In the end, I don't think it is the fact that Disney increases their prices that bothers some, it has more to do with the prices reaching a point that said person can not justify spending "that kind of money" on a Disney vacation. I am very close to being that person. While I absolutely understand the principle that a vaction is not a "right", I can't help but feel saddness over the fact that a Disney vacation is slipping out my price comfort zone.
I personally have not received a cost of living raise in two years and this year doesn't look much better. On the bright side, I am still employed. But with the cost increase of so many things in my life these past few years, my dicretionary spending for a Disney vacation is not what it use to be. So, when I really think about the OP's original question the answer is no, I don't think Disney is nickel and diming me. I just think that I am falling into the financial category that no longer permits annual treks to my happy place. I am mostly frustrated by own personal financial situation, not Disney's right to charge what they think is fair for their product.