AP MyMagic+ Update


Well-Known Member
So for those of you following along, I found out Thursday I had access to FP+ as a Florida resident AP, then a couple hours later, got the email notifying me I was selected for the test. (And later that day, Love also got an email to HIS email saying the same thing though I already have his AP linked to my account so I could manage it for both of us.)

I completed the Magic Band order (though I have no intention of using them and will stick with my card) to ensure I would continue to have access. I got an email today notifying me of shipping. The Magic Bands were shipped next-day air yesterday from Tennessee via UPS and are scheduled to arrive Monday.

Meanwhile, today we are heading over and I'll try out the whole FP+ thing for the first time as an apparent AP tester.

Good to hear. Was hoping we'd be included in the testing but alas it's not to be :mad:

Good luck and keep us updated :cool:


Well-Known Member
I found 2 things interesting in the invite to the test:

1) What is the part about being able to experience TWICE the experiences? Does this mean that AP holders (at least in testing) can reserve 6 per day?

2) The request to visit a park by 2/27. How did they choose people that are likely to visit within 2 weeks if it is random? I wonder if this indicates that FP+ for all APs could go live shortly after that date.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear. Was hoping we'd be included in the testing but alas it's not to be :mad:

Good luck and keep us updated :cool:

2) The request to visit a park by 2/27. How did they choose people that are likely to visit within 2 weeks if it is random? I wonder if this indicates that FP+ for all APs could go live shortly after that date.

I certainly didn't expect to be included. I think though that we may have been selected since we had a dining reservation during the window they want AP's to show up. I had a Be Our Guest adr for yesterday scheduled since August. Though perhaps I'm giving them too much credit with the logical assumption!:p

1) What is the part about being able to experience TWICE the experiences? Does this mean that AP holders (at least in testing) can reserve 6 per day?
Certainly not in my experience. It was 3 and 1 park only. I first made 2 for AK and it automatically gave me suggestions for a 3rd. (i.e. it wouldn't let me NOT pick three.) Then I changed them over to Magic Kingdom and had to change ALL three.

We got stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic on I-4 yesterday just past the Hard Rock/Amphitheater/State Fairgrounds and lasting through about Branch Forbes Road exit. (About 12 miles I think?) Took us over an hour to get that distance. The only reason we stuck it out was because of our BoG reservations. Unfortunately, this means it was nearly 4pm by the time we made it to AK.

The standby line for the Safari was 60 minutes and though it was the only thing I had really wanted to do in AK, I didn't want to wait that long. I definitely do NOT like the fact you can only get FP+ for one park. Ugh, I REALLY hate it in fact. We literally never do only one park and usually, there's one or two things we want to do in a park then we move on. Epcot would be similar for us in that we'd really ONLY want to catch Soarin' and I would hate to be forced into using all three at Epcot leaving none for MK or whatever.

After a quick visit to AK we headed over to MK. By this point it was time for our Pirates FP+ (a ride that I'm not thrilled with it having FP+ but since the only way to see the skeletons playing chess scene is now to use the FP+ line, I specifically booked it so I can add to my 11 years of photos cataloging the board.) Besides the guy in front of us blocking both sides of FP+ scanners and scanning all 6 tickets one-by-one for his family, there was no problem redeeming our FP+ reservation. I know people have reported it was slow to scan in the past, but this was my first time using it and it was very quick. Tap, moment of swirl, green. Surprisingly easy. Just as quick at the second scanner later on in the ride too.

Now I will say that Love does not read the forum or other Disney sites. So while I've told him about what's going on in generalizations, he really didn't have any detailed advance knowledge or expectations or whatever either way. His comment was that it seemed like quite a wait in line for FastPass. It took us probably 20 minutes wait for Pirates and the queue was pretty densely packed.

Big Thunder was our next and I booked it right after Pirates so we headed over there. A little bit of a line to get in (rope corral had been set up with was met with a bit of derisive snort by Love) but they were directing people to use both scanners which helped. Again, it was about a 15 minute wait or so in line. Not unreasonable but not an empty walk on either. The FP+ line was definitely running at full steam.)

After Big Thunder, we headed over to New Fantasyland for our dinner reservation. Since it's not a FP+ thing, I won't bother getting into it except to say we really enjoyed it and had a very nice dinner.

