My family is kind of the reverse...Started out loving it and then became indifferent to it. Both my parents grew up in poor midwestern households with many siblings so going to WDW for a visit was never an option, and my grandparents couldn't really afford to give them a lot of Disney related products (not that there were as many back then). So love of Disney was never very prevalent. But because of their upbringing, and with my mom especially, she had some of that mentality that she wants to give my two brothers and I everything she never had. We weren't spoiled by any means, but for instance, Disney World was on her list of vacations not because it is the "the vacation to do with kids" but because it meant so much to her that she could give what her parents unfortunately couldn't.
We went multiple times during my childhood and loved every minute of it. But my two brothers hit their teen years and as is typical, boys can't really like Disney without being made fun of. And they got busy with other activities as well, which is fine. At a certain point, they realized there were more girls out there than Cinderella too
But some of that perspective rubbed off on my parents. And then prices started creeping up to the ridiculous prices they are today... That was the biggest turn off for them, which is really sad when you think about it. Nothing like losing most of a loyal family because of price.
So currently, I hold the Disney torch for my family. My mom went with me a month ago and think was reminded of what love we all had for it at one time. That being said.. We could not have afforded that 5 day vacation for all 5 adults in our family. So now if anyone chooses to go, it's always a small separated part. So therefore, most of my family is indifferent and I can't really blame them. They don't hate it but they don't care either. Maybe someday Disney will come back to a more affordable pricing model once they price out the majority of their fanbase and the average joe.. Seems like they want to get there