No, but if you are going to post information about discounted room rates from a not official Disney site, all I'm saying is disclose the source of your info. Your OP indicated the info was not yet on Disney's website and appeared to be a cut and paste from something. Your OP was not about a rumored ride closing/refurbishment (how many words have been typed about the removal of the hat at Hollywood Studios) but about room prices, something more people are concerned about than a hat since it personally affects them in their pocketbook. And if you discover the source of your info is incorrect, just post a correction as soon as possible. "Oops, sorry folks, the info I posted from Mousesavers was inaccurate. The rates are actually good through March 28th and rooms must be booked by March 25th. Sorry for the confusion.". i.e., own up to it when you post inaccurate information, rather than getting your panties in a wad. I've been chastised for the same thing and apologized for any confusion I caused.
If you go back and read my posts, I was defending my comments and Belle's response from Trotsky's onslaught. And my comment was about a possible typo in the original post to explain why I found the info on MDE that Trotsky insisted didn't exist since I thought he was intentionally being obtuse and a jerk....
Btw, I learned about the discounts not from this thread but from the email I received yesterday. I had updated my existing reservation with the new discounted rates several hours before I saw this thread. Which I stated in one of my posts.