Bad Tiki News

General Grizz

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Personally, I don't care what goes own with the Playhouse. They closed it, it's over. They can put Pooh in or the Movie. I think of both the same...I don't care for either. The movie I find is very unimpressive, mainly because they aren't using the country bears. Sure, their names are the same, but they are different characters...and their music is totally different as well...

I only will be alarmed if they decide to replace OUR Jamboree in Disney WORLD with the movie.

IF They do that (and Carousel of Progress is torn down) I will probably never find a need to return to Walt Disney World.


New Member
You got my info wrong, Griz. The movie is something Walt Disney Pictures has in the can that is set for a nation-wide theatrical release (meaning in movie theaters at your local movie multiplex) this summer.

If Disneyland goes back to a Country Bears attraction, they will take songs and voices from the movie that will be out this summer, and use the new songs and the new voices to re-do the Country Bear show in the vein of what they apparently did with Tiki Room: Under New Management.

But that will only happen if the movie (that will be in movie theaters, not in the parks) ends up being a hit.

Way back when there was talk of a Dick Tracy ride for both Florida and California. Disney Pictures was very, very high on this flick before it opened. Then it tanked and the proposed ride got flushed with it--THANK GOD :sohappy:

And the Pooh Bear ride for DL is deliberately lagging when it comes to construction/rehab because Disney Pictures is planning another theatrical (meaning in movie theaters, not the parks) flick using Pooh Bear, this time doing it Roger Rabbit style with a live Christopher Robin and real 100 Acre Wood, with animated (Shrek-like, I've been told) Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore and company. This movie is still in pre-production, although some animation has been done. I believe it's been green-lit with a potential Summer 2003 release that will probably correspond to an attraction opening in California. Disney loves to cross-promote. And in the news article from last summer, Pressler went so far as to indicate that they'll wait and see what the first movie (Country Bears) does before making a move on the new attraction.

And just for laughs, Disney Pictures ia also working on a Haunted Mansion theatrical motion picture, although I've been told that they are still trying to get a solid script in tact.

Hey, it's only taken them 30 years to figure out that they have attractions at parks that they never made movies for. I'm sure if Country Bears makes money, all rides at DL and WDW that don't have a movie tie in will suddenly be considered as potential Walt Disney Pictures. It's just the way things work out here.


New Member
I actually only know what they're planning to do out here in CA. For WDW news, I rely on you guys because they don't give us much.

If the Country Bears are as popular as reported at MK, then they probably won't alter it until its popularity lags. Just wanted you all to know what's going on thoughtwise out here since I was privied to the movie intents by Disney. And since there will indeed be a Country Bear movie, then the threat of altering the MK attraction will thus be there.

And you guys realize that the Hawaiian Bird thing from a much earlier post on this board is somewhat because of the Tiki Room attraction, meaning they think across the board. Ride = movie and vice-versa.

Sorry that this got so far off track from the original Tiki Birds discussion. I will say that I've found nothing to support the original post rumor, other than discussion for years about doing something new with the DL Tiki Birds, and that's a discussion that's gone on out here for probably 20 years.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
I just hope Disney is smart enough to realize that there are different "genres" of Disney Park fans - those for the thrills, those for the movie-rides, or those who go for the classics. Thus, when evaluating the attractions, the "Classics" must be preserved in at least one park. This meaning IASW, CoP, Country Bears, Tiki, HM, PoTC, and a couple others. The original Country Bear Jamboree is in Walt Disney World. It is no longer in Disneyland. Therefore, since it is also popular, Disney must realize that this is a "keep keep" attraction. The original Tiki Room is exclusively in Disneyland. This, too, should stay. Carousel of Progress is only in WDW for the time being, and the attraction, being one of the most popular attractions, should also remain. All others on that list are in both parks... So what would be really "nice" is instead of changing every the original, Walt-and-his men-influenced shows, is keep the exclusive ones and give them a nice long technical advancement. Though Progress had a recent refurbishment and the bears are in good shape (could never to maybe make new animatronics with high tech movements, yet keeping the characters), the Tiki Room seems to be in sad condition....and HM and PoTC at a couple of the parks really need a rehab as well...this would be the ticket to satisfy many fans.

The Country Bears (film) does not need to replace the original show in Disney World. I would rather, if they really want it in Walt Disney World, put a stage show (with costumes or something) in MGM. Plus Rock Music does't really mix into Frontierland...


New Member
Funny how a lot of what you just said about rehabs is in the works at DL. Not sure where I read it, but PoTC in CA in supposedly on an ancient on-its-last-legs computer system, so it's supposed to shut down for a somewhat extended time very soon to put in a newer ride control system, new boats ('cause the one's they have now are kind of old), and improved animatronics.

