ATTENTION "Main Street USA" (This is for you)

head mouse

Original Poster
I seriously doubt the castle is sinking. If you compare the two pictures at the beginning of this thread, you'll find the reason the blue print version appears taller is because it includes the portion of the castle that is under water.

my 2 cents. :)

I don't think biggbird5182 was comparing the photo to the blueprint. I think they were saying it looked taller back then, then it does now.

Besides in this enlarged view of that same print. You can see the water level. Its just that the walk way is so far above the water level, its not seen from the entracnce end of main street.

I dunno



Well-Known Member
I think the illusion of the castle being taller is more a matter of the golden figures messing with the forced prespective used in the castle. Any sinking of the castle would have also caused massive damage to the utilidoors and the systems that run through them. Though sinking of this nature is not unheard of on WDW property, I do not believe that this is the case.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! You posted this before I could get to it. :D

The oversized golden statues and the huge, ugly mirror destroyed the castle's forced perspective. This was an excellent example of how carefully WDI has to plan things to make it work correctly. Also, part of the Utilidoors go directly below the castle. Considering that the tunnels are still there and haven't cracked or collapsed, it's safe to say that the castle hasn't sunk. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily. There is A LOT of weight in that one spot.

Place different sized and weight items on a piece of foam rubber and see how they react.

I didn't say the castle sunk into the tunnels. I said the GROUND may have sank some.

Relax people I am not saying the thing is going to fall. I am just pointing out the over time the gorund settles more and buildings sink some.

Ground settling is normal. an inch or two. thats it.
anything more would destroy something with hugh cracks and things falling apart around it.
Now a sinkhole is a different matter.
Neither is happening at the castle.
They have plenty of support and footings built in for it and the tunnels below are pretty much solid walled concrete.

Not sure why this was brought up so much but I thought I would get my two cents in.


Well-Known Member
The person who said shorter trees is on the money. That is one reason the hub was rehabbed with shorther trees a couple of years ago. Also, all the stage stuff that has been placed in front of it over the years kills the forced perspective aspect too.

It also appears that the photo was taken from pretty high up. It appears that you are looking over the tops of the Mainstreet buildings. You don't get that perspective from standing on the front section of the train station. I wonder from what vantage point the photo was taken? An aerial lift of some kind?


New Member
Couldn't do it in the closed thread but thank you to those who answered my questions about painting! :) And I can't WAIT for the castle to return to its old self.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Ya read my mind. I was going to give you a classic pic of the castle.

And just for fun...
Ah, well..evenn though it's an old pic, I can't thank you enough. Those are a couple of great classic photos. Thanks!

head mouse

Original Poster
Ground settling is normal. an inch or two. thats it.
anything more would destroy something with hugh cracks and things falling apart around it.

Not true.

If the ground setteled 1-2 feet over a 30 year time span. Think abou tit. ther eis daily maintnece doen to the castle so any little cracks would be repaired.

The point I am making is it IS possible for ANY building to sink into the ground 1-2 feet over a LONG time period.

head mouse

Original Poster
imagine all the birds they killed with those balloons...



Same as the rice at wedding killing birds. Never happens. Rice at wedding kills more humans each year (about 10-15) then birds (0 zero)

And before you ask....

The rice thrown will land on the side walks. When it rains the rice gets slick and people slip and fall. On adverage about 100 people a year are hurt from slipping on wet rice at or after a wedding, and as said about about 10-15 of thoes people die)

I am still having rice at our wedding.


Well-Known Member
Not true.

If the ground setteled 1-2 feet over a 30 year time span. Think abou tit. ther eis daily maintnece doen to the castle so any little cracks would be repaired.

The point I am making is it IS possible for ANY building to sink into the ground 1-2 feet over a LONG time period.
:rolleyes: Nuts to that. Let me put this in perspective. When we moved into our current house a few years ago, we discovered that the settling the house had done had resulted in foundational damage that took a lot of time and money to fix. But this was only a few inches of movement, over a longer period of time than the castle has been there (house was built in the 1960s). The notion that the castle could sink one or two feet in just thirty-five years and only leave "little cracks" that could be easily repaired is crazy. There would be large fissures everywhere, nothing would be level or plumb. At that point you would most likely have to tear down and start over.

Another bit of perpective: estimates are that Venice sinks 2.5 centimeters per century.

Plus, given that it's 180 feet tall, one foot isn't going to make it appear shorter.

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