August in Disney?


Well-Known Member
I've been there once in August and, like the others said, it is hot and humid. Not enough to ruin your trip though. Crowds were relatively low. Just be sure to take a break and get in some air conditioning every now and then.
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Well-Known Member
We went second to last week in August this year. It was TERRIBLY hot and it was more crowded then we expected, I guess bc it was the last week before a bunch of the northern schools went back. All I can say is go out to the parks at opening and take a break around 1 or so. There is usually a half hour or so thunderstorm with torrential downpours every afternoon b/t 2-5pm. Then it gets nice and that's about the time to head back to the parks, esp with EMH. Make sure you always have a few bottles of really cold bottled water on you or a brita bottle filled with water. Also, sunblock higher than 30 spf and apply more often than usual. I learned this the hard way the first day in the park this past trip when i Used 30spf and didn't apply quick enough. let's just say my shoulders were burnt to a crisp for a month after. That's all I can really suggest for this time of year. Have fun!!
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Well-Known Member
Florida in August is hot. I went one time in August and decided never again and I'm from the south. Hurricanes can come anytime from June to November. It seems some years they are more active in August and September.

Same here! We went once in July, never again. It was too hot and I'm from Texas, lol. Only June or Christmas-time for us.
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Active Member
That's actually a great time to go, if you don't mind the heat! It can be VERY hot in august (It got up to like 90 degrees this year....), but all the schools have started by then, so there are no more kids on summer vacation in the parks. But be sure to drink LOTS of water, try to limit the time you and your kid are out in the sun in the middle of the day, and wear sunscreen. It does rain a lot that time of year, though. Be sure to bring ponchos as well and be wary of the lightning... Have fun!
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New Member
We've been in August a couple of times. It is a good time to go towards the end of the month. Crowds thin out with school starting up. It will still be crowded but not as bad as June/July. It's going to be steamy so make a trip to a store when you get there and by a case of water bottles if you can. Expect a mid-afternoon shower/t-storm everyday. It cools things off a bit and gives you a decent window for a break.

My best advice with a 5-year old is to just wing it as far as plans go. They are at that age where everything is beyond their expectations so structure is not entirely necessary. Just go and have fun... I wish we had a trip planned soon!
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Well-Known Member
Central Florida has unbelievable humidity. If you think saunas are hot, wait until you spend a day outside in August here.

Walk slowly. Carry water with you ALL THE TIME and take frequent sips. Don't wait until you are thirsty to drink. That will really and truly help a lot.

Make sure you get enough sleep and if you can, leave the park around 1:00 - 1:30, take a short swim and then a nap and come back around dinner time. You'll avoid the worst of the heat that way. Naps will also help if you want to stay out late for fireworks and get up early for rope drops.

Wear light-weight, lightly-colored, breathable fabrics...and wear as little of them as you can. If you have the money, invest in some of those clothes made for hot temps. They help.

You will encounter Brazilians. They cut in line. Disney does nothing to stop line cutters. They chant. Can't stop that. Try to deal with it without wigging out. You can't do anything about it, so just accept it. I mention it only so you can prepare. :)

August is crowded. Even the last part of August is crowded. People are much more irritable in the heat. Short tempers. Unhappy-looking people slogging through their vacations, trying to make the best of it...sometimes fighting, even the adults.

It rains a LOT in August, usually beginning in the afternoon or evening. Try to hit the parks in the mornings so that you make the most of the non-rain time. Disney sells ponchos and umbrellas. Ponchos in August are fairly worthless. It is so hot and they are made of plastic, so you start to sweat under end up being all wet from the sweat and more uncomfortable, too. The rain usually does not cool things off like it does in most places. After the rain, it is still hot, just more humid. On rare and glorious occasions, it will cool down for a little while, but not usually.

There is no way around the heat in August, but if you prepare yourself and follow sensible guidelines, you can still have a wonderful time. I hope you do!!!
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Well-Known Member
You will encounter Brazilians. They cut in line. Disney does nothing to stop line cutters. They chant. Can't stop that. Try to deal with it without wigging out. You can't do anything about it, so just accept it. I mention it only so you can prepare. :)

Oh the Brazilians... we've seen them a few different trips each in July (another reason to consider going in June).
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Well-Known Member
Depending on when you go in Aug, you may or may not encounter Brazilians. We were there (as previously stated in my first post) 2nd to last week of August and NEVER saw Brazilians all week. You are more likely to see them in July.
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Well-Known Member
Just booked for August 23 - 30th, 2013!!! Have never been during this time frame, any suggestions as to how to plan a great trip with a 5 year old??:p

Crowds are low and wait times are usually only 40 minutes or less for the major attractions and the weather is still amazing. Highly recommend this time of year.
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Well-Known Member
You will encounter Brazilians. They cut in line. Disney does nothing to stop line cutters. They chant. Can't stop that. Try to deal with it without wigging out. You can't do anything about it, so just accept it. I mention it only so you can prepare. :)

August is crowded. Even the last part of August is crowded. People are much more irritable in the heat. Short tempers. Unhappy-looking people slogging through their vacations, trying to make the best of it...sometimes fighting, even the adults.

This is all untrue. I have been to WDW five time in August and have NEVER encountered Brazilian tour groups. They come around in July, not August.

Also the parks are in no way crowded at all. I have read trip reports and the like of people who have gone in May/June/July, late December and Spring break and the crowds are nothing like that. Late August at WDW has low attendence.
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