Bayoutinkbelle's May 27-June 11 trip report

Boy howdy! I'm back at work now :)cry: ) and finally caught up enough to start my trip report. Photos are coming, dear readers, but not today. Give me a break! :D

FYI: I am a firm believer of enjoying one's vacation. Because of that, we rarely got to a park before 10 a.m. unless I had reservations for something before that. I reveled in sleeping in late.

Saturday, May 27:
Drove about 13 hours to Orlando from Louisiana. Got stuck for about 45 minutes in Mobile because a minivan caught fire. We drove by the smoking shell. Pretty scary. Hope whoever was in that car was OK. Arrived to Saturday night I-Drive traffic, so I weaved through one parking lot and another until I got to our hotel. Unpacked the car, ate and we hit the sack.

Sunday, May 28
Spent the day at Discovery Cove. Great weather. Spent morning floating down the river (twice) because it's my son's favorite. Stopped in aviary section of river and just watched the birds. One kept flying down and landing on the lifeguard's shoulder. Lunch was great and we didn't have any trouble with crowds to get it. We spent part of the afternoon in the lagoon with the tropical fish. That water is COLD!! Saw some beautiful fish and tried to take photographs of some. It would be really nice if fish could pose for photos. We also took two more floats down the river again. No dolphin swim this year. We did spend some time watching the dolphins, though. One funny thing: I had to convince D.J. that he could go up to the snack bar and just take a package of cookies and get a drink. He thought he would be stealing and, no matter how many times I told him, I couldn't convince him that I'd already paid for everything.

Monday, May 29
Memorial Day. Went to Seaworld as part of our Discovery Cove package. The place was packed and it was mucho humid. We walked around for a short time, took in the penguins and sharks. We left around noon and came back to hotel. Son was tired and took short nap after lunch. Around 4 p.m., we headed to MK. We hopped on the train first. Son is a huge train buff. We rode full circle and then got off at Mickey's Toon Town Fair. We headed over to the TTA for a spin. My heart dropped when we rode through Space Mountain and the lights were on. We also hit It's a Small World, Philharmagic, the TTA again and Haunted Mansion. The Doombuggies stopped while we were riding through the graveyard. That was a first for me. Then we heard someone over an intercom telling us not to leave our Doombuggies and we'd be moving in a few. Don't know if they were offloading some who was wheelchair-bound or what, but it was kinda cool. We were on our way in maybe two minutes. Next, went to It's a Small World just because I couldn't start my WDW trip without hearing the song. Later, we grabbed a spot at the Tomorrowland entrance to watch Wishes. Once Wishes was over, most of the crowd cleared out of the park and we were able to get a great spot for Spectro.

Tuesday, May 30
Went to MGM for short while. Hit Backlot Tour, LMA, One Man's Dream, Great Movie Ride and walked through lots of shops. Huge lighting rig set up in front of "the hat" but have no idea why. (Note: A few days later, a sign was up that said 'hot set.' The next time we were at MGM, the whole rig was gone.)

Wednesday, May 31
Spent day at Universal Studios. We did everything but Jimmy Neutron. We ate lunch at Monster Cafe. Food not too great, but loved the theme. The Mummy was awesome, as always. We enjoyed the Horror Makeup Show, too. The park wasn't that crowded. Most rides had little to no wait. The exception was Men in Black. We waited over an hour for that one. And no, I had no intention of buying an Express Pass Plus.

To be continued ...


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And, I'm back. Still don't have my photos yet, but they're coming. Really!

Thursday, June 1

Parked at MK and took the express monorail to Epcot. The park was crowded, but not absolutely packed. We walked right on Spaceship Earth with no wait. I love Spaceship Earth. Next, we went into Innoventions. It was mostly so D.J. could see the fire engine. Minutes later, we were on our way to The Living Seas. I do hope they put some seats in this attraction during its reno. It would be great to be able to sit down somewhere. The line for Turtle Talk was huge, which made me glad we weren't going in. We strolled through and enjoyed the fish, a huge sea turtle, manatees and other assorted fishies for about an hour. We took our time because it was threatening rain outside. But we stayed dry as we headed over to The Land. The first order of business was a snack -- milk and cookies. Yum. We took the Living with the Land tour, which was insanely popular during our entire trip. The poor guide was trying his best to carry on with his script, but there were three boys in the front row who were yelling during the whole tour. They were distracting to me and we were in the last boat. We went to Soarin' from there. Of course, all FastPasses were gone so we headed to standby. The wait was about 90 minutes. The line moved at a decent-enough pace until we almost reached the first gate. We stood there for long minutes, so long that the crowd cheered when the FastPass folks were finished. It was D.J.'s first time on Soarin' and he was nervous about it. He loved it though. After that, we went to Club Cool. My first impression was that it was way small (I never visited it pre-Club Cool). D.J. had a ball trying all the different drinks. My favorite was the one from Israel (can't remember the name). We all (me, D.J. and some folks standing about) agreed that Germany's was the worst.

