Be Nice to the CM


New Member
As long as character greeters do their jobs and keep people from just running up to the character and make them wait in line like the rest of people, I'm happy.


Well-Known Member
It is hard thought to keep the line in form and notgoing crazy. Just be nice and lets all play nice and fair. I think what if i were in their shoes....o wait I amLOL...



New Member
Originally posted by Atta83
It is hard thought to keep the line in form and notgoing crazy. Just be nice and lets all play nice and fair. I think what if i were in their shoes....o wait I amLOL...


I've been standing 2nd in line before behind a family with kids that have waited at least 10 minutes while the greeter just sits there and lets people run up to the characters during which the greeter continues to tell the line to just keep waiting.

I usually go by myself and don't get upset when kids cut in front. I won't say anything, but to keep other families waiting isn't fair to them.

Jungle Skipper

New Member
Oh my! I am so sorry you had that happen to you...but do I understand your pain aorking fastpass! Back in early 2001 they started a fastpass department that only did fastpass at attractions throughout the park and I was brought in as a supervisor..what was i thinking? Only working fastpass...yikes! My cast was always getting harassed and spit was awful.

I would often pull regular fast pass shifts as well, one day at the begining of June, 6 CMs called in sick and I was called in to work 10 hour shift to ease the load. The manager on duty put me into deployment for the shift but accidently "permed" me at The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Merge point! :brick: This may very well have been the worst day of my entire career at WDW. I was heckled non-stop, spit on, cursed at, shoved, poked and prodded. If you have ever worked merge point anywhere in the park you know how stressful this position in the rotation can be, but man oh man I was there for some 8 and a half hours or so with no bump. I gained a new repect for FP merge that day. (My manager eventually realized what happened and had someone bump me, I ended up getting the next day off as a comp day and he even bought me dinner at Cindy's Royal table the next week, so it all worked out.) That day gave me the gumption to move for a transfer to the Jungle, which I got 2 weeks later.

There are tons of stories about the now defunct Fast Pass Department, but one particular guest encounter goes down as my absolute Worst moment at WDW. I was the supervisor for the Tomorrowland/Fantasyland FP department that day and I got a call about a problem at Buzz Lightyear. I immediately went to see what was arry and I was met by this 300lb insanely built Australian man yelling at the FP Return CM and I stepped in to calm him down and resolve the problem. I asked the guest what was wrong and all he did was yell at me calling me a Fat ^%$&$^%& stupid $#piece of %^&&#^ and so on. I asked him to please stop swearing as there were children around and lets seem what we can do to fix the situation He responded with "Yeah? Well hows this for fixing the situation.." followed by a knockout fist to my face. All I know is his hand hit my face and I hit the ground out like a light.

Evidently he ran, but security chased him down and escorted him off of the property. I woke up in the break room at AE to the sounds of the attraction (which was totally surreal) and the smells of smelling salts...I had one wicked black eye and a lovely pair of broken glasses.

Jungle Josh


New Member
People r ignant (spelling done like that on purpose) but there's no way 2 fix it 2 b honest. U handeled the situation right. U did ur job and kept ur cool. I just wish that the ignorant people could b taught about this. They think that Disney is only there for THEM , but forget that there r millions that go 2 WDW.

N 4 the character thing, wow i feel really bad 4 Pluto. He must have been sweltering n a kid comes up and kicks him 4 leaving 2 get a drink..... Guests like that should be thrown out of the park 4 that, no "ifs" "ands" or "buts" because that's just plain wrong. Not 2 mention there r tons of character meet n greets that Pluto could still b seen. Both of these situations were handled correctly IMO.


New Member
Originally posted by Jungle Skipper
"Yeah? Well hows this for fixing the situation.." followed by a knockout fist to my face. All I know is his hand hit my face and I hit the ground out like a light.

Evidently he ran, but security chased him down and escorted him off of the property. I woke up in the break room at AE to the sounds of the attraction (which was totally surreal) and the smells of smelling salts...I had one wicked black eye and a lovely pair of broken glasses.

Jungle Josh

Did you press charges on the guy, he deserved to spend some time in the Orange County Hilton (aka: county lock-up). Also that would have made one heck of a law-suit!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Jungle Skipper

Evidently he ran, but security chased him down and escorted him off of the property. I woke up in the break room at AE to the sounds of the attraction (which was totally surreal) and the smells of smelling salts...I had one wicked black eye and a lovely pair of broken glasses.

Jungle Josh

That was rotten!!

To me CMs are a huge part of the magic. Sorry to all of you who have to put up with such abuse.

Jungle Skipper

New Member
No, I didn't press charges...they asked if I wanted to, but once I for some reason I decided it wasn't worth it. I was told that he did fight back when security chased him down and broke one of their noses and that guy filed I am sure he paid for it all.

