Any other moms out there sad that kindergarten is almost over for their child?


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Original Poster
Today is my oldest's last day of Kindergarten and I am a wreck. I had no idea I would be this sad.

I know there are many more wonderful years ahead of us, but this has been such a magical year and I am so sad that this experience is over.

Next year "real" school starts. A longer day (his kinder is only a half day), desks, homework.

I'm just so sad!:cry:


Well-Known Member
Aw! I can remember the last days of K for my two DDs. I know how you feel.

Starting "real" school is even more exciting in many ways, but also brings its own tribulations.

Life goes on. Let yourself be sad for a while. But then look at all the great stuff ahead. Hope you cheer up soon! :)


Active Member
Awww...I understand your feelings, my son is moving on to first grade also. :) Although my son has extended days because of his special needs, I have already gotten used to having him there all day. I was a wreck last year at the prospect of it. :cry: Each school year gets progressively faster I think. My oldest is entering junior high, and that makes me go :eek:

I know it's hard to believe at first, but you will welcome having more flexibility when your child is full-time.


New Member
Here is FL kids go all day to Kindergarten so I am used to that now but it was hard that first week!!!:( But my daughter is SO excited about starting 1st grade!!!!! She said to me "Mommy can you BELIEVE it......can you believe that I am going to be in First grade!!!!" It made me sad:cry:(growing up SO fast) excited:sohappy: and happy:)(that she LOVES school) all at the same time!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
My second daughter was the same way. When she "graduated" from Kindergarten, she asked me, "Am I a first-grader now, or do I have to wait until school starts again before I'm allowed to say that?":lol:


Well-Known Member
My daughters were only a year apart in school, so I had to go through the same set of emotions twice in rather quick succession. Although they are both now grown and on their own, I remember very clearly the feelings connected to the end of kindergarten. It's sorta like the first time they cross the street without holding your hand. You want to grab that hand, but you know the time has passed. So it is with the end of kindergarten...the time has passed and it's time to move on.
((HUGS)) Mom.
Feel a little sad...but look forward to all the firsts and lasts the future will bring.


New Member
when my son started i was sad almost started cring 1st day but i didnt say anthing other then have a great day at school gave him a hug and a kiss and its been that way ever since but he only goes half a day.Now that the school year is over had a meeting wi th his teacher and everyone and they are not sure if they are going to let him go in the 1st grade he is trying but looses interest in what the teacher is doing and its hard to get his attion i was angry because school is almost out and now they call a meeting.It up sets to know that they waited this long he also has problems with the teacher when he has to go potty he has to go right then and there i even told her that she said its not a problem but then at school she made him wait and he wet his self after that he came home cring said the teacher thinks he is a baby i would love nothing more then to tell her what i think about her how ever i know it wouldnt help him any.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Just think of it this way. Your goal as a parent is to raise an intelligent, well mannered, respectful, adult that will have a positive effect on society. Every milestone they reach, going from day care to kindergarten, kindergarten to 1st grade and so on is one more step closer to that ultimate goal. If you look at it that way those millstones will not be something to be sad or depressed about, rather they will be an event to be proud of and looked forward to. When your son/daughter starts 1st grade next year think not of how you are loosing your baby think of how you are one year closer to your child going out and making a positive impact on the world and one year closer to you successfully accomplishing the job of being a good parent.


New Member
Just think of it this way. Your goal as a parent is to raise an intelligent, well mannered, respectful, adult that will have a positive effect on society. Every milestone they reach, going from day care to kindergarten, kindergarten to 1st grade and so on is one more step closer to that ultimate goal. If you look at it that way those millstones will not be something to be sad or depressed about, rather they will be an event to be proud of and looked forward to. When your son/daughter starts 1st grade next year think not of how you are loosing your baby think of how you are one year closer to your child going out and making a positive impact on the world and one year closer to you successfully accomplishing the job of being a good parent.