We left CC and strolled around the walkways, enjoying the flowers on our way to World Showcase, which was packed. The F&G Show was excellent! I really enjoyed it. At WS, I noticed a lot of folks wearing badges that said "Muse" on them. "Muse" must be a company or logo or something like that. There was a special event going on for these folks. Anywho, we started in Canada and walked around to Germany so D.J. could spent time with the model trains. We walked over to Norway next and waited for Malestrom. The wait was about 20 minutes. Many people turned around and walked out after rounding the corner and seeing the line for the boats. Pretty stupid, actually. The line moved very fast. After that, we headed to Mexico. We spent about 15 minutes watching a glass blower do his thing. It was neat to see, but I realized I spent too much time watching him when we left. I could barely see. It was about 10 minutes before the image of the torch left my eyesight.

We ate at Cantina de San Angel. I wasn't too impressed. The lines were ridiculously long. A woman in front of us was trying to get a quick snack for her family, while her son tried to get ressies at another spot for that night. Ha! She ended up spending about $60 at San Angel. Meanwhile, the woman decided to tell me she had gone on MS and told me not to do it. I told her I quite liked the ride, thanks. We decided to leave before Illuminations since we had ADR at Rose & Crown on Sunday night. We got back to our hotel around 10 p.m. and hit the sack.

Friday, June 2
A day at the hotel, swimming in the pool and doing laundry. We didn't do parks today, but did go to Orlando Speedway. I promised D.J. last year that we'd go to the Crash-A-Rama. And go we did. Wow! Supposed to start at 8 p.m., actually started at 9 p.m. and I sat down to write this up around 3 a.m. I saw a car burst into flames (with the driver still inside), a school bus burst into flames (again, with the driver still inside), a poor guy get pinned in a car so that the jaws of life had to be used (a med flight had to be called for this guy) ... the list goes on. It was a cool $20 each to get in, but we did have fun. There were two demolition derbys, a boat trailer race, a school bus race, an Enduro and more. It might not be for everyone, but it's a good deal if you do like it.

Saturday, June 3 (and into Sunday, June 4)
As I sit here typing this in the wee hours, wearing my fuzzy pink Mickey ears that light up, I realize that things could be worse. I could still be at work, after all.

The day started late because of Friday's late night. We headed over to MGM again around 1 p.m. since we had evening ressies for Fantasmic. We picked up a small bite to eat at the ABC Commissary. The burger was a bit off, so I didn't eat too much. The crowd in the park wasn't too heavy and most ride waits were 30 minutes or under. D.J. wanted to ride The Great Movie Ride again so we hit that first. Our guide Emily was great.

Next was The Tower of Terror. The standby line said 30 minutes, but I don't think it took half that time. D.J. has a fear of heights, so I went solo. He waited for me in the gift shop. I had a weird moment on TT, something that may be perfectly normal but was a first for me. Perhaps others more knowledgable can tell me. When the ride finished, the car stayed put for maybe half a minute. Then the car started to back up and the lights went out completely. When the lights came back on and we started to unload, another car had finished its drop. It started to back up to our car and came so close that I could have touched it. It was a little unnerving, but nothing happened. D.J. had had plenty of time to pick out some souvenirs in the shop, so we spent some time there.

We crossed the street to RnR. Again, D.J. decided not to ride and hit the gift shop to wait for me. The ride was most excellent. Wait time was about 20 minutes.

We decided to go ride Star Tours before going to Mama Melrose's. The park was full of folks wearing their Star Wars gear for the weekend, but I didn't go out of my way to do any of it. We ran into the parade and watched it finish. D.J. kept saying it was criminal what Disney had done to the cars in the parade. What can I say? He's a purist.

