At WDW, and I'm Sick

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Currently am here and I seem to have picked up a cold. I'm just chilling at the pool. It sucks. I'm just trying to bake it out of me, lol.

Honestly, it's a crapshoot. I went a bunch of times during Covid. Initially, I couldn't get vaccinated for medical reasons. I finally got fully vaccinated, but was still wearing a mask...guess who got COVID?
Sorry you are sick too. Being sick at Disney SUCKS because there is so much you feel like you're missing out on and you're paying to be there.
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Well-Known Member
How do you travel with antibiotics "just in case" when they have to be prescribed?
My DW's doctor writes up a prescription to be filled before we leave so she has meds on hand. Shes had bacterial infections start after weve arrived before and had to have things ordered through a Fl pharmacy and now the Dr does this so we wont have to deal with the FL piece. Having it on hand allows her to start in on the meds immediately. Shes very aware of the symptoms and how she feels as things start up.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone takes the entire bottle as instructed. My wife is infamous for this. I am pretty sure I have 1/2 a bottle of every antibiotic known to man floating around my medicine cabinet.
My DW sometimes has extra meds left that are not taken because the Dr. prescribes more than she sometimes needs. We end up going to the drug turn in sites to dispose of some meds that have been sitting around.


Well-Known Member
I have a great relationship with my primary…he knows that at 60 years old, I know HOW to take antibiotics and how NOT to abuse them…if we needed them for a trip, we got them…
Eactly our case. All my DW's doctors knows her very well and knows she isnt asking for a med unless she really needs one. Its better she travels with something to have on hand instead of dealing with a medical emergency that may crop up.


Well-Known Member
are u having flu like symptoms or just the common cold? either way, it sucks when it happens while on vacation. we always stock up on over the counter stuff before traveling. we missed out on a day years ago. i got sick from something i ate during dinner & puked my guts out all night. we just crashed at our resort the following morning. i was too wiped out for anything. hope you feel better & are able to enjoy the rest of your trip.
First off sorry to hear this. I was on a 10 Day visit back in 2000 and I got sick with a high fever. The dixie Landings staff arranged to have me and my wife driven to and from the resort to Central to see the doctor. I had a sinus infection and they gave me 10 days' worth on antibiotics. I stayed in bed in my room for 2 days. I insisted my wife go to the parks and have a good time and I would catch up with her. She did not listen and would go to the pool and then bring back dinner for two on our food plan. On the third day I was feeling so much better and was able to go out and play. I was just a little slower in my step and by the 5th day was moving at my normal pace. My wife was a good sport and would not leave me and would hang, she would go to the pool, get food for us and watch TV. She wanted to do everything in the parks together.

I understand your feeling, but life throws a curve ball, and my wife waited and slugged it out of the park for the both of us. On a fun note, while at the doctors being examined, the nurse asked how I was feeling and I told her my Ears Were Drooping". My wife laughed so hard and until this day never lets me forget that statement. Life happens and you have to roll with the flow. Just get better and make the best time you can when you start to feel yourself. I know is stinks, but there is nothing any of us can do about it except heal and move on.

Ice Gator

Well-Known Member
I saw the title of this thread and it instantly took me back to some old memories and a funny story to share.

So for a brief exposition- I’m 24 years old and from Michigan. Cedar Point is my “local park”, but we visit Florida at least 1-2 times a year for vacations/to visit family. When I was a kid our Florida trips usually included a trip to Disney- sometimes it’d just be a stop at MK on the way to the beach, but other times it’d be a week long “Disney vacation” trip where we’d stay at one of the hotels with my whole family and we’d hit each of the parks.

IIRC this was our 2007 family trip, so I was 7 years old and being the oldest brother/cousin, was stoked to be at WDW since I loved theme parks and knew all of the Disney rides/characters. Anyways we get there on our first day and I have a combination of strep throat and the flu. Of course it didn’t bother me much since I was a kid and overwhelmed just from walking around Downtown Disney the night after the plane landed to kick off the trip.

The next day we went to Epcot and I don’t recall many details except how the night ended. We had a late night dinner at Coral Cafe (I think that’s the name of the Seas pavilion restaurant) and I had something called “meaty macaroni” on the kids menu. Well about 30 minutes later I blew CHUNKS in the restroom. My dad was holding me over the toilet, cussing up a storm because I kept missing. Looking back on it I’m sure he was way more p*ssed than I realized but didn’t seem upset at me at all, knowing I was probably sick and overwhelmed by the long day.

