This is complete bulldroppings. There is no linkage between cell phones and cancer otherwise there would be an increase in cancers on the thighs and hips where people keep their cellphones and on the side of the head to which they hold their phone. And there ain't. BTW, a phone against your head has significantly greater EM energy than one against your hip or breast because it's actively communicating with a tower. But has there been an increase in brain cancer? Nope.
Just because someone gets cancer where they kept a phone doesn't mean that the phone was the cause. People get cancer all the time at different places on their body. It is almost certain that a case will break out where it is coincidentally where the person kept their phone. You need to look at the habit of the entire population and see if there is a correlation, and there isn't.
Being close to the bricks as a danger is a ridiculous claim, too. They come from the earth. We're in contact with the earth all the time. There's a trillion times more earth than what's in the wall. It's part of the normal background radiation. As mentioned above, the only concern is trapped radon, which an inexpensive detector will warn you about. I suppose you can be unlucky in that a nugget of uranium wound up in the brick in your home, but then again, you can build your house out of wood... right on top of a nugget of radium. And radon can seep up out of the ground as much from any building material.
But thank you for sharing your proof which is supposedly a government suppressed finding.