We finally got to Star Tours and it had a 10-minute wait. The gift shop was packed, though.

We also stopped at the Writers Shop. I bought two CDs, dish mats for my dog Rosie and cat Killer and bowls for Killer.

On to Mama Melrose's. This was our first time to do the Fantasmic dinner package and to eat at Mama Melrose's. I loved the food, but it really wasn't to D.J.'s liking. He can be a picky eater at times. I think he could have liked it more if the regular menu had been open for us. I'd recommend the dinner package to anyone who doesn't want to fight the crowds at Fantasmic. We walked right in about 45 minutes before the show and got a great seat. The show was packed, too. My video turned out great. We sat next to two couples that had four toddlers between them. The kids were so much fun to watch. One of the boys and I had a great time giggling at my new head gear (the fuzzy pink ones mentioned above). He kept staring at it and laughing. Of course, we did the wave over and over again while waiting for the show to start. One points about the show: John Smith didn't swing across the mountain tonight. I'm not crazy, right? He usually grabs the rope and swings across. Tonight, he grabbed the rope, but then disappeared back behind the mountain. Stunt misfire, perhaps?

We left the park after the show and decided to head over to Universal's City Walk to go see the 'X-Men' movie. We got there around 10:20 p.m. and got back to my car around 1:40 a.m. to find that someone had kicked in the rear passenger door of my car. Why, I have no clue. I had put my video camera and shopping bag from Disney in the trunk and nothing of value was left out in the open. They left a nice footprint on the door, too. It's substantial enough that I can't open the door. To cover my butt, I called Universal security to have them take a report. That took about 20 minutes and the 'officer' who answered (after the lower-level flunkie in the golf cart) told me that I could fill out a report with Universal, but I wouldn't be able to get a copy. Well that makes sense, huh? I know they have the usual 'we cannot be held liable ...' policy for their parking garage. I just wanted to make sure all my bases were covered for insurance purposes. I had asked the flunkie if there were security cameras and she said she couldn't answer that question. So I filled out a report and the 'officer' gave me the telephone number for Orlando police to make another report, which I did when I got back to the hotel. I also called my insurance company and made a report. The Universal security people were nice and apologetic, I must say. And though I know this never will happen, I'd love to find the person who did it and run his or her feet over repeatedly with my car. My only hope is that the idiot hurt his foot when he kicked my car. (Update: I meet with my insurance adjuster tomorrow morning to tally the damage.)

To be continued ...


Well-Known Member
Nice report - waiting for the photos :snore:

BTW - I thought that at least one person from each group had to "do" the dolphin swim at DC


Active Member
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Nice report - waiting for the photos :snore:

BTW - I thought that at least one person from each group had to "do" the dolphin swim at DC


Photos will be up tomorrow. Today is my big production day at work, so that has priority. I know, I know. And I'm also trying to get my car into the shop to start the repairs. Insurance adjuster estimates $1,500. Ouch!

I did sign up for the dolphin swim, but skipped it because of a few different things. I'll do it again either in October or next summer.


New Member
I am sorry to hear about your car. It seems that you have enjoyed your trip regardless which is great. I look forward to reading more about your trip and your photos. I have to live vicariously through all of you lucky people who get to go before I do. I am planning a trip for the end of April beginning of May, 2007. :wave:


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Hey, look! Photos! They're at the end of this post. The trip report continues ... (Oh, and the car damage is going to cost about $1,500. Thank goodness for insurance!)

Sunday, June 4

I have returned from Epcot tonight with sore feet and a flatter wallet. But it was fun. Tonight I am wearing my Viking hat (with blonde braids, of course). I'm ready for an opera, sailing the open seas or a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

Again, had a late start after Saturday night's trauma. We got to Epcot around 1 p.m. and headed to Spaceship Earth again. There were a few glitches with the audio this time. It skipped in a few spots. Many more people were on the ride this time, but we still were able to walk on without any wait.

