like the previous 2 nights, this is another one (and the last one) that would be dedicated to photography. Epcot was having Extra Magic Hours that night, so I definitely felt the need to walk over (WALK over.... HA!!!.... gotta love it) and take advantage of the opportunity. To keep away from the crowds, I got there at 9:30, and stayed until about 11:45. And in this 2 hour span, I made the long trek from France to Italy. I don't know how efficient other people are at night shooting, but it's not something I do a lot of. Doing different setups for just slightly different angles can take some time. Heck, in the daytime, I could easily make my way through all of Epcot in those same 2 hours. But like I said, since I don't shoot the parks at night often enough, I really try to tackle some of the countries pretty hard. I'd rather spend more time in one area trying to "perfect" my vision, than to run around just grabbing quick shots from all over the place (remember that glass from the bridge that I mentioned!?!?! Sheesh!!!). That extra time goes a long way into making a shot a true keeper, rather than something that I think is just 'ok'. Even in those 2 hours, most of my time was spent in France and Italy. So on the way back to my room, I make a quick stop at the ‘Quiet Pool’ of the Beach Club. This area is actually open 24 hours; so it would’ve been hard for me to pass up the chance to get at least a couple of shots. The pool isn’t really anything fancy, but the rooms surrounding it made for a nice setting. So this was a pleasant little stop.

IMG_0491 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0495 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0500 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

The Gate by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0517 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0526 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

End of the Shift by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0568 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0587 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

Love, love, love this whole set! My BF is just getting into Photography and I jump in on his camera from time to time. What lens do you use for night shooting and are all on a tripod?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Love, love, love this whole set! My BF is just getting into Photography and I jump in on his camera from time to time. What lens do you use for night shooting and are all on a tripod?


I mainly just use a Canon 18-135mm for my night shots (a Sigma 30mm for handheld ones). And all of those were taken with a tripod.


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Day 5: Marsh-mellowed Out

The Balcony by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

Being that this was the last full day of our “trip”, we pretty much just took it easy. The only thing we had definite plans for was lunch during the Disney Junior Play ‘n Dine, at Hollywood & Vine, in Hollywood Studios. So after getting ready, we headed over to Hollywood Studios; not by bus though, but by boat. Unbeknownst to either of us, this was the only Disney transportation that would take you from the Beach/Yacht Club to the Studios. It wasn’t really a bad way to get there, but the boat seemed to take forever when we were leaving the park (about 3:30 PM).

IMG_0775-2 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0778 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

As soon as we arrive, we head over for our reservation. Today, we would be visiting with Special Agent Oso, Handy Manny, Leo, and June. (2 years ago, I would’ve been like who? who? who? who?..... straight Owlin’…. NEW PHRASE…. You heard it here first!!!!) Lunch was good (as it always is at Hollywood & Vine), and our daughter had some nice interaction with the characters. Most of the time, she really enjoys when the characters come around. But sometimes, she just likes to see them from afar. Not that she gets scared when they come closer. But it’s like the anticipation, or the “surprise” of them actually walking around is what really gets her going. Quite often, she’ll point at the characters across the room; and sometimes when they get close, she might act impartial about them being there. But today was a great character day.

IMG_0782 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0787 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0797 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

The woman at the table next to us gave me the idea for this shot. I definitely appreciate the suggestion, and the fact she let me invade her space to get a good angle. ;)

IMG_0809 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr


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Day 5: Marsh-mellowed Out

So our bellies are full, and now we’re ready to move on. But a Play ‘n Dine lunch wouldn’t be complete without a visit to Disney Junior Live on Stage, afterwards. This is one show that we just love taking our daughter to (we haven’t been back in quite some time though). It’s great to see the amazement on her face as her favorite Disney characters are “live and in-person”. For anyone not familiar with this attraction, the show is comprised of stories/songs involving the Disney Channel shows: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Jake and the Neverland Pirates (love the songs from that...the ones with Sharky & Bones), and Little Einsteins. But the venue is definitely designed for kids; with the only seating being the floor. And although I can’t see this show being too appealing to the average non-parent adult, I’d definitely recommend it for the younger ones.

IMG_0821 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0836 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

Since we wanted to just have a relaxing day, we then decided to head back to the resort. After waiting forever for the boat (as mentioned before); we get back to the Beach Club, and head for our room. Being as I don't like to just sit around, I found this to be the perfect opportunity to grab some more shots of the resort. But before my wife and daughter officially settled down, there was one shot I HAD to get. I wanted to capture them standing on the balcony; mainly just to say "our room was here". After hearing "do you really need to do this now" (and YES, I do); I go out near the beach, and call my wife to tell her to step out on the balcony. I take a few "painful" pics, then go and start my photo tour of the resort's lobby. I didn't get anything too compelling, but something was better than nothing. .....I kinda felt this little story was about to go somewhere interesting; but sadly, we must all end up disappointed. ;)

The Albatross by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0839 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0842 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

It’s amazing to see how small these standing balconies really are….

IMG_0844 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0850 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0853 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0857 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0859 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr


Well-Known Member
I can't believe I haven't stumbled upon this until now!! You take amazing pictures!! Your daughter is the cutest! I love this report.. still not done reading!


