Thought I'd throw this out there for the creative minds on this forum: you are starting a brand new theme park from scratch, based entirely upon Star Wars. Set aside the question of whether it should or will ever happen, and just assume that it is coming down the pike. How would you set it up, and what sort of attractions would you have?
To start things off, I'd follow the classic MK, hub and spoke model. In lieu of Main Street, you'd enter through Empire-controlled Coruscant, although unlike MSUSA, it would be fully enclosed instead of open air, so it could be appropriately dark. You'd make your way towards Spaceship Ear -- err, the Death Star -- as the central icon of the park. The Death Star would house a dark ride covering the Star Wars universe as a whole.
From there, you’d have lands themed after the more iconic locations that split off from the central hub, along with a few ideas for things you might find there:
Endor (Adventureland)
Dagobah (Frontierland)
Bespin (Liberty Square/Tom Sawyer’s Island)
Tatooine (probably where Fantasyland is)
To start things off, I'd follow the classic MK, hub and spoke model. In lieu of Main Street, you'd enter through Empire-controlled Coruscant, although unlike MSUSA, it would be fully enclosed instead of open air, so it could be appropriately dark. You'd make your way towards Spaceship Ear -- err, the Death Star -- as the central icon of the park. The Death Star would house a dark ride covering the Star Wars universe as a whole.
From there, you’d have lands themed after the more iconic locations that split off from the central hub, along with a few ideas for things you might find there:
Endor (Adventureland)
- Speeder Bike E-ticket
- Treetop Village (kids playground)
- Ewok Elevated swings
Dagobah (Frontierland)
- Jedi Training Grounds (a HPatFJ-type attraction, confronting and defeating several increasingly menacing villains)
- Seems like a great place for a veggie-centric restaurant
- Yoda’s Cave (kids playground)
- Boat ride of some sort, because boat ride
Bespin (Liberty Square/Tom Sawyer’s Island)
- Soarin’ Over Bespin
- Boba Fett Launch (Tower of Terror-esque ride, except featuring a blast up rather than a drop down)
- Signature Dining at Lando’s (Colt 45 available upon request)
- Hyperspace Hoopla show
Tatooine (probably where Fantasyland is)
- Podracer Dueling coaster
- TS Dining at Jabba’s Palace
- Grab a cocktail at Mos Eisley’s (obvs)
- AT-AT Attack (Think Gringott’s-meets-TSMM)
- Snowspeeder spinner
- Wampa Frozen Treats
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