asinine CM's in WDW today (12/31/04)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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alright, I went to WDW very briefly today to run an errand, and was it just me, or were several CM's rather... well, snippy, and curt today?

I can understand that it's New Years eve, but damnit, if when I was a CM I had to be pleasant and happy on these situations, these a____________s should too.

The only good experience I had was the parking lot CM who let me through while I couldn't find my AP. But then when I found my AP, it was demagnetized, and the turnstile CM wouldn't let me in with it, even after showing him ID. So I had to wait for over 30 minutes in line for an AP reprint.. something that should take no more than 10 minutes to do.

And then at Epcot GR, I had to literally argue with the CM there to have an a tripod stored there, which on any other day of the year, I've had done with no problem.

And then the delays getting out with parking CM's pointing me in every which direction EXCEPT the exit. "No, I'm not entering, I just wanna get out, so get out of my way."

I'm preparing a strongly worded email, and if I get another day like this at WDW, I will be demanding a full refund on my AP. I don't pay over $400 on admission alone (not to mention the insanely high amounts that shall never be spoken of spent on everything else there) to be treated like this. I didn't even see a single smile on ANY CM's face since I got there. Even management with blue ID's, and one blue ID with a gold stripe (hello mr. executive) were short with me. GREAT ROLE MODEL FOR YOUR CAST MEMBERS!).

Names have been taken down, emails will be sent, letters will be written.

Did I mention I experienced this in less than 1 hour in Epcot? I don't want to imagine what I would have come across had I spent a full day there.


mkt said:
So I had to wait for over 30 minutes in line for an AP reprint.. something that should take no more than 10 minutes to do.

tripod stored there, which on any other day of the year, I've had done with no problem.
I hope this doesn't sound rude because I don't intend it to sound that way, but....

Dude. You went to Walt Disney World on New Years Eve!! The #5 destination in the USA this year for NYE. Of course its going to take longer to get a reprint of your AP and I completely understand them not wanting to store your tripod for you too. If your expecting close to 80,000 people in the park could you imagine how many tripods they would have to store. If they did it for you that day they would have to do it for everybody. There are always lockers you can rent if you don't want to carry something around. Now rude CM's is a different story, that should never be allowed. But you can't expect things to be run exactly the same on NYE as they are any other day, its just not going to happen.


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering now if it would be worth the hassle picking up a new AP ticket booklet on Sunday... with the new biometric machines causing problems. One of the new machines creased my ticket in one spot the last time.

Regarding parking, I find it very odd how some CMs at the booths want to check the back of the AP tickets for the expiration date, while some just want the booklet. Its always awkward when I wait for the CM to check the ticket or get the approval to park, because if it was up to me I'd flash the booklet and cut some travel time off the schedule. :animwink:

Anyways, be sure to share that letter with us mkt, names excluded of course.


Well-Known Member
This is just like a post over on the DISboards from a woman who said she will never again visit Disney after a horrid three day trip - which happened to be Christmas and the two days following it. That's what happens when you go during the busiest week of the year (Christmas to New Years).

While there is no excuse for CM's being rude or unfriendly, the wait for an AP and the storing of a tripod (which I've never heard of - I would assume they would tell you to rent a locker) is understandably going to take longer.


Plane Crazy

New Member
Why does one go to Epcot on New Year's Eve for only one hour... and bring with him a tripod which he does not want to carry with him? It just seems like it would have made more sense to carry the tripod with you for your 60 minute excursion!

I agree, however, that the cast members should be friendly and helpful... whether the parks are crowded or not. There is really no excuse for that.


Well-Known Member
wbboy29 said:
I hope this doesn't sound rude because I don't intend it to sound that way, but....

Dude. You went to Walt Disney World on New Years Eve!! The #5 destination in the USA this year for NYE. Of course its going to take longer to get a reprint of your AP and I completely understand them not wanting to store your tripod for you too. If your expecting close to 80,000 people in the park could you imagine how many tripods they would have to store. If they did it for you that day they would have to do it for everybody. There are always lockers you can rent if you don't want to carry something around. Now rude CM's is a different story, that should never be allowed. But you can't expect things to be run exactly the same on NYE as they are any other day, its just not going to happen.

Opperation and management of the parks should be no different on New Years Eve than on any other day of the year...whether it be the situation with rude CMs or storing his tripod. If storing his tripod would be such a big deal they should never do it in the first place on any other day of the year. Rules and regulations don't change because of a larger volume of guests. If anything they should be enforced more. CMs need to be taught to maintain theire composure (I would have thought this is something any decent CM would know how to do) and act like Disney employees are supposed to act no matter how crowded the park may be.

As for the AP ticket wait. mkt is just too damn impatient! :p
I was in Epcot yesterday, and it was very crowded. As for the rude CMs... I spoke to a few, and they were pretty nice, however, they were pretty focused at doing their task at hand. During the holidays especially a lot of CMs have to cut down on fun time and concentrate on more of the park flow and their tasks. When I'm at my post, I'm usually have fun and speak with all of the guests. But for the holidays, I'm more into concentrating on making sure everyone sees the characters and that the guests get a decent photo to take home and share with their families. I do entertain a bit, but nowhere enar as much as I do during any other time of year. I'm not sure if there were any new CPs around, because the switch out time for them is right around this time of year.