Disney paid for my glasses and I got a week off before I transferred to the Jungle that I used to fly to California to go to Disneyland! That was enough for me.

however I do want to clarify that 99.9% of my time at WDW was 1 million times better than these two situations. I LOVED my work. And the absolute best part of my jobs was working with the guests. There is nothing in the world like making children laugh and smile, seeing the parents having fun with their family...most everyday was a magical moment for me. I wish I could afford to make a career out of it now. I would go back in a heartbeat if it weren't for my student loans! :lol: I can't wait to go back to WDW this's like being at home!

So as i said, just to clarify, keep being great guests :) you never know who's day you might make!

Jungle Josh


New Member
Just keep your cool! I had a guest come into the store a couple of weeks ago to buy Park Passes. So naturally, I ask when are you going, where are you staying, etc. Just idle chit chat to pass the time while I process her passes. So it turns out that we are going to be there around the same time, so I say hey I am going in April too! The guest replys by asking me how I can afford to go to Disney!! I politely looked at her and said well it was a tough year we only went three times instead of four and the Beach Club was sold out so we have to stay at the Contemporary instead!! She was so embarrassed that she didn't know where to look! I gave her her passes and wished her a happy trip! I really dislike it when guests try to put you down or act like they are so much better than you are!! Your guest was probably just upset that she is spending her life savings, while you are working at the best place in the world and builing up your savings account!!


A big round of "thanks" to all the CM's! You guys do a terrific job, and in all my visits to the World, I don't think I've ever encountered a grumpy CM... just really grumpy guests. There have been times when we've waited in line with other guests, and some guests start complaining (rather loudly and rudely) and the CM's take it all in stride. I applaude all that you do- you all have more courage than I do. There have been many times when I've wanted to punch out those angry, grumpy guests for the CM! But then again... I didn't want to get kicked out of the park!

Do these idiot guests not realize they had the option to get a FastPass instead of standing in line... hum... sounds like they are probably just mad at themselves and are taking it out on those in "uniform" (Disney uniform, that is)

thanks, CM's!:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Ok, I am apologising in advance for the rude behavior of my cousin and my grandmother in April. My cousin believes he knows everything and will be a pain in the neck when we go, even though this is his first trip to a real amusement park. My grandmother believes the world owes her or something and she is very vocal when she is unhappy about something.

If you see any of these people in April... I will be far far away. Please don't hold it against me.

I work in a customer service position myself. I am almost unable to hold in the laughter when a customer starts cursing at me. Major props to you for being able to handle ruff guests


New Member
Originally posted by DispatchInhibit

and then she left ranting down the star corridor.

I am sorry , normally people do not get to me, but this really upset me, I SWEAR I am just a pawn in the fastpass game, i do not make the rules. So please, the next time you find yourself as a guest in a standyby line, please remember the posted wait time, you had the option of a fast pass, and I am just doing my job. and please, be nice to you local cast member..thank you.


Anyoying parent of today. If it was legal, I would have killed her in your position. Sorry, but I just find some of these people terribly annoying. The CMs have no control over this JUST THINK ABOUT IT.....ok, I'm stopping.....

Nice job keeping it together! :D


Well-Known Member
Gosh, I will never forget the day I was at space and these guest did not want to hear the whole ratio thing so they thought it would bea good idea to just force there way in. I had to use my body to keep them out! :lol:

Of course this little action by them forces there wait time to be even longer :D

Just rememebr that space mountain is brought to you by the letter "K". Peace remember to be kind to your grouper.

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by se8472

Just rememebr that space mountain is brought to you by the letter "K". Peace remember to be kind to your grouper.
Just do what I do at Barn Grouper.........Lock the turnstile LOL :lol: I had a group that was becoming physical and well they demanded to get on the attraction. I explaned that they would be on the next train and a memeber of the group started come into the loading area. So I just reached under the turnstile, fliped the switch and he was stopped cold.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DispatchInhibit
I am a CM in tomorrowland @ the magic kingdom and today I swear I was yelled at by this woman SO rudely I did almost cry. SO the situation goes like this:

I was working fast pass merge point at space mountain. Our Stand by line was posted 55min. and fast pass was well on it's way. So we have a ratio at merge point ( where we collect the tickets) that ratio is 16:4 that is 16 fastpass guests to 4 standby, of course give or take considering keeping families together. So I am doing my thing, and this woman comes up to me who has jumped over from the stand by line and just starts yelling at me and pointing finger!

" DO you know what's going on in here! You better call somebody!!"

"No ma'am what's going on?" ( thinking maybe someone is injured)

"There are people in here who have been waiting almost an hour, children are screaming and crying and we are hot in here and YOUR park closes in almost an HOUR!!!!"
(she was livid)

"Well I'm sorry ma'am I have a ratio to stick to, I can call a manager if you would like to speak to someone else"


and then she left ranting down the star corridor.

I am sorry , normally people do not get to me, but this really upset me, I SWEAR I am just a pawn in the fastpass game, i do not make the rules. So please, the next time you find yourself as a guest in a standyby line, please remember the posted wait time, you had the option of a fast pass, and I am just doing my job. and please, be nice to you local cast member..thank you.

Well, there are Idiots and Morons..... and you just met an idiot!

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