Anyone Going to be At wdw Sept 12-19?


Original Poster
Im leaving Saturday 9-11 from chicago and will be ariving 9-12

(traveling with parents Last time they went they took me in the 80s They they wanted to take 2 days Personally I drive Straight Threw)

Anyone worried about Ivan The next hurricane heading that way? I hope it breaks up Before it hits any land but i really would like to see it stay away from florida for sure

Just wondering if anyone else is going to be there next week.



Active Member
Ivan appears to be headed towards Ms/La coast. We are leaving on the 17th and may be packing while under hurricane warnings. All I know is we have to worry about it either way it goes now unless it just fizzles out. I am over all of these storms this year and I know Florida is ready for this to all be over.


Original Poster
after wdw Sept 17 where going to new orleans for 3 days So hopefully The storm breaks up compelety Never been there and would like to see it Are you driving?

How long does it usally take i heard the pan handel is a huge speed trap?


Active Member
It takes about 9 to 10 hours from here to Orlando driving which we are doing. We are an hour outside of New Orleans. From the looks of the five day forecast for Ivan, we look like we are right in the direct path. You will love New Orleans if you get to go. We go very often, especially to concerts and shopping. BTW, the Pensacola area on I-10 is a definite speed trap. The speed limit goes up and down. Kadee and I were discussing that on another post because it is so notorious for that.


Original Poster
Looks like you might be leaving at the right Time. Is that when the hurricane is suppost to hit the Ms/La coast sept 17-18?


Active Member
You never know with these storms. It depends on how fast it is moving and if any fronts come through. It will most likely be around here towards the end of next week which means we probably will be packing while we are under a hurricane warning. I am looking forward to WDW, but I am also worried about my house and my family that will be here if it hits after we are on the road. :brick:


We will arrive in WDW the morning of the 14th and will be there until the 27th (Except for when we're on the Wonder) We are concerned about the hurricane but I am getting tired of worrying. I have had my mother talking about hurricanes since I told her we had booked our cruise last June. Three months of her telling me all about hurricanes (Like I've never been through one. Hello! I was there during Andrew too!) mixed with all the news about hurricanes during the last month. Man, I really need a vacation!


Well-Known Member
I'm scheduled to be there between the 10th and 18th. I have reservations for off-property, but I'm trying to get a spot on-property given their excellent hurricane track record.


We're leaving this Sat, the 11th, to drive down. We'll be at MK on the 14 and all of Disney through the 21st.

I've decided not to worry about Ivan. If it comes, we lose what, one day? Doubtful it'll be like Frances and take 3 days. So I'm just gonna make the best of it.


New Member
My husband and I and our daughter will be arriving at Port Orleans Riverside on the evening of Sept. 10th and are staying until the 18th. I refuse to worry about Ivan. If it is going to happen, it will happen. Worrying about it isn't going to change a thing. Have a great time and maybe we will see you there!!
My wife and I are leaving on the 15th and coming back the 22nd. I've been LIVING on for days now praying Ivan fizzles out or avoids any land.


Active Member
Families 1st trip to see THE MOUSE!

My parents are driving down from Chicago 9/12, the rest of us arrive 9/13-19th to POFQ. My nieces and nephew are so excited I don't have the heart to tell them a storm may mean we have to cancel our trip! :cry: I don't want them to have to spend the majority of their trip in a resort room. I'm thinking about changing to a resort that's larger with more restaurants just in case. Here's hoping Ivan goes elsewhere.

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