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Day 5: Marsh-mellowed Out

IMG_0875 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

One of the things we planned to do today was the Yacht/Beach Club campfire. I had seen this scheduled on other days, but we were unable to attend for whatever reasons. So tonight, it was a definite must do. One thing I'd really recommend is to take advantage of the various activities your particular resort might do. I don't think you'd totally kick yourself for not doing them. But they give you an opportunity to add another little element to your trip. It's nice to say, "we roasted marshmallows on the beach".... or "we watched a movie under the stars".... etc.... Anyway, we head down at 6:30, and roasting marshmallows is exactly what we did. And I'm kinda embarrased to say it, but this was the first time I properly roasted them. Even though I've been camping before, I don't recall being shown the proper technique. All other times, I would just put the marshmallow on the stick..... put it in the flames..... let it get totally lit.... blow out the little flame... and chow down!!! I never realized I should be picking the perfect little nook in the campfire, and slowly turning the stick until the marshmallow is nicely/evenly roasted. It took a little longer than expected, but I gotta admit that I really enjoyed that method.

IMG_0880 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0878 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

The only negative side to this campfire experience was the fact that a couple of the kids there were a little disrespectful to the CM's that were running things. These 2 little brats were acting liked they owned the place (and No, their parents weren't around). As the Cast Members were giving everyone a brief rundown, and kinda just interacting with guests; these little boys kept tyring to hurry everything along. It was also obvious that they had done the campfire on previous days. So I guess they thought they were hot shots that didn't need to be told anything. [Would it sound too mean if I said that I wanted to kick sand in their face?!?!? (just playin'.... maybe)] But the CM's just rolled with the punches, and everything progressed quite nicely. So all in all, it was a good time.


IMG_0882 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

I don't think I mentioned it, but we had GREAT weather during most of our vacation. We didn't have a single day that seemed ruined because of rain or anything. And extreme heat definitely wasn't a factor at all. So after the campfire, we took a quick stroll around EPCOT's World Showcase. We didn't have a real agenda there. But because it was so nice out, we couldn't justify just staying in for the rest of the night. When we finally finished our little walk, we then headed over to Beaches & Cream. My wife was the only one who got something. But it was nice to just sit by the pool, and let the night come to lovely end. This was definitely a nice way to put a cherry on the top of our week (pun intended). ;)

IMG_0891 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

IMG_0900 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr


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Day 6: Time To Say Goodbye

IMG_0912 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

So our trip is done, and now it's time to head home. We didn't do breakfast or anything there. Just packed up and set out on long drive home...... a complete 30 minutes. ;) But checkout went through without a major hitch........ excecpt the fact that we forgot that my wife left her rings in the safe that's in the room and after our keys didn't work anymore so she had to get someone to escort her back to our room so that she could retrieve them.

IMG_0925 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

Looking back, we had an EXCELLENT vacation!!! Although we're local, it's great to just get away from everyday life for a few days. And there's no better place to do that than Disney. If finances permit it, we would definitely stay at the Beach Club again. The rooms were great.... the staff was great.... the Boardwalk/Beach Club/Yacht Club atmosphere is great... and being able to walk to EPCOT was just amazing!!! It was cool to have such a fantastic "backyard" for a week. And even though we haven't stayed at too many Disney resorts, we would definitely rank this up there with another place we love.... Port Orleans French Quarter. POFQ is so beautiful and peaceful. And the smaller size makes it very cozy and quaint (unlike the REAL French Quarter). It's just a completely different vibe than you'll experience at other places on Disney property. But Beach Club.... we hope to see you again sometime!!!!

IMG_0926 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr

Doing This Trip Report: For anyone that has followed this trip report from the beginning; you'll know that I started off updating it pretty often, but let it collect dust after a while. Part of that was the fear that it would eventually just become a 'list' of the things we did; which wasn't really a lot to begin with. Here's why....

Going into this trip, I knew that I wanted to try and do a decent trip report. I did do one for a Disney Cruise; but that was mainly pictures, and it wasn't a day-by-day breakdown. But during the first couple of days of this vacation, I was taking notes throughout the day. This was really invaluable in that fact that I was able to remember everything we did, and when we did them. It also helped me to take note of anything unique/interesting that might've happened throughout the day. So after posting the goings-on of the beginning, I kind of got stuck a little. But the pictures that I took were the main thing that helped me remember the flow of everything. I was at least able to go through them, and be like... oh, this happened... or this is what we did. If not for those images, this report would've ended quite abruptly.

In November, we will be taking a week-long voyage on the Disney Fantasy. This will be our 3rd cruise, but the 1st since our daughter was born. She will have just turned 2 by then, and she is already in love with a lot of Disney characters. So we absolutely can't wait to see her light up on the ship. I also already know that I'll be doing a trip report for that as well. Since it will be a new ship for us, and other parts of our experience will be unique, I know that there will be much more to write about. And I'll definitely be using my 'take notes' advice to keep abreast of everything we do. It's one thing to look at Disney World pictures of subjects I'm completely familiar with, and be able to feed of them to tell the story. But if I barely know what I'm looking at in the first place, I'll be totally lost.

So for anyone who's read any of this report..... Thanks for looking!!! I hope I have helped or inspired you in any way.

See Ya Real Soon!!!!!!!!!! ....... in November anyway. ;)

And here’s how much our little girl has grown up……..

IMG_4265 by Scott Smith (SRisonS), on Flickr



Active Member
I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your trip report. You have a lovely family and the love that you have for each other shows in every image. I also wanted you to know that I checked out your blog and found it to be amazing. As a former Cast Member I want to thank you for noticing some of the quiet moments and documenting them in such a beautiful, concise, and thoughtful manner. Thank you for noticing and appreciating them.

I can't wait to show your blog to my Dad. Pop is a hobby photographer and a regular traveler. After every trip I ask him what his favorite part was and he always says "just watching people" and he always has a great story about the people that he spoke to or something small that he noticed. He will just love your work!

We are heading to WDW in a little over a year to get married. I will have to give you the dates when we get a bit closer. If you happen to bein the parks at the same time I would love to say hello and to shake your hand. You made me remember some of my happy times as a Cast Member as well as visits with my family. Thank you for what you do!

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