

Being from Puerto Rico, I get to go like every two years or so. I would love to be able to go like every other month or so. I have a ten year old son that has gone to the World 5 times already since he was two. We will keep going back with him until he grows up and decides that either he doesn't want to go anymore or go with his own family once he's married or whatever:lookaroun and after that I'll just keep going with my wife who, luckily for me, is also a Disney nut:hammer:.
I'm sure that once you have kids of your own, you'll definetly will have another perspective and start appreciating it from another point of view.
As for now, just keep enjoying it.
Have a Merry Christmas:xmas: and a joyous Happy New Year!!:wave:


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Original Poster
Thanks i appreciate that! And also ive been to Puerto Rico that place is beatifull!!! Words cannot express it! So ill just mumble incoherently for a while...


New Member
srkingdom2 said:
I dont have the Kojones to do that!!!
Hats off to you because i do not have the testicular fortitude to be on an airplane for 10+ hours~!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:
It's not too bad these days - watch the movies, listen to the music, read a book and eat. The time flies. It's the return home that kills as you miss a night's sleep and arrive home in the morning. I'm not too keen on the jet-lag :lol:


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The only times i have ever been on an airplane were for Disneyland and Las Vegas and those were short trips and under the influence of alot of medicines!


Active Member
barnum42 said:
It's not too bad these days - watch the movies, listen to the music, read a book and eat. The time flies. It's the return home that kills as you miss a night's sleep and arrive home in the morning. I'm not too keen on the jet-lag :lol:

It can be confusing though...
I think we somehow broke the binds of time when we traveled to Europe; we left at 9pm, arrived in Paris at around 9am, but we only traveled for about 7 hours. :veryconfu :hammer: :lookaroun


Active Member
barnum42 said:
I'm not phobic of flying and I don't get claustrophobia, so it does not worry me.

I had few panic attacks before the lack of sleep kicked in...:lookaroun
Not too good with planes...


New Member
I don't know what it is, but sometimes when you are there, you can get tired of it. Whether someone is standing too close to you in line in the sweltering heat or you just got the 3pm downpour dumped on you or you are just so tired you can't even stay awake on the bus ride back to the hotel. However, no matter how grumpy and unappreciative I can get while I'm there, I always want to go back the second I leave. I can never figure out why that is. My last trip was May and I have no plans to go back, but my husband told me a few weeks ago that he didn't think we should go again until our kids are old enough to appreciate it. The REAL kicker here.......we don't even have kids yet and aren't planning to for a few years!! :confused:

Yeah right I'm waiting that long!


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I dont know plans scare me and after 9/11 even more its frustrating.... And jet lag is horrible... Plus i am claustrophobic i cant stand being in an inclosed airplane for more than 4 hours and thats pushing it...



I understand what your saying about taking it for granted, my Boyfriend does whenever we go, and i have a little moment with him (one time was 10 minutes before Wishes), he was moaning about how busy it was, and how Dinsey and what we call magic rope/tape was doing his head in (you know when the put tape on Main Street which you are not allowed to cross to watch wishes). So i snapped at him and said, every single time I step into the Magic Kingdom or other Park in Florida, let alone Disney, I am so thankful for the chance. And it bugs me when hes not.

But then when its part of your everyday life i dont blame you for getting complaisant with it, i would too.:sohappy:

As for flying it takes me 8-9 hours depending of the route the Piolit takes. But i love it, its all part of the experiance, however I wish Cardiff Airport flew into Orlando and not Sanford it's like a giant cattle Barn.


New Member
srkingdom2 said:
I dont know plans scare me and after 9/11 even more its frustrating.... And jet lag is horrible... Plus i am claustrophobic i cant stand being in an inclosed airplane for more than 4 hours and thats pushing it...
Sad to say, in the UK we got familiar with having to deal with terrorists courtesy of the Irish paramilitaries, so 9/11 did not have that effect on my - I flew to Orlando the day after flights to the US resumed after that tragedy. The plane was still full with Britons (though we were not allowed carry on bags, just the bare minimum for the flight - I had a book and some headphones).


New Member
DisneyWales said:
however I wish Cardiff Airport flew into Orlando and not Sanford it's like a giant cattle Barn.
I don't mind Sanford. Whilst Orlando is closer to The World, Sanford is a lot easier to get through and pick up your car from.

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