Attractions that need FASTPASS


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I happen to be a big fan of Disney's FASTPASS. I even collect the invalid and unused ones. I just want to know, what attractions need FASTPASS? I would love your opinions. I think they are:

Magic Kingdom:
• Tomorrowland Indy Speedway
• Dumbo
• Astro Orbiter
• it’s a small world
• Pirates of the Carribean
• The Magic Carpets of Aladdin


• Body Wars
• Universe of Energy

Disney MGM Studios:

• Backlot Tour
• Fantasmic

I think Animal Kingdom is pretty good on their lines.


New Member
I don't think Fantasmic should have do they know if all the seats are taken???!!! Personally, I think that IASW and Haunted masion should have fastpass (I don't know if HM has FP or not.....):animwink:


Well-Known Member
HM does have FastPass already. I've never had to use Fastpass on it, but I know they have it.

To be perfectly honest, I can't think of too many more attractions that could use FastPass that doesn't already have it. Speedway would be nice- those waits can be terrible in the sun. And if Stitch becomes popular, FastPass might be nice on that too.


New Member
Not to many, Pirate and IASW and INDY but besides those I really can't think of any. Defiantely not Body Wars because everytime I have never encountered a wait and Universe of Energy same deal.


Account Suspended
Indy already has one.

And for some unforseen reason. The big wigs, and their unlimited f'n wisdom do have FP for Body Wars. Its a surprise FP which you can get from Test Track (At least that I know of).

But what crazy idiot, decided we needed one for it? "Look, theres a five minute wait.....let's get a Fastpass"

At EPCOT, if any thing needs a FP system, its Space Ship Earth. Dang it, I went to EPCOT last weekend and damn it! The line went through EVERY PART OF THE QUENE!!!! IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!


Hear is what I think that needs it ASAP, the following is a list.

Magic Kingdom:

(1)Tomarowland Indy Speedway, add FP soon.
(2) Dumbo, add FP soon.
(3) SM needs a renovation soon like the DLP maybe in 05.
(4) SGE maybe sometime (between Late Jan 05 to Late March) add wall for the TTA that maybe can be done.
(5) It's a small world


At this time none maybe in a few years on new attractions, maybe that can clear the wasted WOL after 05 for the next FP Attraction.

MGM Studios:

Only 1 The Backlot Tour!!!

Animal Kingdom:

None at this time.

That’s is what needs to be done!!!

Sorry for it being long,


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only the Speedway.

The others don't.

However, Pirates at Disneyquest could benefit from it...


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Originally posted by X2CommNavISTC
Indy already has one.

And for some unforseen reason. The big wigs, and their unlimited f'n wisdom do have FP for Body Wars. Its a surprise FP which you can get from Test Track (At least that I know of).

But what crazy idiot, decided we needed one for it? "Look, theres a five minute wait.....let's get a Fastpass"

At EPCOT, if any thing needs a FP system, its Space Ship Earth. Dang it, I went to EPCOT last weekend and damn it! The line went through EVERY PART OF THE QUENE!!!! IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!

I have to agree with you on the Spaceship Earth idea. But Tomorrowland Indy Speedway doesn't have Fastpass. The correct "Indy" would be the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular. I have their FASTPASS.


New Member
The Speedway needs FP.

Astro, Dumbo, Aladdin, IASM don't have room to add in the necessary machines, return lines without majorly clogging the area around the rides.

UoE doesn't need it, it's rarely ever full. The only thing that would help is that if ride times were scheduled to leave at certain times (say on the hour and half hour) and were advertised.

I wouldn't count on Body Wars being around much longer.

Nothing at AK. Nothing at MGM.


New Member
Originally posted by matt88mph
I have to agree with you on the Spaceship Earth idea. But Tomorrowland Indy Speedway doesn't have Fastpass. The correct "Indy" would be the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular. I have their FASTPASS.

I think Indy Jones is the one that he's talking about. He used to work there.

