Autograph Books in WDW


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Are there any adults out there that have done character autograph books without the kids? Hubby and I are huge Disney fans, and I was thinking it might be fun to do an autograph book (and take pictures) during our next trip. I just didn't know how others would take that... Especially when the kids are all standing around waiting for their autographs? Is that crossing the line of polite adult behavior???


Well-Known Member
as the mother of two daughters that insist we get EVERYONES autograph, I say go for it. As long as you wait in line just like the other kids who cares? I have seen plenty of adults line up in Toon Town Tent for photos w/characters...why not go ahead and do the autograph at the same time? Have fun!

Sir Hiss527

New Member
I do it all the time, Go ahead, and get the autograph with it. Sometimes I feel stupid, though.

-Sir Hiss527-

"Stop Hissing in my Ear":king:


New Member
i plan on doing just that when I go in july I bought an autograph book when I went for the soap opera weekend but didnt need it because they gave out pictures which they signed so now i have it for the next trip and i am gonna skip pages so i can put the picture that i take with the character right next to it


Well-Known Member
Go for it...
don't be suprised if you get confused looks from parents though....for some reason...some adults think that the characters are just for the kids???:veryconfu .... who thinks that??:rolleyes:

here's a kool tip that my brother gave me...
Instead of getting an autograph on both the front and back of pages....try something like this.....

left of you and mickey
right page...autograph of Mickey
Left of Pluto and you
right page...plutos paw print

you get makes a good autograph book and photo album of the characters


Wy wife got Mr Smee. and Cpt. Hook to sign her visor. The kids loved it and the characters seemed to be really enjoying it also. What we did with our kids books is had the characters sign on just one side of a page and then printed out the dig. photos when we got back and glued them into the books next to the autograph. They look great and its a custom souvenier.


New Member
The last time my bf and i were at MK I dragged him around the park getting autographs and pictures. I had no problem with it, he was a little uncomfortable. We did get a few looks from parents but I didn't care. I say do it, you'll regret it if you don't.:)


I loved getting autographs and pictures with the charachers. I was obsessed with getting as many as possible. Up till I was 16, I was still getting autographs. A part of me still wants to get them. But I say go for it. This is the place where everyone is a child and it's all in good fun. Don't be embarassed, do what you want to do to make your vacation more enjoyable.


New Member
Originally posted by disneydudette
Go for it...
don't be suprised if you get confused looks from parents though....for some reason...some adults think that the characters are just for the kids???:veryconfu .... who thinks that??:rolleyes:

here's a kool tip that my brother gave me...
Instead of getting an autograph on both the front and back of pages....try something like this.....

left of you and mickey
right page...autograph of Mickey
Left of Pluto and you
right page...plutos paw print

you get makes a good autograph book and photo album of the characters

When we went in 1997 we did the same thing, had the characters sign on every other page & put the pic opposite. It was really cool!! When we went back in 1998 we had the book along and the characters LOVED it! They absolutely loved looking through the book. Of course, the Disney autograph books are not made for this & the binding broke!

This year I'm working on an extensive Disney autograph book in a Creative Memories 8-1/2"x11" album (4" thick!!). I was only going to do a small 7"x7" album, but rememberd the pics of the boys with the characters when they were little & saw how precious they were, so we decided to put a pic from each year in. That way we could see how the boys have grown with the characters throughout the years. I am also taking along Creative Memories pens to use in various colors (won't fade or bleed) so that maybe some of the characters will make some artwork with them! Each page has all of the pics of each character with our family throughout the years [1989 (before dh & I were married), 1992, 1997, 1998 (were there only a few days...still looking for the pics of boys with Mowgli & Baloo! :eek: ), 2000, and 2002]. But now all of those pics are in our new book. We are hoping to get as many autographs as we can. The ones that we don't get? We'll just photocopy the ones in the other Disney Autograph albums to insert until we meet them again!

The cover page has "Deb's" Family Disney Autographs. Creative Memories has come out with several Disney insignias, die-cuts & stickers. I used the Disney insignia on the front page with a sticker of the fab five. The next two-page spread has pics of our family all together at each visit with details of the dates & where we stayed. The characters start on the next page, with Mickey Mouse, of course! The classic Disney characters are first & then I put the characters in alphabetical order according to movie title. Aladdin, Alice, etc. to Winnie the Pooh.

I am hoping that we could possibly be invited to be the Grand Marshalls in the Magic Kingdom parade because of our book!?? Only time will tell. Our next trip is in just 27 days! We can't believe it!!


Well-Known Member
I use to do autographs, but I'm more into pictures now. As long as you wait patiently in line, don't cut in front of the kids, or spend too much time with the characters too much, the parents most likely will not have a problem with you meeting the characters. I know I've never had a problem. I'll also usually let some of the kids behind me in line go first, which the parents always appreciate and brings a smile to both the kids' and parents' faces.


Well-Known Member
I'm an 18 year old guy and I still carry around my autograph book! :lol: :D If I can recall, MSU has some pictures with one, also. :)


New Member
I'm A 20 year old girl and I have an autograph book. No big deal who cares what other people think. I just wait patiently along with all the kids and remember my "please" and "thank you".:)


New Member
If that is your thing - go for it!

I would love to wait for pictures - I just don't have any patience to wait in line with all the kids.


New Member
My hubby & I are in our 30's and we waited for pictures on our last trip, and we will wait on this trip. My hubby doesn't become a DH until we get to WDW. Until then he is more like Grumpy waiting for the trip preparations to be over. (I have taken to doing most of the preparations to make his life a little easier!)

I like the idea of the Autograph Book and signatures on every other page. We will try that this year. My DSIL makes an album of every trip (she has 8 that I am aware of) and she has a page dedicated to each autograph she has with pictures of her family with the characters.


Well-Known Member
I was going to say that but Cindrelly31 beat me too it. (being the DSIL she mentioned.)

Last year we just used a plain unlined note book for autographs, then pulled them out and used them in the memory books, I even used extra pages as back ground to make them all macth. When DD was too shy to see the characters I went up and got the autograph for her so we would have them later. Once after I got Donald Ducks autograph for her, he came over to her stroller and hovered over it, it made the funniest picture.


Well-Known Member
If we didn't have two children then I'm sure we'd both have autograph books, but somehow I can't imagine us asking Mickey and Pals for four autographs, two is quite enough. :)

If you're without kids then I say go for it!!!


Do whatever works for you... if you really want them, get them so you don't regret it later.

I collect baseball player autographs on baseballs, so the last trip we went to my GF stood in line to see Mickey while I literally sprinted down Main St to get a WDW baseball and had Mickey sign it. So now it sits with all my other autographs next to Jason Giambi and Ken Griffey Jr. :D

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