Without knowing the specific dates of your vacation, it probably means only a room at Saratoga Springs is available for every single night of your trip. Now, if you want to try to shift the dates, so it takes place a few days earlier or later than what you have planned...OR if you want to try to split the stay so maybe you keep some of your time at CB and some of the trip at a DVC resort, you might have more options. It only takes one night to screw up your options. If you were going 8/15-8/22, but the Poly was not available on 8/15 but available the rest of the week, Poly is out as an option.
If you're a DVC member, you can type your dates in the official DVC website and they'll be specific about which of those dates are available at each resort, whether it's all dates some dates or no dates. But if you're relying on a 3rd party rental site, they might only spit out the results of your specific request. Couldn't hurt to amend your request.
EDIT - so again, without knowing your specific dates I went on the DVC website using 10/15-22 as an example and yes, pickings are slim and right now only a preferred room at Saratoga is available for every single night. Many of the resorts have partial availability, a couple of nights here or there, or a single night. Kidani Village, for example, you could get the 1st 2 nights in a standard view, the 2nd two nights in a savannah view but then you'd have to move to a different resort (or pay cash direct to Disney to stay there). So if you can do a split stay, you might have some additional options. I don't mind checking out your specific nights if you feel like sharing them, tell you what's available where and when. But I might not be able to get to it right away. If you know someone who's a DVC member, a good friend, they might be in a better position to look this stuff up for you in a more timely manner.