Anyone else feeling "humbug" this time of year?


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In the Parks
To quote my father: "the older you get, the less fun Christmas becomes" And he's right. I'm feeling downright crappy right now and can't wait for Christmas to be over. I don't know what I can do to get out of my funk so I'm turning to you fine folk

What I REALLY need is a trip to my happy place...and October can't come soon enough :(

Anyone else got the blues this time of year and the only cure is more Disney?


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
We are at an "in between fun Christmas" stage of our lives. The boys are 17 1/2 and almost 19. So, too far removed from having adorable little kids and a good 7 - 10 years shy of having grandkids.

After 4 horrible Christmases, this year I have determined to do my best to enjoy it.
2009 - my dad was dying.
2010 - my dad had passed and my mom was drinking
2011 - my mom had just suddenly and unexpectedly passed
2012 - I was still licking my wounds.
2013 - my favourite brother's 17 year marriage has just collapsed.

You see, there will always be a reason to be sad at Christmas, and I have absolutely cried a few times this season, but there are so many rich memories to draw from, to help make it through.

My mom was a Christmas fanatic, and always made Christmas extra special. Not just for her own kids, but for her sister's kids when we were growing up; and then for her grandchildren.

My dad decorated the outside of our house to the extreme when we were little. He was Clark Griswold before there was a Clark Griswold. My mom was in charge of decorating the inside, and finding and purchasing the exact right gifts for her four kids. They spent waaaaay too much money every year, and we ate a lot of Kraft dinner and hot dogs every January as a result, but my mom had a knack of getting everyone the one thing they really, really wanted. When the grandchildren started to come, she stepped it up even further. Her home was transformed to a Christmas Wonderland, and Santa stopped in every Christmas Eve.

Fast forward ....
My dad got sick less than 4 weeks after we got home from Disney in Ocober 2009. We missed our annual 2010 trip because of my dad's passing. He had been sick for 7 months with cancer, and unable to work. My mom also stopped working to care for him, so my husband and I were paying a lot of money to keep them going. After my dad died in May, we took on the full financial responsibility of my mom. We undertook some renovations to our home and she moved in with us in April 2011. She was heart-broken, unwilling to look after herself, and weighed 92 pounds. The first few months that she was with us were not pretty. The details don't matter, but suffice it to say that I was very angry with her. We are a very faithful family. We believe in God and Heaven, and celebrate death, referring to it as "Graduation Day". And for some reason, my mom was not sticking to the script. Anyways, after 3 1/2 months of living with us, she stopped drinking, joined a bereavement group, started eating and showering again, and slowly became Mom/Nana again.

So, 2011 was going to be a Jen/Hubby special trip year. I had just bought a brand new car, so we were going to drive for a change. One week at Disney, and then a side trip on the way back to NC to Chapel Hill. Hubby is a huge Tar Heels fan (even before Michael Jordan), and we had planned a trip to the museum and had game tickets. WDW was booked - 8 days, 7 nights at POR, Keys to the Kingdom tour, free dining ... November 14-21. This was going to be my first time seeing the Osborne lights. No kids. A well deserved break. A leisurely 2 day drive down, leaving on the 12th. On the 5th, the Saturday before, I was out getting everything ready. Went to the library, hand washed and vacuumed my new car, picked up groceries, plus the regular Saturday chores and errands.
My mom had gone to stay with my brother the week before, as he and his wife had split up and he was in complete meltdown. My brother finally tracked me down and said mom wanted me to come over to help her decide if she needed to go to the hospital. She had a really bad pain in her back. At the time he called me, I was with Hubby and Son #2. I spoke to her on the phone and could tell she was in a lot of pain. I told my brother to call an ambulance and after I dropped off my kid, I would meet them at the hospital. But no, they both wanted me to come to the house first. I got there about half an hour later, at which point my brother had just called for an ambulance, which took about 15 minutes to get there, as it was not an emergency. The paramedics assessed her, gave her oxygen, and based on her vitals and pain level, said that she needed to go to the hospital. This was at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 5. She died at 11:00 p.m.

Visitation on the 8th and 9th, funeral on the 10th .... Guess who didn't leave for Disney on the 12th. I phoned my travel agent first thing on the Monday morning, and she handled cancelling everything. Disney credited my MC everything but the initial $200 depisit, which I could have recovered through the cancellation insurance I had purchased, but that task got lost in the shuffle that happens after the passing of a loved one.

So that's Christmas 2011 that stunk. Also, second year in a row, I missed my trip. (Although I did have all the fun of planning, booking, and then cancelling everything.)

2012, Hubby had experienced a career change, and was unable to take time off work to go to WDW. But you go, Jen, he said. And so, I did. I went with my SIL (the one who had left my brother the year before ... but hey, she was my best friend before she even met my brother), her 19 year old daughter, and another brother's 9 year old daughter. We travelled 11/10 - 11/21 (give or take a day, I can't find my trip calendar).
The first night, we saw the Osborne lights, I just stood there and bawled. Not a few, pretty little tears trickling down my cheeks. I mean, bawled. Deep hiccupping, runny nose, look like an idiot, sobbing. And so began the healing, a year later. Christmas without her, still sucked, but I was on my way to letting go of the anger, and the disappointment.