Well…. The next night we were at MK and ended up going to Hoop Dee Doo after. Let’s just say something similar happened during the “strawberry shortcake” segment, but it wasn’t in the restroom- it was right at the table….and continued in the restroom with my dad holding me over the toilet again. This time the curse words were 100% directed at me and I don’t blame the man. It was a bit of a mess. But hey, I was totally fine at DAK, HWS, and MK again the next 3 days so the trip was still amazing to me.

Looking back on it all I totally understand how frustrating it was from his perspective and it’s hilarious to us now. Moral of the story- getting sick at Disney sucks but it still won’t necessarily ruin your trip- just take care of yourself first though!


Active Member
On a trip in February of 2020 I felt like I couldn’t breathe enough to walk more than a few steps. Thought it was just asthma and allergies, so I rented an ECV and did the parks. I was tested afterward for Covid antibodies, and that was negative, so my pulmonologist told me it probably had been the flu. I responded that I’d already had the flu in January. Guess what - there are two strains of the flu, A and B. We think I had both that year.


Well-Known Member
Maybe not, but I hear people near the border go shopping in Mexico for stuff all the time to have on hand. Or while vacationing.
Approx 14 years ago Mexico clamped down on anyone buying antibiotics without a prescription. To buy antibiotics you need to see a Mexican doctor to write you a prescription.

Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
Thanks! Fingers Crossed!
Sometimes “sweating it out” for a day helps. Not saying it would work for you or you’d even consider, but maybe a midday stroll outside on a path less traveled would do you some good. Obviously stay hydrated and even over hydration might help you sweat more….

Not suggesting you be Patient Zero, so try the path less traveled….

I do hope you recover soon!!


Well-Known Member
I saw the title of this thread and it instantly took me back to some old memories and a funny story to share.

So for a brief exposition- I’m 24 years old and from Michigan. Cedar Point is my “local park”, but we visit Florida at least 1-2 times a year for vacations/to visit family. When I was a kid our Florida trips usually included a trip to Disney- sometimes it’d just be a stop at MK on the way to the beach, but other times it’d be a week long “Disney vacation” trip where we’d stay at one of the hotels with my whole family and we’d hit each of the parks.

IIRC this was our 2007 family trip, so I was 7 years old and being the oldest brother/cousin, was stoked to be at WDW since I loved theme parks and knew all of the Disney rides/characters. Anyways we get there on our first day and I have a combination of strep throat and the flu. Of course it didn’t bother me much since I was a kid and overwhelmed just from walking around Downtown Disney the night after the plane landed to kick off the trip.

The next day we went to Epcot and I don’t recall many details except how the night ended. We had a late night dinner at Coral Cafe (I think that’s the name of the Seas pavilion restaurant) and I had something called “meaty macaroni” on the kids menu. Well about 30 minutes later I blew CHUNKS in the restroom. My dad was holding me over the toilet, cussing up a storm because I kept missing. Looking back on it I’m sure he was way more p*ssed than I realized but didn’t seem upset at me at all, knowing I was probably sick and overwhelmed by the long day.

Well…. The next night we were at MK and ended up going to Hoop Dee Doo after. Let’s just say something similar happened during the “strawberry shortcake” segment, but it wasn’t in the restroom- it was right at the table….and continued in the restroom with my dad holding me over the toilet again. This time the curse words were 100% directed at me and I don’t blame the man. It was a bit of a mess. But hey, I was totally fine at DAK, HWS, and MK again the next 3 days so the trip was still amazing to me.

Looking back on it all I totally understand how frustrating it was from his perspective and it’s hilarious to us now. Moral of the story- getting sick at Disney sucks but it still won’t necessarily ruin your trip- just take care of yourself first though!

Geez, cursing at you for throwing up? Seems harsh. I pity the people in the stall next door during that debacle. 😂


Well-Known Member
I'm feeling really down and want to share what's on my mind. I'm currently at Disney World for a week-long trip, but unfortunately, I got sick on Monday night and am still not feeling well. We arrived on Sunday evening, and now I'm stuck in my room at Wilderness Lodge, which is really disheartening since I can't enjoy the parks. After spending a year planning this trip and looking forward to the free dining, Halloween Party, and Food & Wine, it’s tough to miss out. I took precautions like wearing a mask on the plane and frequently washing my hands, but it didn’t keep me from getting sick. Right now, I feel mentally trapped and just want to be out where the excitement is, but physically, I'm confined to my room.

Just wanted to vent my sadness and disappointment. Also jealousy at all the other guests who aren't sick.
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