While we were there, I did push out my 3rd FP+ for Buzz because I wasn't sure we'd make it. I was able to change it on the fly on my cell (Galaxy S4/Android version of the app) to a later time very easily. Though Love's iPhone version of the app looks very different from mine, even the incremental update android got did improve response time. The iPhone app is nearly instantaneous though so hopefully, whenever we get the big update, it will be even faster still.

Also, I will comment that the Disney wifi was working really well. I get almost no cell signal inside the show buildings (like in line for Pirates for example) but still got a strong wifi signal and was able to maneuver around in the app using the wifi easily. (In both AK and MK.) And I came into range to connect to it as the parking tram was pulling into the TTC. (I wanted to test it specifically since I know a lot of people rely on it rather than use roaming data.)

So......long update long, I didn't have any problems. The only issues I had are ones with how the system is currently designed. (i.e. max of 3 FP+ and only in 1 park per day.) But picking my selections, editing them and redeeming them went without a hitch. I did like that it was easy to schedule and we could just show up and ride. I would definitely schedule again in the future to secure FP+ for things I like to ride, though I really hope they loosen up and let you pick in more than one park per day at some point.

Oh and footnote: I ONLY used my RFID AP cards yesterday. They worked without any problems so despite the fact I'm supposed to be receiving Magic Bands by mail on Monday, I'll continue to stick with my card instead.


Well-Known Member
I have an AP and just signed onto MDE and it says I will be able to make FP selections for my vacation starting May 1, 2014. I am NOT staying on property.


Well-Known Member
I have an AP and just signed onto MDE and it says I will be able to make FP selections for my vacation starting May 1, 2014. I am NOT staying on property.

A number of people have seen that and posted about it. May 1st is about 60 days from today. If you go back tomorrow, it'll probably say May 2nd.

The consensus is that the message is some sort of default message that the system is displaying because with the recent updates to the system it's on the verge of opening FP+ reservations up to everyone, but it's not quite there yet and thus keeps giving the 60-days-from-today message.



Well-Known Member
A number of people have seen that and posted about it. May 1st is about 60 days from today. If you go back tomorrow, it'll probably say May 2nd.

The consensus is that the message is some sort of default message that the system is displaying because with the recent updates to the system it's on the verge of opening FP+ reservations up to everyone, but it's not quite there yet and thus keeps giving the 60-days-from-today message.

oh, ok thanks! Well if that's the case it may be sooner then, No?


Well-Known Member
I am also one of those who got excited when I signed into MDE one day and saw a date given where I'd be able to start making FP+ advance arrangements.

However, as Rob said, every following day that I log into MDE, the date that FP+ will be available to me also increases by one day each day.

As an AP who is about an hour away and who likes to make shorter half-day trips to the park (mostly in the evenings), I am REALLY hoping to get a more firm date that FP will be available to APs.

I have to say, while I am happy for those APs who have paid the "resort tax" and have been able to keep making their FP arrangements, it does seem very odd that those who have stayed at resorts continue to be able to use that perk and the rest of us are still waiting...kind of upset by that.


Well-Known Member
Wohoo, just tried MDE and as AP holders we can now make FP+ reservations :happy::happy::happy:

I hold my hands up, I'd had my doubts about this but now we can do it. We're not visiting till September so it'll be a while before we can make any for then but I've been having a play around (without actual booking them at the final step) and it looks good to go. Interestingly both Epcot and the Studios have a two tiered system for booking.

For example at Epcot you are invited to select 1 FP+ from IllumiNations, Maelstrom, A meet and great, Soarin or Test Track, followed by 2 FP+ from Captain Eo, Journey, The Land, Mission Space, Spaceship Earth, Nemo and Turtle Talk.

For Disney Studios you are invited to select 1 from Beauty and the Beast, Fantasmic, Rock n Roller and Toy story, followed by 2 from Disney Junior Stage, Indie, LMA, Muppets, Star Tours, American Idol, Great Movie Ride, Tower of Terror and Little Mermaid.

The Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom just have a one tier system where you can select 3 things from everything.

I've had no emails from Disney regarding this and I know a few days ago this option was still locked. We have Premium AP's but haven't made any resort reservations or stayed on property for over 10 years so I'm assuming this is now open to all AP holders?

Whilst I prefer the old FP system of just getting them on the day, we are looking forward to booking our FP+ selections nearer to the trip. Just thought I'd let you all know just incase it's unknown to some.

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