rodserling27;4419697[B said:
]I know they're probably sick of it, but the last few times I went on, it REALLY felt like the CM's were going through the motions. The audio system is TERRIBLE when the gangster CM is having a shootout..I can never hear him. This is something that should be addressed[/B].
I'm sure they could work some new scenes into it and turn it into the FANTASTIC movie ride :lol: I do like the attraction, though. Before TSMM was built, TGMR was always the very first thing i did at DHS. But now I'm sure to hop in line for TSMM the MOMENT I get inside (or FastPass it..considering the FP was at 12:30 at 8:15am on Saturday last weekend

That's pretty much how I felt. I rode the GMR over Christmas, with a long line and packed crowds with what seemed like a high percentage of foreign guests. The CMs, with all due respect to them, seemed as if they were reciting a script from their head and just going through the motions, as you said... any enthusiasm seemed kind of forced, far from the genuine energy of Jungle Cruise skippers. The result of all this was that I've never seen a ride lost on so many people. Lots of bored faces and confused stares during the ride.
So before this turns into a thread listing movies people would rather see in the GMR, I'll list some other changes they could make to the overall show...
1. Animatronics refurb. GMR needs a refurb just like Spaceship Earth got, with all of the AAs replaced with ones that have more exaggerated movement and less rubbery skin. The GMR AAs are some of the most dated-looking on property IMO.
2. Digital surround sound. If the average movie theater has crystal clear sound now, the GMR certainly should, right?
3. Redo the Fantasia scene to represent the tornado scene from the Wizard of Oz, as was originally intended. That way it would mark a transition from black and white (Casablanca) to color (Munchkinland).
4. Make the finale movie more impressive. Don't won't to offend the OP here :lol:, but I don't think the row of movie screens is that impressive these days, even thought the montage is very good. The room seems to have a lot of wasted space, just being surrounded in dark curtains. I'd like to seem them cover the walls in screens of various sizes so they can play many scenes simultaneously, kind of like the Animation building at DCA:
I think that would be amazing.
New movie scenes should be something worth looking at too. Although the theme of classic, enduring, and genre-defining movies should be kept, some of the movies should be replaced with things that are more recognizable.