Bad Ankle


New Member
Hey everyone,
I was wondering if I can get some advice. I am traveling to WDW in 3 weeks :sohappy:, unfortunaltly I have a severe sprain :hammer:eek:n my ankle. I have been going through physical therapy and it seems to be healing little by little. I am however afraid of the large distances :eek: of walking required at WDW. Any advise.
Thanks Robyn


Well-Known Member
You will definitely need to rent either a wheel chair or electric scooter. You will be walking quite a bit, no matter which park you visit, so why chance it?
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Original Poster
Rather not Postpone

As to postponing my trip, I really would rather not. A couple of reasons:
One: This trip is already paid for.
Two: My anlke happend afterwards.
Three: This trip is to celebrate my 21st birthday.
Four: This may be my last chance to go for a couple of years.
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I've read here (can't remember where exactly) and on other Disney sites that if you have walking issues for any reason, go for the wheelchair or electric thingy. From what I've read it will increase your enjoyment of the trip and hopefully save you from doing any further hurt to yourself. Just remember that you know your reasons for using it, so don't be bothered by any (hopefully few and far between) comments you may hear from other guests.

Good luck and have a great time!
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New Member
Sympathies on the severe sprain - they can be worse than breaks.

If you have a number of people going, you could use a manual wheelchair and get them to push you. It's cheaper than an electric one.

If you are worried that people will think you are faking injury to be in a wheelchair and get to the front of queues - it does not work that way. Wheelchairs are no longer a ticket to the front of a line. Here's a link to my experiences of travelling with a wheelchair user:

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New Member
I've had Junvinille Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) since i was 7. so I knoow what it's like to do the parks in a wheelchair, while displaying absolutly no visible reasons for having a wheelchair. line jumping was always a perk for me, though i did feel guilt-ridden on rides like Space mountain, and there are still some rides where wheelchairs get to jump all or some of the line, and lets not forget, special seating at shows and parades! so don't worry about using the wheel chair, though wearing something on your ankle may help combat any guilt or (though i never had any) dirty looks.
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Active Member
I had torn 2 ligaments in my ankle on Valentine's day, 1999 and was on crutches for 13 weeks. Visiting the world in July I was nervous about how I'd fare being the "old girl" at 39 traveling with a 35 yr old, a 21 yr. old, 19 yr. old and 12 yr. old. One night I did have to go back to the room earlier than everyone else since my ankle started to swell up. What I did was ice it every night for 20-30 minutes before bed and I kept a supply of Aleve on hand. My advice, use the chair and ice your ankle as often as you need to. Keep some ibuprofen in your bag and have fun.
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Active Member
As to postponing my trip, I really would rather not. A couple of reasons:
One: This trip is already paid for.
Two: My anlke happend afterwards.
Three: This trip is to celebrate my 21st birthday.
Four: This may be my last chance to go for a couple of years.

You're health is more important than embarrassment, so use the ECV. I tore up my ankle 3 years ago sliding in softball and it still gives me problems. I followed the doctor's advice, wore the splint, did the exercises etc...Doctor said, "Next time slide hands first, you don't walk on your hands" I think the previous poster was just kidding with you btw. Happy Birthday!
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New Member
I used a pedometer on our last trip. I averaged between 4 and 9 miles per day at the park. I didn't break it down by park so I can't tell you specifically which ones were more walking intensive (although I'd guess EPCOT and AK).

By all means rent the chair. If you're sensitive to other guests' perceptions (and your ankle can take it), use the chair to get around the park and then stand in the ride lines, utilizing the leaning rails. But only if your ankle can't take it. Don't be a martyr. You're just beginning to heal. Don't mess up your progress by being brave or self-consious. Good luck!
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New Member
I had 2 sprained ankles from getting hit by a car. Definately get the chair and don't feel embarassed about using it. Also be sure to take meds for yourself, some ziplock bags for ice and an ace bandage wrap. Keep your foot elevated as much as you can too.

Still some 17 yrs later I have occassional pain in my ankles and will for the rest of my life. Doctor said sprains are worse than breaks, pain is reoccuring.

Most of all have a happy 21st.
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While on our last trip to WDW, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and stepped off a curb by the firestation restrooms on Main Street. Needless to say, the ankle suffered a rather bad strain. The other members of my party immediately got me a chair and took me to first aid. I had indeed turned my ankle pretty badly (luckily no broken bones, but still have problems with it 8 months later!). I got to use a wheelchair for the remainder of that evening and the remainder of our trip. I was embarassed at times, but when I would try to stand up... then I wasn't so embarassed! The pain was excrutiating.

So... by all means, get something to help get yourself around the parks. You can still have a blast... and you will definitely get to experience the parks with a totally different perspective (one that is much closer to the ground!) And, if there are kids travelling with you... they will try to hitch a ride! My 3 year old daughter was fascinated by mommy's wheelchair and was always trying to get a ride.
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Active Member
If you need the leg elevated which is a good thing then you should buy a cheap used wheelchair at home with the pads and stuff that will keep the leg raised. I would next time take my own ECV if i had one. Having your own chair would help around the hotel and airport.

Ask the airline to have a wheelchair waiting as they do that for me all the time.

Since you can use the crutches you will not have problem with getting into rides that are elevated a little. Stay in the chair until the last minute if you can and save your strength. The crowds do not care about the wide area needed by crutches. It is safer in a chair. There are numrous guides for the disabled and if you have a temp placard bring it.
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In Feb when my parents and I went to the world my mother had just had an operation on her knees and had to be pushed around. Granted, we got a few “front of the line” deals, but it was hard to push her around all of the time, but we don’t regret it.

If you are staying at a Disney resort you can get a wheelchair from the hotel (that you are staying) for no charge. They come with a lock and we used it. They are free at the resort and was a very convenient option to paying for one at the parks each day. Just ask for a wheelchair at check-in. They do require a deposit.
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