Nerver thought of it that way!!! VERY WELL PUT!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Just think of it this way. Your goal as a parent is to raise an intelligent, well mannered, respectful, adult that will have a positive effect on society. Every milestone they reach, going from day care to kindergarten, kindergarten to 1st grade and so on is one more step closer to that ultimate goal. If you look at it that way those millstones will not be something to be sad or depressed about, rather they will be an event to be proud of and looked forward to. When your son/daughter starts 1st grade next year think not of how you are loosing your baby think of how you are one year closer to your child going out and making a positive impact on the world and one year closer to you successfully accomplishing the job of being a good parent.

So well put.
We have already gone through the process of marking those milestones and are now at the point where we can see the rewards of being responsible, involved parents. Nothing we will ever do in life will be as important as raising them. Over the years, we learned to balance love with discipline, praise with criticism, and encouragement with responsibility. As a result, the little girls we sent off to kindergarten all those years ago now have a lot to offer to the world. As for us, all of the love, respect and admiration we have for them is given back to us tenfold everyday. We are blessed.


Active Member
my kids had full-day kindergarten, too, in the same building where they would have 1st grade, so I don't remember any sadness at the end of that year. graduation from preschool was the time I got teary-eyed.

my advice? invest in Kleenex, you're going to need it. my older dd is going to graduate from high school in a few weeks and I am alreay becoming a basket case -- the last school concert, the end of year dinner for the cheerleaders, the senior prom, graduation...and all the thinkgs she needs to do to prepare for college in the fall....


Premium Member
My daughter was in preschool this year and the whole experience start to finish was wonderful. I'm going to be crying my head off when it's over. Next year both kids will be in school from 7:45 a.m. till 3:45 p.m. I won't even know what to do with myself!


Well-Known Member
Every milestone is bittersweet with children - they grow up SO fast. Celebrate the end of a year of accomplishments, and look ahead to many more!


Well-Known Member
I can't wait until the last day of Kindergarten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I'm a Kindergarten teacher) :) ha ha!

Love my job, but they EXHAUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well my youngest (DS) is going into the 3yr old class next year and I cannot believe he is already that old. My oldest (DD) is now 12 and going into Jr High. :eek: I am so not ready for that. And my neice is graduating and going off to college. Talk about making me feel old. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Just think of it this way. Your goal as a parent is to raise an intelligent, well mannered, respectful, adult that will have a positive effect on society. Every milestone they reach, going from day care to kindergarten, kindergarten to 1st grade and so on is one more step closer to that ultimate goal. If you look at it that way those millstones will not be something to be sad or depressed about, rather they will be an event to be proud of and looked forward to. When your son/daughter starts 1st grade next year think not of how you are loosing your baby think of how you are one year closer to your child going out and making a positive impact on the world and one year closer to you successfully accomplishing the job of being a good parent.

Master Yoda, you are so wise :lookaroun :lol: Seriously, excellent post.

I'm greatful my son made it through kindergarten. I'm very excited about him starting first grade. However, he's been in a half day kindergarten, so the first day of 1st grade will be hard for me. My youngest will be going to 3 year old pre school 3 days a week, so it will give us more alone time, so that will be good.


Active Member
Original Poster
Thanks for all of the supporting words!

I almost made it through pick up without crying.....but then his teacher told me about something they did at chapel (he goes to a Christian school so they have chapel once a week). They had a special all school end of year chapel honoring the seniors.

The head of school was speaking to the seniors, and then he asked the kindergarteners to stand. Then he talked about how they were at the begining of the journey that the seniors had just completed, etc...etc....

Then he had each kindergartner go sit in the lap of a senior for the rest of chapel, and the seniors walked them back to class.

Of course this was enough to make the tears start flowing, but at least I was not the only one...lots of other parents were crying to!


New Member
Thanks for all of the supporting words!

I almost made it through pick up without crying.....but then his teacher told me about something they did at chapel (he goes to a Christian school so they have chapel once a week). They had a special all school end of year chapel honoring the seniors.

The head of school was speaking to the seniors, and then he asked the kindergartens to stand. Then he talked about how they were at the beginning of the journey that the seniors had just completed, etc...etc....

Then he had each kindergärtner go sit in the lap of a senior for the rest of chapel, and the seniors walked them back to class.

Of course this was enough to make the tears start flowing, but at least I was not the only one...lots of other parents were crying to!

What a GREAT way to make the Seniors feel special and the Kindergartners feel special!!!!! So touching!!!!

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