From there, we headed over to Test Track. We had planned to get FastPasses and then go over to Mission Space. However, it started to rain and lightning so TT was halted for safety reasons. The standby line already was at 80 minutes and the FastPass returns were getting to be too late in the day to fit in with our ADR at Rose & Crown, so we skipped it. We ran over to MS and I opted for the orange team. D.J., of course, opted out all together. Are you guys seeing a pattern here? Anywho, it turns out that I was my own team for the ride. I had the capsule all to myself. Kinda cool. The line for the original was much longer than the lite version and there was a nice mix of folks who had been on it and those who hadn't. The ones of us who had were giving tips to the newbies. The ride itself was great. When it was over and my door opened, I glanced over at the capsule to my left. A man and his son sat in that capsule. The man looked dazed and, for a moment, I thought he was going to grab the barf bag. I don't know what happened to the guy since I left at that point.

We spent a few minutes in Mission Control and then proceeded to the gift shop. The first purchases of the day were made. I bought two pens (one for me and the "space pen" for D.J.), an Epcot photo holder, a necklace for D.J. and a book ("Night Sky Tracker").

After that, we headed for World Showcase. On our way, we stopped to look at many of the sculptures in the Flower & Garden Show. They were gorgeous! The Disney crew did a spectacular job. We also went by a display of (I guess) beneficial garden insects, although the huntsmen spider wasn't convincing me. Two really nice men were there with honey bees. They were handing out orange blossom honey sticks and we chatted for a few about honey bees. I actually learned something. Go figure. Then we walked through Minnie's Butterfly Garden before going into World Showcase.

I had promised D.J. he could go watch the glass blower in Mexico again, so we hit that first. I walked around to see if I could buy anything else. I passed. We rode through the River of Time before leaving. I really laughed at the section with the street vendors following the boat. We left Mexico and went to Norway, so I could buy my hat. I also picked out some raspberry-filled Singoalla cookies for me and a bag of Non Stop (looks like M&Ms) for D.J.

We trekked over Rose & Crown for dinner. I had the cottage pie (yum!!) and D.J. had fish and chips. It was a great dinner. We left R&C and started scoping the best spot to stake out for Illuminations. But before that could happen, the skies opened up and it started raining hard. One lightning strike sounded way too close. We ran over to France and into the Impressions de France theater, just in time to watch the film. The theater was really cool. I just have to visit France someday. I've always wanted to go.

In France, I bought some Monet postcards and found my newest obsession -- E. Barrett & Company shea butter soap. The scents were heavenly! I bought wild rose, lavender, verbena and mandarin. Thank goodness they have a Web site. D.J. kept bugging me to buy him a glass of wine. I think not.

The rain did stop and we went into Canada to watch Illuminations. D.J. was going nuts because I insisted on wearing my Viking hat in public. Hey, it's my job to embarrass the boy. We had a great view of the show, which I video taped. And here's a question: Has the Illuminations presentation by Siemens always been projected onto Spaceship Earth after the show? I saw that tonight for the first time.

After Illuminations, we went to Downtown Disney and spent about an hour at Disney Quest. We spent most of that time on the fifth floor, playing old video games. Oh my gosh! I played Frogger, Q-Bert, Donkey Kong and more. What a trip. From there, it was back to the hotel.

And, as promised, here's some photos. You'll have to click on the link because my skills are not up to par. Sorry! :eek: If anyone has tips for me on how to have the photos appear in my report, please share. Thanks much!
Smoke from a nearby wildfire floats toward Spaceship Earth. By the time we left, we could see the flames from the parking lot and ash was falling like snow. Security was redirecting traffic away from a nearby road.
Screaming people on Everest. This was fun to watch.
Waiting in line for Everest. I love the que.
Mickey and Minnie in the Magic Kingdom. Awwww.

You can see more photos here:


New Member
Great trip Report. I cant wait until April, the whole marching band is going to disney, and supposedly we're doing a parade in Magic Kingdom. Dont know for sure though.

Sounds like you had a great time (No Big Surprise). That fire must have been scary being so close.


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theTank524 said:
Great trip Report. I cant wait until April, the whole marching band is going to disney, and supposedly we're doing a parade in Magic Kingdom. Dont know for sure though.

Sounds like you had a great time (No Big Surprise). That fire must have been scary being so close.

Thanks! The fire was more of a surprise than a scare. I knew it was near Disney property, but it was a surprise to see just how close it appeared to be by the end of the day.

I also saw a marching band at MK while we were there. I know those kids were sweating mightily in their uniforms. Still, the show was great.

I need to finish the trip report, but work has been so hectic during the past few days. :brick:

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