Account Suspended
The thought occurs that a trip into one of the busiest vacation destinations on one of its busiest days of the year is probably a bad idea, if for just one hour.

I'm curious what was the trip for? It wasn't something that could have waited until today, when it would be much less crowded?

Now, I won't defend cms being rude to you, but that's a management/attitude issue, and not a reflection of The Disney Company as a whole.

Some of what you experienced is just a microcosm of society at large. People these days are very rude, tend not to care for others, and would fight at the drop of a hat. And usually over things that are meaningless in the grand scheme of life.

Who knows where or how all of this started, but it did. While I agree that complaint letters/emails may help, I wonder how many of these letters are actually acknowledged. And for that matter, how many cms are actually reprimanded for their actions?

I can certainly understand the heightened sense of awareness and therefore "attitude" on New Year's Eve. Maybe a little understanding is in order here? I'm sure there were a lot of "requests" from many guests for the cms yesterday. Again, not defending poor attitudes, or unprofessional behavior. Just trying to play devils advocate here.
"And for that matter, how many cms are actually reprimanded for their actions?"

I've seen many CM being reprimanded.. some understandable... Some for stupid reasons, so if the letter is sent through the proper channels... wherever that may be, the reprimanding would happen.

mkt, weren't you a cm at one point?


Account Suspended
Is that something that is placed in their hr file? Or is it verbal? Is there a 3 strike program?

The reason that I ask these questions is this:

I would caution guests that if the situation doesn't truly warrant a complaint then don't!!! These types of things can affect the ability of the cm to get pay increases/promotions, etc.

Not that there aren't times that a complaint isn't warranted. There are bad employees everywhere, not just at Disney. But I would be willing to guess that most of the time, that the guests are actually the ones out of line, and not the cms. I'm willing to believe in the cms. (hmmm where have i said that before: oh nevermind). Anyway, I believe that most of the cms are hard-working, dedicated people, who want to convey their part of the magic to the guests.


Well-Known Member
Ok I just got to comment....
Why were you there on a busy day, things are always going to be hetic no matter where, I was at H.E.B and Wal-Mart yesterday and yeah they were crazy. I can only imagine what the parks were like adn them having big problems all day.


Account Suspended
Well Atta

That's what I asked in my first post. Certainly it could've waited one day. Just seems like this was a mission doomed for failure from the start. Trying to get in and out for an hour on the parks busiest day of the year.

Yeah right


Well-Known Member
yeah Hennie i talked to a friend who was at EPCOT last night and he said it was crowded but he didnt have any complaints. I didnt talk long cause i fell asleep...good old me LOL....


Account Suspended
Having worked at TDS I can certainly understand both sides of this discussion, but I just question the decision to go on this particular day. Wondering what time of day this person went as well. I'm guessing as the day went on, all the parks became more crowded.

I certainly would've gone very early in the day if I just HAD to go, and stayed inside the park till midnight, or just stay in my room/home.
CM Complaints

on behalf of those who work on the walt disney world property:


cast members are people too. they make mistakes. they have bad days. they are forced to deal with the populations of small cities insisting that they each get treated like a princess no matter what the circumstance.

we're all doing the best we can. even on new year's eve.

are you?


Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
billybluenose said:
on behalf of those who work on the walt disney world property:


cast members are people too. they make mistakes. they have bad days. they are forced to deal with the populations of small cities insisting that they each get treated like a princess no matter what the circumstance.

we're all doing the best we can. even on new year's eve.

are you?

However, mkt, the originator of this thread, was at one point a cast member. He knows what standards CM's should be. No matter what, a cast member should never be disrespectful to a guest. On both the day after Thanksgiving and the day before Christmas, my Disney Store was absolutely packed, but we managed to maintain the quality of guest service that the Walt Disney Company is known for (I know, I know, Children's Place now...but still).


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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billybluenose said:
on behalf of those who work on the walt disney world property:


cast members are people too. they make mistakes. they have bad days. they are forced to deal with the populations of small cities insisting that they each get treated like a princess no matter what the circumstance.

we're all doing the best we can. even on new year's eve.

are you?


on behalf of the guests and shareholders whose financial contributions to the Walt Disney Company keep Cast Members getting paid,

I was a Cast Member for many years, and goddammit, like I said before, if I had to give good guest service on the busiest days of the year, there is NO reason that you should get away with not giving it.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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Plane Crazy said:
Why does one go to Epcot on New Year's Eve for only one hour... and bring with him a tripod which he does not want to carry with him? It just seems like it would have made more sense to carry the tripod with you for your 60 minute excursion!

Dropping the tripod off at Guest Relations was the errand. The owner of the tripod was in the park, and the tripod was in my possession and needed to be returned. So I dropped it off at GR under the owners name and sent the owner a voicemail (and attempted to send a text message) with the tag claim number. I've had to do this before, so why should New Years eve be any exception.

Plane Crazy said:
I agree, however, that the cast members should be friendly and helpful... whether the parks are crowded or not. There is really no excuse for that.

amen, if you can't do that, then find another job. I know plenty of people that want to be Cast Members that would do a better job than those I dealt with (except for the parking lot guy... You Rock!)

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