Also, why do they call it the Indy speedway when:

1. The cars don't look like Indy cars.
2. They sell NASCAR merchandise.


New Member

Magic Kingdom:

Jungle Cruise: Take it out (it just makes lines longer and it made most of the exsisting queue unusable)

Pirates: No need for it

Splash: leave it in

BTMR: leave it in

Haunted Mansion: Take it out (this one NEVER gets long lines)

It's A Small World: Again, no need- the lines are never more than 20 minutes and its constant moving

Peter Pan: Take it out (it would make lines shorter)

Dumbo: This would just make stand-by 120 minutes everyday (no need)

Snow White: No need (never a line)

Winnie the pooh: leave it in

Philramagic: leave it in

Space Mountain: leave it in

Buzz: take it out (lines move very fast and usually arent mroe than 25 minutes)

Speedway: Add ONLY if they update it more like Autopia

For the other parks- most are fine except take out Fastpass for Dinosaur, Primeval Whirl, Kali River Rapids (the standby line was shorter than the Fastpass line!), Star Tours, Indiana Jones, Little Mermaid, Millionaire, living with the land, maelstorm, honey i shrunk the audiance, its tough to be a bug...

Add for: none at this time...

I'm not really a fan of Fastpass although i like it when the lines are long and i can skip right through them. In my opinion, only have it at the MOST popular rides that get long lines...


Account Suspended
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
I think Indy Jones is the one that he's talking about. He used to work there.

Also, why do they call it the Indy speedway when:

1. The cars don't look like Indy cars.
2. They sell NASCAR merchandise.

Ah, little Turkey (Uh, sorry), you beat me to it.

Why do they call it the Indy speedway when it really has nothing to do the franchise?

Same reason why they call it It's a small world....just a cover up for "Entrance to torture chamber beyond the 10th gate of hell"

Least there is one reference to the franchise, the map of the Indy 500 speedway...:lookaroun

*Goes back to listening to Lewis Black's Rules of Enrangement*
Call off your date tonight, buy this cd....and dont drink a damn me.


New Member
Originally posted by Blake

For the other parks- most are fine except take out Fastpass for Dinosaur, Primeval Whirl, Kali River Rapids (the standby line was shorter than the Fastpass line!), Star Tours, Indiana Jones, Little Mermaid, Millionaire, living with the land, maelstorm, honey i shrunk the audiance, its tough to be a bug...

I agree with everything but some of these. I think Dinosaur, KRR, Indy, LM, Millionaire all need it.


New Member
Originally posted by dobiedadorf
At Disneyland, Pirates has fastpass. It's great.

I know but i've never seen a very long line at WDW- maybe 20-25 minutes at most..

BTW- why did they build the entrance at the far side of that big empty building (like the one u have to walk through to get to the queue- with the parrot out front)- was this supposed to be extra queue if needed? I was just wondering..


Well-Known Member
Speedway should never get a fastpass b/c it would make the lines soooo much longer. Look what happened to Peter Pan and Winnie the Pooh...they have massive lines that move deathly slow.


New Member
Originally posted by surfsupdon
Speedway should never get a fastpass b/c it would make the lines soooo much longer. Look what happened to Peter Pan and Winnie the Pooh...they have massive lines that move deathly slow.

Exactily! Sometimes i think things would just be better off without Fastpass or at least change the 16:4 ratio because Standy-By moves SO slow! I was at Splash Mountain not long ago, and the standby line was down to the entrance to the mine building (the one with the sign above it) and i waited 2 1/2 hours because they just let standby people on. A few years ago, the line was most of the way through the exterior queue and i only waited 45 minutes....


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Blake
For the other parks- most are fine except take out Fastpass for Dinosaur, Primeval Whirl, Kali River Rapids (the standby line was shorter than the Fastpass line!), Star Tours, Indiana Jones, Little Mermaid, Millionaire, living with the land, maelstorm, honey i shrunk the audiance, its tough to be a bug...

Nooooo! I would hope that Disney would not take FastPass away from the Little Mermaid show. That's one of the few attractions I even use FastPass on anymore. Most of the others, though, I could stand loosing (besides the big ones like ToT, Splash, Test Track, etc.). Even in the Summer, I have not experienced unbarably long Stand-By lines for many of those attractions you mentioned (DINOSAUR, PW, Star Tours, Indiana Jones, Millionare, Land, Maelstrom, Bug, Land), so getting a Fast Pass for them just seems a little pointless. Mermaid, though, I would be upset if they took FastPass away from.


I dont think any rides need a FP except for the Speedway. But there's a lot of attractions that can do without, like Living With The Land, HISTA, and Maelstrom.


Well-Known Member
Living w/ the Land I can see...get the fastpass, eat, catch one of the the time that slow boat to China makes it back to the station, your up!

The big one that I see as absolutely no advantage would be Haunted Mansion. Tell me exactly what you're fast-passing?...The first 30 people in line? With Peter-pan, you pretty much move up to the front, but at HM?:veryconfu

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