
It is official! The wife and I are headed back to the world march 2. I know what y'all are thinking that like Saturday. The tax return came in and with my new corporate job " ya someone gave a me job out of a corporate office" giving me my first week of vacation we decided to head to disney. Now normally I would have booked our vacation months in advance and had every dinner and our tradition of a character breakfast planned out. But this time my wife thought we should wing it. That's right no reservations just hey I'm hungry lets get some eats.

Now with this trip my wife and I had a big decision, to take the child, or not to take the child. That is the question. This is seriously how the conversation went.

Me: I think she would have so much fun at all the shows, riding the dark rides, and meeting Mickey Mouse.

Wife: but we can't ride all of the fun rides

Me: it's ok we can ride swap

Wife: no I'm not sitting on a bench for a hour while you ride star tours 50 times

Me: but your know she would love every moment

Wife's mother: the deal was y'all go to Disney I get Julia.

So it's official babycation it will be 7 days at Caribbeian beach with dinning plan "thank you disney pin" durring the flower and garden plus food festival. With no other plans.

So I will defiantly keep y'all posted on the trip and compare how it is to the normal of planing months in advance.

So the first I must say is it is awesome starting your disney count down at 6 days! Not having my meal plans I'm freaking out that I don't know if I will be able to eat at some of my favs.


Well-Known Member
It is official! The wife and I are headed back to the world march 2. I know what y'all are thinking that like Saturday. The tax return came in and with my new corporate job " ya someone gave a me job out of a corporate office" giving me my first week of vacation we decided to head to disney. Now normally I would have booked our vacation months in advance and had every dinner and our tradition of a character breakfast planned out. But this time my wife thought we should wing it. That's right no reservations just hey I'm hungry lets get some eats.

Now with this trip my wife and I had a big decision, to take the child, or not to take the child. That is the question. This is seriously how the conversation went.

Me: I think she would have so much fun at all the shows, riding the dark rides, and meeting Mickey Mouse.

Wife: but we can't ride all of the fun rides

Me: it's ok we can ride swap

Wife: no I'm not sitting on a bench for a hour while you ride star tours 50 times

Me: but your know she would love every moment

Wife's mother: the deal was y'all go to Disney I get Julia.

So it's official babycation it will be 7 days at Caribbeian beach with dinning plan "thank you disney pin" durring the flower and garden plus food festival. With no other plans.

So I will defiantly keep y'all posted on the trip and compare how it is to the normal of planing months in advance.

So the first I must say is it is awesome starting your disney count down at 6 days! Not having my meal plans I'm freaking out that I don't know if I will be able to eat at some of my favs.
Wow! That's wonderful! I think the unplanned vacations end up being your best vacation! Maybe the disney app will be working to make last minute reservations. Enjoy your vacation!


Premium Member
Congrats!! What a wonderful way to go to WDW! I have thought about waiting last minute like that too, but I always chicken out and make reservs. about 6 mths out. That sounds so exciting! And don't worrying about the ADRs, some of the fun is just seeing what restaurant you end up eating at. We've had some wonderful surprises and got into places we would never have eaten at due to no ADRs. Have a great time! We are all so ENVIOUS!!


Well-Known Member
Hope you have a great time!


Original Poster
Uuuuggggggh. So I'm sitting here eagerly waiting for my trip to disney. I keep remembering things I have wanted to try "wishes dessert party thing-a-ma-jig. Just checked and its not available while we are there. But I have decided that while in the world I'm going to try the new My Disney Experience app. Oh and I almost forgot my new little toy will be coming. My Nikon d3200, lets just say I'm excited to see the amazing photos to come with to trip.


Original Poster
Good morning fellow Disney fanatics! Spent the evening finishing up the packing and tidying up (don't want to come home to a messy home). Now with 3 hours till we leave for the airport 7 hours till our plane leaves Houston and 11 hours till we land in Florida sleep alludes us. So thank you Dvr and Destination America we are watching Disney specials getting pumped to see Yoda! I mean The Mouse. Well gotta quadruple check all my batteries are charged and pins are packed!


Original Poster
Good evening read if you dare, as you noticed this report has no windows or doors but it is full the most relaxed day in the magic kingdom my wife and I ever had. To start the day off when we checked in this morning our room wasn't quite ready yet. Not a big deal our cast member Ash picked up the phone to Oz and worked on finding a place to rest our weary heads. Ya I didn't sleep last night the excitement was to much to handle. So the great and powerful Oz finally realized Ash was calling after about 20 min and got us a room. I must clarify that even though I was counting how long it took Ash was loads of fun filling in the time with small talk telling us all he could and asking what our favorites where. " he didn't realize he was with some Disney pros" We got our room in building 12 and a corner room. Last year we stayed at POFQ in a corner room. Talk about lucky. Personally I like POFQ a little more both resorts have their pluses. POFQ feels more adult, but my little one would love this room Nemo and his friends are everywhere. I promise to post pics as soon as I get back to Texas. Took a whole day off to vacation from my vacation.

Now the parks today. The weather was great minus the wind. The wind to day cut straight to your bones. All the shops were filled to the ears with people buying jackets and anything to keep warm. Took some great pics of the castle and the wife and I headed striaght to one of our favs the Haunted Mansion. Then the camera died. Sad days. Crowd wise btmrr was a 100 min wait as we left Tons of kids here for dance and cheer competitions and the remnants of the princess half marathon. Must have seen 8 groups with at least one person still wearing their medals, keep it up ladies. The wife and I were so exhausted we jumped one one btmrr before the rush "45 min wait" oh the new interactive ques are in... But no one knows what to do. The only ones that worked were the screens to view what's goin on below and maybe the one you push air into the shaft... A giant bag kinda moved... After that we left hit up the quick service at the resort and going to refresh for an exciting day tomorrow with my palls R2 and Yoda!

I must close with this. For those of you who are new to the dining plan here's my tip of the day. We are on the standard plan this time. After out past two trips we realized we just can't eat all that food. So what we do is split the quick service meal, or like tonight both got a meal, desert, and drink. Deserts we got wrapped ones and we split one of the drinks. Soooo we now have two snacks for tomorrow and a coke. If your keeping track that 3 snack credits we saved for Epcot.

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