We stayed at LM rooms it was a bit of a walk for some of our party. We actualy drove to the front of the resort, that possibly might work for you. But if your looking to save more then go to pop, or even other all-stars if possible. POP has it's perks as far as it's own bus. We figure how much are we actually use the room ,(which usually shower, sleep, & change) The relax day at the pools is a good idea break the parks up a little to help rest your bodies, in the cool pools will help the muscles. It helps us alot, we usually split the days up, & if you plan on going to all the parks & it's been awhile since you was there, mite want to do the park hopper just in case there is a park you just want to go to for example maybe to just do fantasmic or whatever & however your plans work & do what is best for you. All of the ideas help of coarse but it does come down to whats best for you & what works for you & your family.