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Solar City was a dog long before Musk bailed out his cousin and may never have positive cash flows. Terrible buy for Tesla, but those stocks don't trade on actual value but projected growth and Musk gets the celebrity CEO bump. I agree that Tesla is probably overvalued right now. I do like the potential, but that's a huge premium to pay to get on board now.I get lost on who said what on these posts.
I know an executive at GM and some others so I do have a pretty good idea of what is what there.
The biggest improvement has been getting rid of the dead product lines or non money making lines. They have gotten the unions under control another big problem,
BTW I shorted GM into BK. I also shorted Delphi into BK. I have a good knowledge on the auto industry and I trade on fact not happy feelings. I'm short Tesla right now, just put that on about a week ago. Tesla is ridiculously over valued, $80 a share I could see not 300 plus. That is a scary stock to play with, it has hit it's max and is going down as Tesla doesn't live up to the best case scenario. Their battery business, power wall etc. has failed by lack of demand. There are warehouses of battery packs that are unsold. Solar City was a bailout not a good buy. Solar City continues to lose money hand over fist and will continue like that for a while in the best case. Model 3 Tesla will sell hundred of thousands a year> LOL......LOL.
The auto industry is brutal. GM is so so at best. I do like the new CTS.
GM is investing in autonomous cars and electric vehicles and other non-core businesses with growth potential. As long as they are making minor investments and not going all in on these things it's probably an OK move. Half a billion dollars isn't going to bankrupt GM. I think Disney will also approach this in a similar way. They won't go all in and scrap all of their busses right away. A slow and steady roll out and test run of the technology will allow them to take advantage of the marketing opportunity without taking a huge financial risk. If things work out as they hope it's easy enough to expand.