I sort of agree. I feel like the movie petered out a little after Let It Go. However, it's a bit too far to call the first half a trailer. There are four or five songs before Let It Go, two or three of which are really good.
While I will agree that there is a bit more there in the beginning, I really couldn't stand those songs. There are many people who criticize Randy Newman for creating those "singing what your doing" musical numbers, but in my opinion "For the First Time in Forever" is the definition of singing what your doing.
"The window is open, So's that door, I didn't know they did that anymore, Who knew we owned 8000 salad plates?"
See what I mean? People knock Princess and the Frog for their soundtrack but I'd rather have any of those songs play in loop before I listen to that Frozen song again. I don't feel completely the same about "Love in an Open Door" but again that song for me isn't up there with the greats (Friend Like Me, Kiss the Girl, Be Our Best, etc.)
Well, love conquers all, but not in the standard way. Not love of a handsome prince and princess, but love between two sisters. The handsome prince is the bad guy.
Sure, this isn't the traditional method but it's just a few minor tweaks from the real thing. Like I said before, as I don't have any siblings, the message of "sisterhood" went right over my head and didn't hit me with the emotional impact it did for others. On the other hand, the ending of Wreck-It Ralph where he says "Turns out I don't need a medal to tell me I'm a good guy, 'cause if that little kid likes me, how bad can I be?" hit me in a big emotional way as I am someone with low self-esteem, which probably didn't impact people on the same level as myself.
Again, I'm not trying to say Frozen is a horrible film, it's far from it. I just don't understand how there can be so much love for this film. Pardon the pun but I feel like this film has become crack for the general public where they just can't get enough. Every woman I see has that Elsa hair, people stand in 7 hour lines to meet two characters, I just don't get it. Personally I thought Muppets Most Wanted was a far more enjoyable film and every song was so catchy. Also, I'm sorry but Constantine the Frog blows Olaf out of the water as far as a memorable character. If anyone out there hasn't seen the interviews with Ricky Gervais and Constantine do yourself a favor and watch them, they are so hilarious.
To wrap things up as I stated earlier I seem to be in the minority when it comes to popular films such as Frozen, The Avengers, etc. It seems if I dislike a film, the entire world will go nuts over it. Maybe I should get a job in Hollywood predicting the box office