I'd have to say that I do prefer SM to RotR. It's not so much about the RotR ride experience as it is who this ride, and the whole GE area, was designed for. The current LFL president did say this..."So we really should think about do we want to build a Tatooine, and build what all the fifty-somethings remember Star Wars is or do we want to build something else which is going to appeal to all the upcoming generations who are going to know the new stories". Well, right now I'm one of those fifty-somethings with money to spend... somewhere else. Let's see all the upcoming generations and where they spend their future money.
Also, Star Tours, which used to be my fav, has also been changed up for another generation of SW fan. I used to be excited to ride ST, but no more. I guess it's only a matter of time before that classic AT-AT and Endor set are changed out for the upcoming generations.