I have been mystified ever since this item went on the auction board. For several days the price stayed around the $500 mark. Then it went up to $1,050 the last time I saw it, which was yesterday. Now if it went up a little more than that, I mean a little like maybe to $1700 or $2,000, then I have a feeling that the Company is not going to let an item such as this go for that little an amount. Now we all know that only the very rich can bid on most items from a Disney Park. Look at the Disneyland Sign that was at auction on ebay last year. The actor John Stamos bought that item for somewhere around $20,000 or so plus shipping. He has the money. He has a huge Ranch, so he certainly has the room. Who of us on this board can afford something like that. You can get a clue as to what they expected when you look at the lavish layout with color photos and all the Hazardous Material warnings and the Shipping Charges. I think that the Company expected bids of $10,000 or more. This is a fantastic item and any Figment Fan would give there Eye Teeth to have it. But the price and the size eleminates most all of us from this bidding.