And this year, as I said, I have determined to make the most of it. I put effort into decorating, for the first time in a couple of years. I bought my gifts early, and did the bulk of the wrapping in November, because I hate last minute shopping and wrapping. I have decided to do ham for dinner instead of turkey, as it is so much easier (although twice the price). Both my boys are under one roof for the next few days. I have a husband who loves me more than anything, and three brothers who think I'm pretty special. And I have memories. Memories of the two most wonderful parents. Memories of wonderful childhood Christmases. Memories of my sons' magical first Christmases. And I have hope. Hope that things will continue to get better. Hope that my brothers will have peace and harmony restored in their lives (either with or without their spouse). And hope, that some time in the future, I can make Christmas magic for my grandchildren, and be half the Nana that my mom was.

Sorry for the really long post. I'm sure I'll go back at some point and delete 3/4 of it.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Wow @JenniferS you've had a LOT on your plate the last few years. I offer a *hug* and my condolences.

I will stop throwing myself a pity-party and be thankful for what I have. I really needed that! Merry Christmas!!


Well-Known Member
The first Christmas after mom died, I dreaded it, knowing it would be terrible...and it was rough. The second one, I figured would be much easier, so it hit me even harder. The next one was easier.

This year, dad is gone. The house we celebrated in is waiting to be sold. We could go there, but there is no purpose to it and it would seem so very empty...just a reminder of who isn't there. It's completely different. We are traveling.

I wonder how many people go away for Christmas because they don't want to face it without a loved one.

Anyway, people die, it's part of life, things have to change. I'm going to smile my way through it. It's still Christmas. There is still love. I know it that it will get easier. :)

Have to look on the bright side because the dark side...well, that's just a sucky place to look!!!!


Well-Known Member
The first holidays after you lose a loved one are always the toughest, but it does get easier once you start your own traditions too.

Huge ((HUGS)) to all who are facing the holidays missing loved ones this year - may the joy of the season find its way to you too.
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Premium Member
Hello, and sorry you're feeling blue. May I share with you something my grandmother told me when I was a little girl. She said that if you're feeling down in the dumps, the best way to start feeling better is to do something nice for someone else. It will take the focus off your own problems, and you'll feel good about helping out someone else.

Just last week, I had a miserable commute to work one morning, due to inclement weather, a delayed train, etc. As I exited the train station, I saw a man collecting donations for the Salvation Army. I put a few dollars in the container. He said thank you, and had the nicest smile. I smiled back at him, and I started to feel happy again.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Normally I am just fine and jolly around this time of year, but this imaginary war on Christmas has gotten me out of the mood over the last few years.


Well-Known Member
I wasp excited for Xmas initially until I woke up this morning...sick!?!

Now I'm jut hoping I am well enough so I don't have to miss out on anything!

Ba humbug!!!


Well-Known Member
Christmas is changing for us as our boys get older. There's no big surprises this year which kinda stinks. They literally picked out their gifts online & I entered the payment info. LOL! Seeing their faces light up when they awoke Christmas morning to a mountain of mystery gifts used to be so mind-blowing. That's just not possible this year. We're currently living in a rental house I hate. We prob'ly won't be here much longer. Half or more of our stuff has never made it out of boxes because this place has always felt so temporary. It took threats from my boys to even get the tree put up at all. Our home is waiting for a new tenant which stinks. I hate having that big question mark hanging over me. But, you know, it is what it is. If I think about it I stress so I try not to think about it too much. Just so much in limbo at this moment it's hard to find the joy in the holiday season. A week or so ago (my, how time all runs together nowadays) I had to go on a little drive and found my Grinchy little self listening to Christmas music in my car. When I'm tired and bored in the car I like to sing just because it entertains me. So, I'm singing along to some of my favorite Christmas hymns and started thinking about what I was singing. Wow. Really. It was a good perspective check. Christmas is a time of celebrating and appreciating the sacrifices made for us (not to go all church-y because I don't even go to church). You can't put a dollar sign or a specific place on what Christmas is. Who cares that we can't amaze our nearly-grown kids the way we used to. Does it really matter that the house isn't rented out yet? So what if we're living under this roof temporarily. Christmas day is a gift unto itself. A few evenings over the past week or so we've sat together as a family and enjoyed a fun Christmas movie. We spent a whole evening decorating our tree with all our little keepsakes from our family's history and adventures. My 17 yro has been working insane hours leading up to Christmas. He works at Hobby Lobby. Even tho he's part time they've needed extra help so the last few weeks he's worked anywhere from 39-47 hours. I MISS my KID! He's off Christmas day so I'm really REALLY looking forward to having that day with all of us here together. We'll have our favorite Christmas morning breakfast of orange danish & cinnamon rolls. My inlaws, my sis-in-law, and her family are all coming over that evening to have a jambalaya & cornbread dinner. It's going to be a fantastic day of fun and savoring some increasingly rare together time with my 3 favoritest guys in the whole world.

