Banksy Stunt


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I've recently watched "Exit Through the Giftshop". A documentary that follows the street-artist Banksy. If anyone isn't aware, for one art piece, he sneaks to the fence of the Big Thunder Railroad, in DisneyLand, and places an inflatable mannequin dressed in a orange prison suit. He did this is broad daylight, and the height of the park's midday rush.

The video shows it above, and it caused quite a commotion. This happened in 2006, but I still admire Banksy greatly for this feat his accomplished. And, he was never caught by Disney staff.

I know this might be old news to some, but to others, it could be brand new.

What are you opinions on this? Are you glad he escaped? What would your reaction be if he did it during your visit?



Well-Known Member
I am all for freedom of expression but I don't approve of having to violate private property and possibly safety risks that come with such a thing. It was interesting to watch but I don't condone it in any way or form.

As far if it happened while I was there, if I went rarely in comparison to how often I am fortunate enough to get to experience things I would be pretty upset to know that someone's selfish actions caused such a commotion, safety risk and delay in my enjoyment of the day I paid for. So thinking that way I support any frustration behind the people that may of been there that day at the guy.


Well-Known Member
That was really stupid. So he put a blowup doll by the fence. Big deal. :shrug: Is this whats considered art these days?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Neither news or rumors. Troglodytic, though. Particularly the bumping of a four year-old thread in the DL forum today as well....


Well-Known Member
In all honesty, it's childish and moronic. People spend a few hundreds of dollars to go to Disneyland and they see this..? Someone could have had their whole dream vacation ruined because of the idiot you call 'Banksy'. It's not cool, and it's not funny.


Well-Known Member
Complete Serious Question:
What is so bad out of that ???
Someone please explain. I saw this a while ago and was confused. What is it suppose to represent ???


Well-Known Member
In all honesty, it's childish and moronic. People spend a few hundreds of dollars to go to Disneyland and they see this..? Someone could have had their whole dream vacation ruined because of the idiot you call 'Banksy'. It's not cool, and it's not funny.

Please tell me how someone could have had their "whole dream vacation" ruined because of this?


Well-Known Member
Complete Serious Question:
What is so bad out of that ???
Someone please explain. I saw this a while ago and was confused. What is it suppose to represent ???

Looks like he was protesting the treatment of the detainees of the Guantanamo bay prison camp... And somewhere i'm sure a hipster in his skinny jeans and fake thick rimmed eye glasses, saw that on his macbook pro while sipping an overpriced latte' at his local starbucks and though it was "epic"

Art is subjective but I agree with other posters when it intrudes on private property I don't agree with it.


Well-Known Member
It is suppose to be a Guntanamo bay (sp?) prisoner in a covered hood.

I could think of several ways it could ruin some families vacations. The first one that comes to mind is for people who are still deeply affected by the 9/11 tragedy. There are still people who have certain things that trigger their anxiety or depression over the event and a Guntanamo Bay figure could potentially do that.

I only know about Banksy because of my Art in NYC course last year where we covered many of Banksy's pieces and debated weather they are Art or not. Here is a brief overlay of what/who Banksy is.
Banksy has had several protests like this. From my understanding Disney is one of his favorite things to turn into something evil. Some people are lead to believe that Banksy thinks Disney is a big fascist cooperation that gives no thought to people or the environment and they fund some of the major issues he has with the world. Guntanamo Bay is another one of his continuous protests. From what I know Banksy is British and has come to America several times to protest our military and many cooperations. He is against the over commercialization of the world and many people see him as nothing more that a punk looking for attention while others bow at his great art it is all subjective.


Well-Known Member
It is suppose to be a Guntanamo bay (sp?) prisoner in a covered hood.

I could think of several ways it could ruin some families vacations. The first one that comes to mind is for people who are still deeply affected by the 9/11 tragedy. There are still people who have certain things that trigger their anxiety or depression over the event and a Guntanamo Bay figure could potentially do that.

I only know about Banksy because of my Art in NYC course last year where we covered many of Banksy's pieces and debated weather they are Art or not. Here is a brief overlay of what/who Banksy is.
Banksy has had several protests like this. From my understanding Disney is one of his favorite things to turn into something evil. Some people are lead to believe that Banksy thinks Disney is a big fascist cooperation that gives no thought to people or the environment and they fund some of the major issues he has with the world. Guntanamo Bay is another one of his continuous protests. From what I know Banksy is British and has come to America several times to protest our military and many cooperations. He is against the over commercialization of the world and many people see him as nothing more that a punk looking for attention while others bow at his great art it is all subjective.

Ahh, I understand now. Thanks for the explaination.


Well-Known Member

This is just a pathetic attempt at attention. It is not creative at all. I am more embarassed for Disney that this idiot got through security with a blow up doll in a prison jumpsuit than anything.



This is just a pathetic attempt at attention. It is not creative at all. I am more embarassed for Disney that this idiot got through security with a blow up doll in a prison jumpsuit than anything.

The guy doesn't want attention, if he did he'd show his face and admit who he is. But he's sort of a "mystery" and he does all his art anonymously, so he's not looking for attention.


Well-Known Member
The guy doesn't want attention, if he did he'd show his face and admit who he is. But he's sort of a "mystery" and he does all his art anonymously, so he's not looking for attention.

I think the fact he is anonymous is what makes people gravitate towards him. You don't need to plaster your face every where to get attention. He can google his name any day and see people are talking about him.


Active Member
I love Banksy art! It's not about his identity, it's about the message he's putting out there.

If you read some of the stories behind his pieces you'll see how clever and sneaky he is, so it's no wonder he'd do something like that.


Well-Known Member
This guy is an a-hole. This doesn't accomplish an attack on an evil corporation, it just disrupts people's day. Art is often defended as a freedom of expression but most of the time people pass off crap like this as art.

This is closer to an act of terrorism than it is an attempt at art. The worst part about this video though is that he wasn't hit by the train.


Banksy = brilliant.

Disneyland't really work that well.

The billboard recently in LA, though....worked pretty well...

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