Haunted Mansion, Small World, and such are also supposed to go down for major referb between now and 2004 to be reopened with much fanfare when Disneyland turns 50 years old. And, sad to say, there have been rumors of adding and deleting scenes from said "classic" attractions.

Hate to say it, Griz, but you're probably in the minority as far as Eisner's ideal intended park guests go. Eisner said in the article last week that they will be fully concentrating on rejuvinating the parks, since very low attendance, particularly at DCA, took away his big-assed bonus.

That means they'll find ways to put in new or updated attractions. Of course with the Subs down at both parks and the circlevision theaters dark (since Rocket Rods went bust at DL), they already have a few open spots to put in new things. But if they can save some $$ and attract more guests by altering bird and bear shows, then you're probably going to end up in the upset minority.

Aside from what went down during X-mas break with CoP, what makes you think that CoP is a genuinely popular attraction? Unlike Country Bears at MK, CoP was supposed to be always easy to get onto and before it's semi-closure didn't have much of an audience. Hence one of the main reasons why they shut it down until attendance briefly picked up.

I do know that if they have it open during Easter, I will give it a spin or two to help keep it alive, since the same venue at DL stayed empty for close to a decade after they shut down America Sings. Fact of life, at all three of the older parks (DL, MK and Epcot) they've changed out attractions and will continue to do so at all parks as they see fit.

As long as they make the replacement a good one--like Pooh Bear replacing Mr Toad or Star Tours replacing Adventures Thru Inner Space--they'll get no gripe from me. It's when they replace decent attractions w/ brain farts, like JIYI or DL's revamped failure of a Tomorrowland, that I start to gripe and worry.

I love it when they put in anything new, always have, particularly when the something new is something good. And if they took on your "don't change anything approach, then there wouldn't be a HM, PotC, Splash Mountain, BTRR, or Country Bears at DL--instead we'd still have an Indian Village and a train ride through "Nature's Wonderland."

Change is sometimes good. And I still don't need to sing like the birdies sing.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
"And, sad to say, there have been rumors of adding and deleting scenes from said "classic" attractions."

If only I could trust Disney. I have NEVER seen ANY attraction replacing another that has been better in the past 10 years at Walt Disney World.

"Hate to say it, Griz, but you're probably in the minority as far as Eisner's ideal intended park guests go." Sad...sad..sad..

"what makes you think that CoP is a genuinely popular attraction?" Every time I have EVER gone to Carousel of Progress, be it November, October, March, or July (the times I usually have visited Magic Kingdom), the place was PACKED. Before each show, the queue area was PACKED with people..and I never got to sit where I wanted to due to the "move down!" rule. Carousel has always been popular. And according to many others, they haven't seen it unpopulated either.

"Fact of life, at all three of the older parks (DL, MK and Epcot) they've changed out attractions and will continue to do so at all parks as they see fit." As for the last too, I have found these changes dramatically unimpressive.

"As long as they make the replacement a good one--like Pooh Bear replacing Mr Toad or Star Tours replacing Adventures Thru Inner Space--" I didn't find a big improvement from Toad to Pooh. Yes, Pooh is nice, but I could see lots of area for improvement. Yes it costs money, but everything does... I don't find myself riding it more than once in a visit...or at all in the previous visits...of course, it does satisfy Pooh fans needless to say.

"It's when they replace decent attractions w/ brain farts, like JIYI or DL's revamped failure of a Tomorrowland, that I start to gripe and worry." Or in my opinion, KK-Food Rocks, WoM-Test Track, etc.

"And if they took on your "don't change anything approach, then there wouldn't be a HM, PotC, Splash Mountain, BTRR, or Country Bears at DL--instead we'd still have an Indian Village and a train ride through "Nature's Wonderland."
Yes, I see your point. But, as Jacob Addison said:

[/B][/QUOTE]It seems more and more that the people who make such insignificant decisions as deciding what goes where, and why it should be there, are forgetting about [Walt]. Little do they realize that there are more things involved in the creation of a place such as the Magic Kingdom than just numbers and statistics... Some may say that sentimental value isn't enough to go on. Well, friends, that's all we have to go on.

"Change is sometimes good." YES...CHANGE IS GOOD...but not ALWAYS. We visit the park many times to see certain things...things to remember Walt by. Things to remember our youth by. Things that truly leave a legacy and make Disney what it is. As I said, there are not many of these attractions - (PoTC, HM, CoP, Tiki Room, IASW, and Country Bears). This makes only 6 attractions. And, to average, we'll say four since the parks are missing some. There is certainly much more room to work with...and closing the "classics" will make the "Worlds" loose a lot of their pixie dust.

When I get into Imagineering (:rolleyes:) , I hope to show that REAL classics can be made...I've already have secretly been working on some ideas...that include lots of originality and brand new ways of replace the "attractions" that really take up space...