I say turn on your old favorite Christmas songs and sing like nobody's listening. Think about the things that are important and focus on those. Don't worry about all the commercializing, traffic, life, etc. etc. There's so much more to this holiday than all that. The way I see it, the world can go to hell in a handbasket around me and make Christmas into a big money grab. I'm not. I'm grateful for a parent who gave their child to the shortcomings of man so that we all can have a second chance at forgiveness. I'm grateful for the most important part of my life: my family. If we had nothing under our tree it wouldn't matter. Our gifts are all the bits of our lives that are sprinkled all over our tree.

That's how I beat my Grinchy-ness this year.

All my love, hugs, and wishes for blessings to all my WDWMagic family! Merry Christmas, y'all. I'm thinking of you so you're here in spirit. :inlove:


Well-Known Member
We are at an "in between fun Christmas" stage of our lives. The boys are 17 1/2 and almost 19. So, too far removed from having adorable little kids and a good 7 - 10 years shy of having grandkids.

After 4 horrible Christmases, this year I have determined to do my best to enjoy it.
2009 - my dad was dying.
2010 - my dad had passed and my mom was drinking
2011 - my mom had just suddenly and unexpectedly passed
2012 - I was still licking my wounds.
2013 - my favourite brother's 17 year marriage has just collapsed.

Sorry for the really long post. I'm sure I'll go back at some point and delete 3/4 of it.

Don't delete a word of it! Thanks for sharing.


Premium Member
I know what a lot of you are talking about. I'm kind of in the Christmas mood but kind of not. It is my second Christmas without my mom and it is just as hard as last year. And my dad decided to move to Florida (due to my husband's job as a pastor and having to visit his family we can't got down there for Christmas) and it is the first time I'll have Christmas without him, and we won't be in my childhood home. Had a lot of other stuff going on at home and work that I'm just looking forward to a break for a couple of days here. I just have to remember to count my blessing, as I really do have many. So everyone try to have a good Christmas!

Dog Ate Mouse

Well-Known Member
This year we are down, my Mom is in Hospice and is fading. Seeing her makes me sad and brings tears to my eyes. Last week was the first week that the DW and I had any Christmas spirit. We decided to go out and get a real tree. We were out on the farm when it was 28 degrees with snow falling. We had a cup of fresh Hot Chocolate and walked around and picked out our tree. We then went home and decorated it. It was the first time in weeks that we actually had a happy moment. This past weekend I purchased tickets and we went and saw the Trans Siberian Orchestra, we went out to dinner prior to the show and then after the show we had a feeling of peace. I am going to lose my Mom, the last of my parents. We have taken care of her for 10 years before Hospice and she lived with us for 10 years. It is a hard time but we realize that Christmas is going to come and it's simple little things this year that gets us realizing that Christmas is so much more then presents and lights and music. The religious aspect for us I feel has been our salvation during this difficult time. Our two dogs have been our therapy and our 6 year old grandson just received a new puppy as an early gift from Santa. We are 50 years old and young grandparents.
Honestly I love and have always loved Christmas and in 2014 plan to go to WDW for 10 days and do something completely different. I am pretty much a happy person and a little kid at Christmas and in WDW. I plan to not dwell on Mom but remember and honor her and move on and find my smile like she would want me to. Christmas is difficult facing death this year but every so often we see a little Christmas spirit/magic that reminds us of how blessed we are and have been during this difficult time. If you want to find your spirit, for no reason at all just go and help some one or buy a gift for a needy person or go to a nursing home and just sit and talk to the elderly. You will see them smile and that will bring joy to you as well. It, not about giving gifts this time of year, it's about helping one another for no reason at all with no expectations of ever receiving anything back in return. You see those good deeds and caring is what makes this season so special and magical. I just wish that more people would do these good deeds all throughout the year instead of just Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Lucy Van Pelt: I know how you feel about all this Christmas business, getting depressed and all that. It happens to me every year. I never get what I really want. I always get a lot of stupid toys or a bicycle or clothes or something like that.

Charlie Brown: What is it you want?

Lucy Van Pelt: Real estate.


Well-Known Member
Christmas Eve was magical. We attended the candlelight service at church - I played my little heart out and the old church organ behaved! It's my most favorite service of the year - I love the Christmas music, the darkened church lit only by candles - the feeling of joy that permeates just about everyone at this time of year. If only we could keep it going just a bit longer and center it more on the real reason and less on the trappings - but that is a message for another time. Anyway, it was snowing as we were leaving the church! True, it was just one of those Cape Cod ocean effect snows but it was still snowing on Christmas Eve! Today, I spent time with my family and we remembered by dad and how much he loved his family and the holidays - and it was a good day.
Blessings to all.

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