All I have seen is the parks go downhill. When they get their act together ... I may trust them. But deleting the favorites will truly destroy the magic of my visits. You can't go to a park without your favorites there...I see no reason to go...


Well-Known Member
You cannot tell me Toad was popular. It had extremely short lines during peak season--comparable to that of Snow White's Crappy Adventures in Hell. Pooh, however, is an e-ride with waits that of Peter Pan's Flight. I think it is a vast improvement from the cardboard cut-outs on an attraction that made little sense, at best (if you hadn't seen Icabod and Toad, you were like "what the..."). Most people also like Test Track over World of Motion, or they would not wait two hours to ride it. Sounds Dangerous was funny the first time...whereas I was never amused with the Monster Sound Show, and I feel the Hunchback is far better than Pocahontas was (and since Beauty just moved to a better stage, can't complain about that:) ) I enjoy our redone Tomorrowland and I think Buzz is MUCH better than Take Flight, which is, again, supported by it's insanely long lines (that and there are kids who would wait days for anything Buzz Lightyear-related). I like the they do to the Tower of Terror every time they change it (like when they redid the 8th floor, redigitalized the sound, and added more background music). I also like what they did to the Great Movie Ride (I seem to remember the Wicked Witch of the West taking over the train, and since that's at the end now..something must have changed...). Everyone seems to Enjoy Walt Disney: One Man's Dream and Who Wants to be a Millionaire--Play It! Finally, I like Mickey's Toontown Fair--it has one attraction I can go on, as opposed to zero (Barnstormer)...however, I wish they still had the birthdayland cupcakes...those were great...and I wish it was a tad bit more like Toontown at DL (I would love to see CarTOON Spin...). I have very few complaints about redone attractions...certainly JIYI, but did anyone LIKE that??? And that disaster Millennium Village, but that's dead (praise the tiki gods!)...


New Member
Well Back to the original Subject
I am a Tiki Fan and so is my Family (25)
I evenhave the 33.3rd Record which Also has the Jungle Cruise on side two.
It has allways been crowded when I go in the Summer.
I think if the people arent interested in the Birds like Jose,Rico
Then I bet they go there to relax Like some people do on Small World.
I agree they do need to update the Soundtrack It seems to be Muffled./Cant understand the Birds.

I have al the Disneyland Ride Records Including the Haunted Mansion With Ron Howard.
If They change all those older attractions
I think they will be ruining alot of peoples Memories of old times.



New Member
You know what's kind of funny? All this talk about keeping the original old attractions as they always were seems to alwayse include the CoP. And what is the message of CoP? Progress!

Now aside from the fact that thematically the CoP hasn't changed much since its inception--which began in DL back in the '60's or even late '50's, they have altered it quite a bit over the years as household items improved, hence the "progress." If they didn't alter it, the most modern family--the one in the final scene--would be in awe over their groovy reel-to-reel tape player, their nifty hi-fi, and it's swell, recently inveted color television.

No one is saying remove the Tiki Room from DL or any park. Why should they? It does offer a nice slower paced alternative to a hectic ride-a-minute Disney day.

But the songs are way dated and completely corny. And yes, that may be it's appeal for some audience members. But as with all animatronic shows like it and CBJ and HoP and such, the beauty of those shows is that you can easily alter the soundtrack of said show. Why they don't just do this after, say, 50 freakin' years is beyond me.

I mean just doing something to breathe some new life into it would do this Disney original wonders. After all, why do we still go on the Jungle Cruise? Some of the jokes are way old, perhaps even from the original guide script, but the guides almost always have a fresh zinger or two every time I go on it. And that's what keeps that Walt original fresh and fun.

Just my opinion.

But again I say--get some new songs for those birds, puh-lease!

Monorail Lime

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Rumor has it that Disneyland's Tiki Room will be taken over by the characters in the next Disney animated feature, which takes place in Hawaii.

(Lilo and Stitch, in case anyone didn't know. :) )

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
The Tiki Room songs are never "outdated". . . songs from, for example, the 80s would be outdated...but not the Tiki Room...this is actual existing music...Luau, War Chants, etc.

And you must realize that many people visit the parks just to see things they saw as children. Some things must be preserved. There must be a blend of the classic and the modern to create that balance and satisfy all fans. We should pay tribute to those even still enterataining attraction that Walt created...or else...where's Walt?

You might think that sentiment is no reason to visit. Well, sometimes that is all we have, as mentioned by Jacob Addison.

And that doesn't mean there isn't progress. one wants to see Snow White. That's OLD. No, people DO want to see Snow White...and that's a classic film, YET there are still NEW Disney Films...and we never want to leave the old things.

OK..Let's REALLY progress. We'll rip out Cindrella Castle and put a big hot dog in!! Heck, we've seen that castle too much.

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